Figure 6: Validation accuracy and the training loss corre-
spond to three distinct approaches to generating attention
maps on CUB-200-2011 using ResNet18. Our OcCaMix
method of generating attention maps in red curves performs
the best, exhibiting a larger convergence speed without re-
quiring an additional network.
requiring no pre-trained models or additional training
modules. We propose a method utilizing regional op-
erations of arbitrary shapes in deep learning and ex-
pect that more work will be proposed to get rid of
the limitations of square-shaped region operations in
deep learning networks. Comprehensive experimen-
tal results have demonstrated top performance on var-
ious benchmarks and models. Moving forward, our
study will expand to include weakly supervised object
localization, unsupervised learning, self-supervised
learning and masked models.
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Image Augmentation Preserving Object Parts Using Superpixels of Variable Granularity