ally we briefly compared Amazon Kinesis Data Ana-
lytics with Microsoft Azure Stream Analytics in Sec-
tion 5. Already in (Schulze et al., 2023) we evaluated
Apache Storm.
Since all those tools mostly fulfilled our require-
ments, comparisons may need other criteria as well.
The suitability of a tool depends on more individual
circumstances, such as which kind of ’shop’ you are
– for example, Amazon vs. Microsoft –, but also how
high the own development and administration effort
should be.
In future work of ours, we will also provide in-
depth evaluations of Microsoft Azure Stream Analyt-
ics regarding our EPN model requirements.
Therefore, the decision for a suitable tool is based
on the effort, the control and the costs involved. For
these reasons, no absolute recommendation can be
made. Rather the authors recommend examining each
individual use case or at least a set of typical ones, in
order to select the ideal tool.
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Is Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Suitable as Core for an Event Processing Network Model?