a domain, that is well suited for downstream tasks
based on object geometry. Applying our approach
to different tasks, we showed that the image-to-line
transformation can be decoupled from these down-
stream tasks, and we presented various methods to fa-
cilitate the transformation. Our experiments showed
that our method can be a drop-in to improve object de-
tection quality, even using datasets with semi-realistic
synthetic data. The intermediate line representation
also enables novel augmentation methods, further im-
proving network generalization to real-world data. Fi-
nally, we demonstrated how our approach could be
used in a real-world use case by training a network to
identify objects in a bin-picking scenario without any
real training images.
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eas for further exploration and optimization. The pro-
jection of images to their abstract representation is an
additional step that requires computation time, and
optimizing the runtime should be a focus in follow-
up work. One promising idea is to use knowledge
distillation with a student-teacher approach producing
smaller image-to-image networks based on the pre-
sented ones. Additionally, we believe the downstream
networks can be trimmed down since the abstract in-
put data contains condensed, more meaningful data
than pure color images.
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Hub for Advanced Research at Friedrich-Alexander-
at Erlangen-N
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VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications