The feature dimensionality reduction and SMOTE
techniques increased prediction accuracy; however,
they were unable to accurately predict the severity of
heart disease. Previous studies have adopted a one-
time classification, i.e., targetting all the data
simultaneously to classify severity levels from 0
(non-heart disease) to 4 (the highest severity of heart
disease), such as the work done by Abdellatif et al.
(Abdellatif et al., 2022) that adopted an extra tree.
Our intuition is that the features to classify heart-
disease severity levels differ depending on levels 0 to
4, which leads to the idea that relevant features are
better adapted depending on which severity levels to
classify. Therefore, a hierarchical binary
classification (HBC) is adopted, starting the
classifications from the lowest severity (large number
of patients) to the highest severity (small number of
patients). This classification technique also
beneficially makes the binary classification for
imbalanced data closer to balanced data. That is, the
first prediction targets the classification between level
0 and the rest (levels 1 to 4), followed by level 1 and
the rest (levels 2 to 4), then level 2 and the rest (levels
3 to 4), and finally level 3 and 4. This approach allows
for the adoption of relevant features in each
prediction. In addition, medical knowledge and
statistical information are adopted to decrease the
feature space to increase the prediction accuracy.
Specifically, the continuous values are converted to
binary data in the data-preprocessing step,
contributing to the efficient learning of the model.
mRMR is also adopted as a dimensionality-
reduction method owing to its exceptional
performance (Wang et al., 2022). Additionally,
SMOTE is adopted to balance the dataset for
prediction, as in the work of Lakshmi et al. (Lakshmi
and Devi, 2023).
Our contributions are summarized below:
1) A novel classification method is proposed to
predict the severity of heart disease in
cooperation with HBC to maximize the use of
features that characterize each severity level.
2) Medical knowledge and statistical information
are adopted to decrease the feature space.
3) Experimental evaluation using the heart-disease
dataset from the UCI machine-learning
repository confirmed the highest severity level
prediction accuracy of 93.13%. When specialized
in the Cleveland dataset, the proposed approach
achieved an accuracy of 96.67% compared with
that of a state-of-the-art method (95.73%).
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows. The related work is described in Section 2
and the dataset used in this study is presented in
Section 3. The methodology is presented in Section 4,
followed by an experimental evaluation in Section 5.
Finally, the study is concluded in Section 6.
The heart-disease dataset provided by the UCI
machine-learning repository was originally published
by Janosi et al. in 1988, which is the most commonly
used dataset on heart-disease prediction. The
prediction targets determine the existence and the
severity level of heart disease. Recent studies
utilizing the UCI dataset are summarized in Table 1.
The first eight studies predicted the presence of
heart disease. Akgül et al. (Akgül, Sönmez, and
Özcan, 2020) proposed combining an artificial neural
network (ANN) with a genetic algorithm. Gupta et al.
(Gupta et al., 2020) proposed a feature selection
method for data in which quantitative and qualitative
variables were mixed through a factor analysis of
mixed data (FAMD). Lohumi et al. (Lohumi et al.,
2020) used normalization for data preprocessing and
found that the ensemble learning of random forests
(RFs) achieved better accuracy than those of other
ensemble learning methods. Xiao et al. (Xiao et al.,
2020) proposed the use of a deep-residual neural
network and found it to be superior to conventional
machine-learning methods. Rao et al. (Rao, Gopal,
and Lata, 2021) found that each data from four
locations had a distinct suitable model to predict.
Balamurugan et al. (Balamurugan et al., 2022) found
that using an enhanced deep-genetic algorithm as the
classification method and stochastic gradient
boosting-recursive feature elimination (SGB-RFE) as
the feature selection method improved accuracy.
Pratama et al. (Pratama et al., 2022) proposed using
the F-score for feature selection and gradient tree
boosting for classification.
The state-of-the-art method (Wang et al., 2022)
achieved 100%, 98.3%, and 99.0% accuracy in
predicting the presence of heart disease in the
Cleveland, Hungarian, and Long-Beach-VA datasets,
respectively. They pointed out that the high
dimensionality of features prevented the
improvement of accuracy. Therefore, they compared
five types of dimensionality reduction methods:
Principal Component Analysis, Linear Discriminant
Analysis, Kendall, RF, and mRMR. Then, they
concluded that mRMR was the best.
The remaining seven studies predicted the
severity of heart disease. Amin et al. (Amin, Chiam,
and Varathan, 2019) proposed Vote, which used the
identified significant features and a best-performing
data-mining technique. Mohan et al. (Mohan,
Thirumalai, and Srivastava, 2019) proposed an RF