Through a systematic experimental setup, covering
diverse scenarios, we identified key factors influenc-
ing the accuracy of aerial image-based relative object
position estimation, including plane misalignment,
3D structure uncertainties and calibration errors. We
developed mathematical models, and used them in a
unique simulator that allowed us to conclude the fol-
Our main contribution is the evaluated projection
error of 3D-modelled traffic participants. We showed
that the distortion originating from this factor is min-
imal, when the object is below the camera (nadir) and
increases as the object moves away from the camera.
We also demonstrated that, the initial angular mis-
alignment of the marker and camera causes a signif-
icant error. Thus, a precise calibration is crucial for
aerial image-based positioning, especially for long-
range applications.
Setting the distortion and bias parameters to val-
ues that correspond to practically relevant use cases,
we found that in near range, the error of aerial image-
based relative object position estimation is less than
10 cm. Thus, under the aforementioned circum-
stances, the novel approach can achieve a precision
comparable to other, more complex, radar or LiDAR-
based methods. To reach a better precision, or a sim-
ilar precision for a wider range, one can use, for in-
stance, complex camera systems.
Future Work. In this stage, the simulator is ready
to build up a simple 3D world-model and simulate
basic error factors. Further developments can lead
to a more realistic simulated environment, including
topography; different weather conditions (rain/fog);
random noise. More realistic camera models can be
implemented, considering resolution, field of view,
and gimbal stabilization biases. Finally, more so-
phisticated error metrics can be developed for further
Project no. C2286690 has been implemented with the
support provided by the ministry of culture and in-
novation of Hungary from the national research, de-
velopment and innovation found, financed under the
Furthermore, I would like to express my gratitude
to M
e Fugerth, Marcell Nagy, Anna V
amos and to
my company Robert Bosch Kft. for supporting my
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Error Analysis of Aerial Image-Based Relative Object Position Estimation