Experimental Application of Semantic Segmentation Models Fine-Tuned
with Synthesized Document Images to Text Line Segmentation in a
Handwritten Japanese Historical Document
Sayaka Mori and Tetsuya Suzuki
Department of Electronic Information Systems, College of Systems Engineering and Science,
Shibaura Institute of Technology, Saitama, Japan
Text Line Segmentation, Historical Document, Deep Learning, Semantic Segmentation, Data Synthesis.
Because it is difficult even for Japanese to read handwritten Japanese historical documents, computer-assisted
transcription of such documents is helpful. We plan to apply semantic segmentation to text line segmenta-
tion for handwritten Japanese historical documents. We use both synthesized document images resembling
a Japanese historical document and annotations for them because it is time-consuming to manually annotate
a large set of document images for training data. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the effect of
fine-tuning semantic segmentation models with synthesized Japanese historical document images in text line
segmentation. The experimental results show that the segmentation results produced by our method are gener-
ally satisfactory for test data consisting of synthesized document images and are also satisfactory for Japanese
historical document images with straightforward formats.
Transcription of Japanese historical documents is
not only a fundamental task in historiography and
Japanese literature, but it has also gained importance
in recent years with efforts to transcribe earthquake
historical documents and use them for disaster pre-
vention (Rekihaku, National Museum of Japanese
History et al., ).
It is difficult even for Japanese to read handwritten
Kana, which is a type of Japanese characters, used in
historical documents because they are quite different
from those currently used.
For this reason, text line segmentation, which is
one of the elemental technologies in transcribing his-
torical Japanese documents, is helpful.
We plan to use semantic segmentation for text line
segmentation for handwritten Japanese historical doc-
uments. Because constructing a large set of manu-
ally annotated document images for machine learn-
ing training data is time-consuming, we automati-
cally synthesize a lot of document images resembling
Japanese historical document and their annotations,
which are center line images of text lines, using a
modified version of our system (Inuzuka and Suzuki,
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the
effect of fine-tuning semantic segmentation models
with synthesized Japanese historical document im-
ages in text line segmentation.
The organization of this paper is as follows: In
Section 2, we explain the characteristics of the target
handwritten Japanese historical document. We then
summarize related work in Section 3. We propose our
method in Section 4. Section 5 describes an experi-
ment to select the best semantic segmentation model
among seven models. Section 6 describes an exper-
iment to apply the best semantic model to the target
document. Finally, we provide concluding remarks in
Section 7.
We selected ”The Tales of Ise” (Reizei, 1994) as a tar-
get handwritten Japanese historical document because
the format is relatively simple. As a result, it is easy
to generate document images resembling those of the
Fig.1 shows the characteristics of its page layout,
which make it difficult to segment text lines.
Mori, S. and Suzuki, T.
Experimental Application of Semantic Segmentation Models Fine-Tuned with Synthesized Document Images to Text Line Segmentation in a Handwritten Japanese Historical Document.
DOI: 10.5220/0012433100003654
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2024), pages 826-832
ISBN: 978-989-758-684-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.