This study addresses the urgent need for timely and
accurate flood inundation mapping in the face of in-
creasing climate-induced challenges. We introduce
a novel dual encoder-decoder architecture that con-
sistently demonstrates superiority over state-of-the-
art models across both Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 im-
ages, as evidenced by comprehensive quantitative and
visual analyses. The versatility of this model is
crucial, highlighted through comparative analyses of
each satellite image under different conditions, re-
vealing strengths and limitations in various scenarios.
XAI is leveraged to better understand the
decision-making process of these models. It is shown
that not only is the proposed model the most accurate,
but it has also learned to detect flooded areas more ef-
fectively with greater confidence, showcasing its im-
proved trustworthiness for practical applications.
Despite the success of the proposed model, further
refinement techniques should be incorporated in the
future to enhance segmentation results, such as con-
ditional or Markov random fields. Attention mech-
anisms have also demonstrated superior results in a
range of computer vision tasks, particularly channel
and spatial attention. The incorporation of these tech-
niques can enhance the interpretability of the model
by highlighting the regions that the model paid atten-
tion to, without the need for additional post-hoc XAI
The use of additional data is likely to improve the
results of the work. Deep learning models continue
to im-prove as more data is added, allowing them to
learn more complex feature representations more ef-
fectively. The inclusion of different data types, such
as Digital Elevation Models (DEM) and Light Detec-
tion and Ranging (LiDAR), can provide more detailed
information about the topography of an area. This en-
ables the models to generate more precise flood maps,
as well as more detailed explanations through XAI re-
garding how environmental factors impact flood inun-
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ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence