In conclusion, this research presents an innovative
and cost-effective approach for the detection of noise
in knowledge graphs, a pervasive issue that hinders
the effective utilization of KGs for a range of ma-
chine learning applications. We propose TrE-ND,
which harnesses the strengths of multiple KGE mod-
els, leading to a statistically significant improvement
in noise detection accuracy. The experiment results
show the resilience of this approach in noise detection
and KG evaluation, even under high levels of noise.
Future research needs to continue exploring cost-
effective and efficient noise detection strategies, en-
abling the full potential of KGs in various domains.
There is significant promise in the development of
techniques that optimally balance cost and accuracy.
In particular, the development of semi-automatic
methods that leverage the integration of Large Lan-
guage Models (LLM) for the validation of triples
could offer a promising avenue.
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Cost-Aware TrE-ND: Tri-embed Noise Detection for Enhancing Data Quality of Knowledge Graph