ACD approach outperformed traditional Conflict-
Based Search (CBS) in real-world-inspired scenarios,
where deviations from planned paths and unexpected
factors could influence multi-agent coordination.
In our exploration of penalty size, we considered
multiple factors, including conservative values, simu-
lated mission impact, and insights from real-world ex-
periments. This comprehensive approach to penalty
selection ensures that the penalties are not exagger-
ated purposefully to magnify the approach’s advan-
tages but show a fair if not understated estimate of the
method’s effect.
In summary, the results of our experiments sug-
gest that the Adaptive Conflict Detection approach is
a promising candidate for addressing the challenges
of real-world multi-agent path planning. By proac-
tively detecting and resolving conflicts, this approach
showcases its potential for improved performance and
reliability in practical applications.
This work is supported by the Innovation Fund Den-
mark for the project DIREC (9142-00001B) and the
SDU Industry 4.0Lab.
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