Further studies will focus on scaling of the observed
phenomena with the size of the dataset - a very impor-
tant question for real applications and related to en-
ergy saving and sustainability questions. It may well
be that for certain data it is useless to increase the size
of the data, because model performance is already in
saturation. Further, we will study the shape of the
transition in detail for a statistically representative set
of models, e.g. CNN vs. RNN vs. perceptrons. Lastly
we will extend the study to more diverse datasets.
Information theory provides definitions and inter-
pretations of quantities also known in statistical me-
chanics, such as entropy, in a way that is readily us-
able in the context of our experiments. A future goal
concerns theoretical work on universality of phase
transitions and scaling laws for (model, data) tuples
and their representation with respect to given tasks,
like classification and regression. The goal is to uni-
versally compare models and datasets to one another
with respect to robustness, to infer both dataset com-
plexity and model robustness, ultimately defining uni-
versality classes, as are well known from the theory of
phase transitions.
Eventually, we expect that studies on the finite size
effect, i.e. little data and/or small networks play a cru-
cial role. Our final aim is to provide a tool to deter-
mine the optimum network size and data size for a
problem given, in particular when data quality is un-
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merich, M. Quade, and M. Schultz. This work is sup-
ported by the KI:STE project, grant no. 67KI2043 by
the German ministry for ecology. This research was
supported in part by the National Science Foundation
under Grant No. NSF PHY-1748958.
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ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence