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In consequence, we proposed a solution for prob-
lems that are fully observable in the form of such a
system of two components. The reasoning compo-
nent will make use of a KB organized as a layered
directed acyclic graph and after a sufficient period of
learning and generalization the learner will turn to the
KB to expedite the process of learning the optimal
policy. This is analogous to capitalizing on memory
of past experience, that forms the cognitive abilities of
the solver, in the face of the unknown, which is much
better than facing the unknown with high hopes.
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proposed neuro-symbolic framework to partially ob-
servable environments and the integration of addi-
tional cognitive elements in the KB. Furthermore, we
are exploring enhancing the efficiency of the inferen-
tial procedures in the proposed KB structure. Ad-
ditionally, we plan to conduct empirical validations
across diverse problem domains to provide insights
into the broader applicability and robustness of the
proposed approach, paving the way for advancements
in neuro-symbolic systems for artificial intelligence
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Towards Knowledge-Augmented Agents for Efficient and Interpretable Learning in Sequential Decision Problems