same production line with EPQ assumptions. The
resulting model is a mixed nonlinear problem with
linear and nonlinear constraints. The mathematical
analysis presented justify an efficient resolution
method based on identification of sub problems with
good properties. It also make possible to compare
decisions processes with different decisions makers
(e.g. marketing and inventory) and highlight their
importance in the profits of the company. The
numerical analysis shows that all instances generated
are solved rapidly and infeasibility or negative profit
situations are detected. Higher profit can be obtained
with joint optimization when inventory holding cost
are very high (larger that common assumption of 20%
of unit cost over one year) and demand are low.
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function parameters compared to the others. Future
research may extend the model to consider additional
real case assumptions. The first one would be to
consider more segments in the market with respect to
different quality levels of returned products. Shortage
situations, inventory capacity limitation, multi
products and stages are worth developing. Financing
parameters are also to be developed for
remanufacturing and recovery activities.
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