Figure 8: Selected eigen images of ”closed book” showing
visibility of letters obscured by blank pages and/or another
tably, it is possible to discern letters from deeper lay-
ers; for instance, the letters ’L’ and ’A’ on the fourth
and fifth pages, respectively, despite being masked by
other (blank) pages and letters.
We introduced a new methodology for the simulta-
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images. Addressing the challenge of pronounced
blurring at lower frequencies and significant noise
at higher frequencies, we developed a two-pronged
process: 1) a selective band-by-band deblurring for
the lower frequency bands, and 2) a projection of
the HS data cube onto a lower-dimensional sub-
space to effectively mitigate noise. The initial re-
sults are encouraging, demonstrating robust perfor-
mance across the frequency spectrum. This is par-
ticularly noteworthy given that various samples may
exhibit distinct characteristics at different frequen-
cies within the THz range. Moving forward, our ef-
forts are directed towards evaluating our approach on
complex, multi-layered samples, including sealed an-
cient manuscripts, to validate further and refine our
This project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation pro-
gramme under grant agreement No. 101026453. The
authors would like to thank Alessia Artesani and Ste-
fano Bonetti for their support in data acquisition.
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VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications