The results indicate that while OFT provides a
framework for accurate line prediction when it de-
tects them, its overall line feature detection rate needs
enhancement. On the other hand, the BEV FastLine
demonstrates an improved balance between detecting
lines and maintaining a lower false positive rate.
These observations warrant further investigation
into the underlying factors contributing to the perfor-
mance disparities. It is conceivable that the intrinsic
characteristics of the LSS method, such as its focus
on learning from a comprehensive point cloud, may
afford it a broader detection capability. In contrast,
the OFT method’s dependence on transforming image
features to an orthographic view might limit its sensi-
tivity to certain types of line markings or variances in
environmental conditions.
In conclusion, our proposed methodologies intro-
duced in this study provide a significant advance-
ment in line landmark detection for autonomous park-
ing systems. The empirical results underscore the
precision of both methods, with the BEV FastLine
approach demonstrating a commendable balance be-
tween precision and recall. This balance is crucial for
real-world applications where accurate line detection
is instrumental in safe and reliable vehicle navigation.
The OFT + SingleShot method, also superior in
precision, when compared to baseline OFT based seg-
mentation model. The current work lays the founda-
tion for future enhancements in detection rates and
suggests that a hybrid approach may yield a more op-
timal solution. Such improvements are vital for nav-
igating complex environments and ensuring compre-
hensive line detection coverage.
The Fast Splatting technique introduced in our
work requires 4X less computational time when com-
pared to started cumsum operation and also suitable
for neural engines on the embedded systems.
Finally, the work delineated in this paper signif-
icantly enriches the evolving domain of autonomous
vehicle technologies. By highlighting the strengths
and areas for development in line landmark detection,
it steers future efforts towards creating more sophisti-
cated and robust systems. These systems will be es-
sential in realizing the full potential of autonomous
vehicles, ensuring safety, efficiency, and reliability in
automated parking and beyond.
The authors thank Valeo Vision System for their sup-
port, resources, and the opportunity to contribute to
the broader research community with this work.
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VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications