4) Other Related Work. More generally, there are also
other generic approaches that aim to specify or ver-
ify modeling space automatically either to increase
the size of test data for model Transformations with
well-structured models or even to be used as input
data for model transformation by-example. This pa-
per (Fleurey et al., 2009) describes one of the most
genetic approaches by proposing a set of rules used to
evaluate the correctness of input models.
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erate models in random way or without verifying all
conformity constraints. In this paper we proposed an
approach to automate the generation of model focused
only on its metamodel by using ”Multilayer Percep-
tron Network” to obtain good and verified models in
order to reduce costs and time of software develop-
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using other techniques. Also, we propose to apply
other maching learning methods to have a compar-
ative study that aims to select from a set of propoer-
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Automatic Generation of Models from Their Metamodels Using Multilayer Perceptron Network