when GCG was used. Overall, it can be deduced that
both SCG and GCG can potentially be leveraged in
the estimation of cardiovascular parameters.
In this work, the performances of the SCG- and GCG-
based models in stenosis and regurgitation assessment
were investigated. Additionally, the predictive per-
formances of SCG- and GCG-based models on the
cardiovascular parameters (ejection fraction, left ven-
tricular end diastolic dimension and left ventricle pos-
terior wall thickness) under stenosis and regurgita-
tion conditions were studied. Overall, it was found
that the GCG-based model performs slight better than
the SCG-based model in distinguishing between the
stenosis and regurgitation cases, most probably as
the GCG could capture the angular characteristics of
the blood flow better than the SCG. Additionally, the
best performing axes were found to be the lateral and
head-to-foot axes.
For the regression tasks, the SCG and GCG had
comparable performance in the estimation of ejec-
tion fraction, left ventricular posterior wall thickness
and left ventricular end diastolic dimension. Models
based on SCG demonstrated slightly higher perfor-
mance compared to those based on GCG in estimat-
ing ejection fraction and LVPW. On the other hand,
the estimation of LVEDD showed a relatively lower
error when GCG-based model was used. In conclu-
sion, it can be inferred that both SCG and GCG can
potentially be used in estimating various cardiovascu-
lar parameters.
Future work will focus on improving the current
pipelines further to enable real-time monitoring of
VHDs and validating these pipelines in larger datasets
to ensure generalizability.
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Performance Comparison of Gyrocardiogram and Seismocardiogram Signals in Valvular Heart Disease Assessment