An Enterprise Architecture-Based Approach Towards More Agile
and Resilient Command and Control
Ovidiu Noran
and Peter Bernus
IIIS Centre for Enterprise Architecture Research and Management, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia
Keywords: Defence, Command and Control, Resilience, Architecture Frameworks, Enterprise Architecture, Power and
Energy, Autonomous Hybrid Power and Energy Intelligent Mobile Module, Hybrid Intelligent Tactical
Abstract: Challenges to the global power balance leading to the possibility of peer warfare and technological advances
enabling autonomous and swarming-capable vehicles performing increasingly complex operations in
contested environments have prompted a stringent need towards more agile and resilient Defence doctrines.
On the other hand, Disaster Response efforts also require a more versatile and robust Command and Control
(C2) approach in the context of increasing intensity and frequency of natural disasters triggered by climate
change. The efforts towards addressing these C2 challenges typically consider the required aspects in
isolation, although more often than not they are closely related and as such, changes to one C2 aspect may
have unintended effects on the others. Therefore, a holistic approach is required considering the overall effects
of the envisaged transformation, so as to maintain the consistency of the C2 evolution effort. This paper
proposes such an integrated method that employs Enterprise Architecture modelling artefacts facilitating an
overarching approach towards more agile and resilient C2 evolution. A case study is employed to illustrate
the concepts proposed and further analyse the relation between the changed warfare and disaster response
paradigms and more agile and resilient C2 approaches.
The world is changing at an accelerating pace. World
powers attempting to change the global post-war
order and impose a model similar to their forms of
government (Adler et al., 2023) bring the prospect of
near-peer warfare. Ever more present unconventional
warfare (Kilcullen, 2019) is increasingly using AI-
enabled robotic and autonomous systems displaying
self-organisation and swarming behaviours often
surpassing their manned counterparts. On the civilian
side, the increasing intensity and frequency of natural
calamities owing to climate change also requires a
shift in strategy so as to ensure continued effective
disaster response and management.
As there is a similarity between conditions in a
contested military operation environment and
unstable, rapidly changing situations during a natural
disaster, a synergy between the two domains emerges.
Thus, both of the above-mentioned domains need
more agile and resilient Command and Control (C2)
approaches (Australian Defence Force, 2020), also
considering changed human computer interaction,
trust and risk aspects. Beyond mere automation,
existing processes must be actively redesigned in
view of the new approaches (Pilling, 2015).
Current attempts at tackling this challenge appear
to look at these aspects in isolation, although they are
typically related and as such changes in one area may
produce unintended ripple effects in others. This
paper proposes an integrated approach that aims to
preserve the integrity of the required C2 evolution
effort, using Enterprise Architecture artefacts.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: a brief
description of main C2 concepts and challenges is
refined into concrete lines of action towards C2
evolution. The EA artefacts and principles to be used
are introduced next, followed by the presentation of
the case study and definition of a novel concept that
requires evolved C2 approaches. The outlined C2
Noran, O. and Bernus, P.
An Enterprise Architecture-Based Approach Towards More Agile and Resilient Command and Control.
DOI: 10.5220/0012443700003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 622-633
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
lines of action are then employed for the case study,
using the proposed EA approach. The paper closes
with conclusions and proposed further work.
The military domain has defined the term ‘Command
and control’ as the application of […] direction by a
suitably designated authority over assigned resources
with the purpose of accomplishing a common goal
(Stanton, Baber, & Harris, 2018). Command is
considered more high level, communicating intent,
while control is typically specifying more detail in
how that intent is to be accomplished. There is an
extensive body of knowledge in relation to C2, which
has been reviewed in synthesizing some of the most
important C2 challenges in view of the changed
nature of conflict and disaster response.
2.1 Defence HQ C2 - Issues
Faced with the significant challenges described in the
Introduction, an evolved Defence HQ (currently
designated as ‘5
Generation’ (Yue, Kalloniatis, &
Kohn, 2016)) should be agile - i.e., be able to
promptly adopt suitable organisational structures
matching the complexity of-, and dealing with a set
of plausible scenarios (Ashby, 1958; Mintzberg,
1979). As such, extensive research has been
performed into the agility of Defence HQ and
especially C2. NATO’s C2 Agility report (NATO,
2014a) features prominently in this specific body of
research, outlining ‘Approach archetypes’ tied to the
levels of a well-defined ‘NATO Network Enabled
Capability C2 Maturity Model’ (N2C2M2) (NATO
RTO, 2010). The approaches are represented as areas
within a system of tri-dimensional axes comprising
levels of information distribution, patterns of
interaction and allocation of decision rights
respectively. The approaches deemed to perform the
best in the presence of uncertainty typical in rapidly
changing and contested environments are those
featuring the higher values along this axis system, i.e.
the C2 ‘Collaborative’ and ‘Edge’ approaches.
The N2C2M2 model has been tied to C2 agility
(Moffat, Huber, & Alberts, 2012) and has also been
validated in several real situations (Farrell et al.,
2013); however, traditional reluctance and resulting
slow progress present in the military towards
adopting the more inclusive and collaborative
approaches depicted in the model (Meddings, 2020)
significantly affect current efforts towards more
Agile C2. Moreover, it is highly likely that several C2
approaches may need to coexist at the same time
within Joint Forces (Alberts & Conley, 2015; NATO,
2014b) often featuring heterogeneous participants
such as international (Allied) Forces, Defence Force
components (Army, Navy, Air Force), or Army units
interacting with civilian organisations (e.g. in case of
disaster response and relief (Ries, 2022)), which adds
to the complexity of the situation.
As a result, there is a need to acquire preparedness
towards a) adopting each of these C2 approaches but
also towards b) the ability to change the C2 approach
following changed internal and/or external
conditions. The chosen C2 approach must match the
situation and be underpinned by adequate information
where and when required, collected using appropriate
communication and interaction (Vassiliou & Alberts,
2013). Note that the apparently simplest solution of
going directly for the most agile C2 approach rather
than building capability to switch on demand is
typically not the best solution as it is neither trivial
nor inexpensive to achieve (NATO, 2014a). Thus, a
highly agile C2 approach requires organisational
preparedness involving a substantial degree of trust
featuring highly distributed decision rights,
information sharing and the existence of suitable
policies and processes (Vassiliou, 2010) supporting
adequate interaction patterns; importantly, it also
carries an increased amount of risk (NATO, 2014a).
Hence, the best strategy is to match the C2 approach
agility to the situation and be prepared to switch as
The impending perspective of near-peer warfare
situations requires enhanced control so as to maintain
initiative in a complex operations environment
(Systematic, 2023). In addition, the firmer
establishment and evolution of unconventional
warfare as seen in recent and current conflicts
requires doctrine evaluation, update and if necessary,
even discontinuation (Kilcullen, 2019).
Another current C2-related issue is the need to
separate Control from Command in order to allow for
proper AI involvement (Alberts & Conley, 2015), as
AI is intended to be involved mainly in the Control
part. To accomplish this task, one needs a tool that
allows clear modelling of the boundaries between
Command, Control and Execution.
The increasingly automated and autonomous
systems’ capabilities also require new suitable C2
approaches (ibid.) which will not arise naturally but
need to be deliberately designed and adopted.
Swarming is an increasingly important aspect of
the autonomous paradigm involving a group of
simply-behaving entities that together achieve
desired results or behaviour (Bürkle, Segor, &
An Enterprise Architecture-Based Approach Towards More Agile and Resilient Command and Control
Kollmann, 2011). Despite noise in the environment,
errors in processing information and performing
tasks, and a lack of a global communication system
(highly likely in an anti-access (A2) or area denial
(AD) situation), swarm-capable assets remain
efficient at performing group-level tasks, which is
paramount in successful execution of missions. Thus,
the swarming paradigm needs to be considered as
well in the C2 evolution effort.
The Science, Technology and Research (STaR)
Shots Agile Joint C2 program (Defence Science and
Technology Group, 2020) defines additional facets of
C2 agility that have to be addressed, which, together
with the other above-mentioned aspects, have been
compiled in Table 1. Note that, in the table, ‘sub-
issue’ indicates a specific area of the issue and ‘scope’
designates the context / area of application.
Table 1: Compiled C2 Issues.
It is hypothesised that these aspects typically
influence each other and therefore, should be
analysed in an integrated manner.
2.2 Lines of Action (LOAs) Towards
More Agile and Resilient C2
The previously identified issues can be used towards
synthesizing several more concise Lines of Action
(LoA) in regards to C2 evolution.
1. Support an improved C2 manoeuvre agility
combining the use of an Extended OODA (Observe,
Orient Decide and Act) paradigm (Meddings, 2020),
the NATO NEC C2 maturity model (N2C2M2,
(NATO, 2014a)), the Cynefin complex situation
decision-making framework (Snowden & Boone,
2007) and suitable trust and risk models. This will
facilitate understanding the factors and requirements
involved in achieving and maintaining a suitable C2
manoeuvre agility as part of an iterative process.
2. Evolve C2 towards supporting a harmonious co-
existence of several C2 agility approaches and
interoperability (Alberts & Conley, 2015) as required
e.g. in Joint and Disaster Relief operations (Ries,
3. Clearly delineate Command from Control in order
to make use of significant recent AI developments
(Alberts & Conley, 2015) and to represent the
paradigm change required to deal with peer warfare
involving A2 or AD (Russell, 2017) situations,
typically encountered in contested environments
featuring high uncertainty.
4. Clarify how C2 must adapt to the new paradigms
of Autonomy and Swarming (Campion, Ranganathan,
& Faruque, 2019; Madey & Madey, 2013). Due to
technological advances, intelligent multiagent
systems play an increasing role in military and
disaster relief operations, both as an advantage and as
a risk (McLennan-Smith & Adams, 2023).
5. Promote C2 Resilience via Distributed Control.
The A2 / AD situations likely in a near-peer warfare
situation or an ongoing natural disaster event imply a
degraded network environment (Farrell et al., 2013)
typically resulting in confusion and isolation. In this
context, C2 resilience becomes paramount in order to
execute the full required range of military or disaster
relief operations (Hostage & Broadwell, 2014). In
addition, the current Centralised Control paradigm
needs to be evolved to a Distributed Control pattern
(ibid.) so as to control the increasing complexity and
required bandwidth of modern warfare. Uncertainty
and high dynamics require representing current and
emerging resilience needs, to enable adequate design.
6. Assist C2 Evolution. Explicitly represent the
transition to the new C2 approaches and artefacts
required for the new warfare and disaster
management paradigms, importantly including
temporary co-existence of legacy- and new solutions.
The increasing complexity encountered in the C2
domain in the context of peer, asymmetrical and
accelerated warfare can be tackled by dividing and
organising the relevant concepts according to various
Issue Sub-issue Scope
Approach Switch
Human Computer
Artificial Intelligence
Autonomy Swarming
Real time mission
Augmented Reality
Virtual Assistants
Resilience Swarming
AA / A2
Organisational Cultures HQ Agility
C2 Architectures Agility Warfighter
Data Analytics
Large and Diverse Data
Enable rapid
execution of
command intent
Situational Awareness
and Sense - Making
Innovative Systems
Decision making
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
suitable criteria. This endeavour can be assisted by
using a framework that will ideally make use of a
metamodel supporting the integrity and consistency
of this taxonomy. Within such a framework, the
above-mentioned criteria would constitute viewpoints
reflecting stakeholder group concerns.
This paper proposes adopting this approach for
the C2 Agility endeavour, by using an artefact
originating in the domain of Enterprise Architecture,
namely ISO15704:2019 Annex A: The Generalised
Enterprise Architecture and Methodology (GERAM)
(ISO/IEC, 2019). GERAM has been chosen because
it is an overarching Enterprise Architecture
Framework (EAF) that synthesizes the elements of
several other mainstream EAFs. In addition, GERAM
is an established and proven concept, having been
used in several projects in domains including Disaster
Management (Noran & Bernus, 2011) and C2 Agility
(Noran, 2023).
The Reference Architecture component of
GERAM, namely GERA, contains a Modelling
Framework (MF) comprising a set of viewpoints
which can be used to produce a ‘shopping list’ of
required aspects for a specific modelling endeavour,
while maintaining the consistency of the resulting
models. By tying the specific aspects into a shared
underlying metamodel, the proposed MF supports a
common stakeholder understanding of the present,
future and necessary transition steps, which are
essential in the current C2 endeavour. The GERA MF
is represented in Figure 1, which also shows an
example of how to create a modelling construct by
selecting a set of viewpoints appropriate to a specific
The metamodel and ontology underpinning the
C2 modelling effort can be expressed using the
Generic Instantiation level, while the contents and
suitability of candidate templates and relevant
standards can be represented using the Partial model
level (see Figure 1 top). The life cycle concept
(deemed essential here as a context for managing the
C2 agility aspects) is represented through the vertical
dimension of the GERA MF.
Note that, although the life cycle aspect in the GERA
MF does not include time, GERA itself does include
a temporal aspect in the form of life history, which
can be used to follow the relevant entities along their
evolution (see Section 4.3.6 for an example).
The GERA MF can represent the extents of agility
and resilience for the entities involved along their
entire lives and how they relate to- and may influence
the other entities’ agility and resilience. This in turn
shapes their desired co-existence (see Section 4.3 for
a concrete example).
Figure 1: GERA MF and the example creation of a
modelling construct for dynamic business models.
In addition, standards employed in this area (see e.g.
STANAG 4603 (NATO, 2015)) able to support
essential aspects such as federated interoperability in
the IoT context (Brink, Vasilache, Wrona, & Suri,
2022; Manso et al., 2022) can also be represented by
the chosen GERA MF using the Partial model level.
The manner in which EA artefacts can assist the C2
LoAs is exemplified below within a case study that is
relevant to Defence and Disaster Response but also
applies to other situations involving uncertainty and
high dynamics.
and Control
Cust Service
Particular level
m. design
ed design
and Control
Product or Service
LC phases
Prelim. design
Detailed design
and Control
Product or Service
LC phases
Prelim. design
Detailed design
An Enterprise Architecture-Based Approach Towards More Agile and Resilient Command and Control
4.1 Setting
Continuous and adequate Power and Energy (P&E)
availability is essential in order to complete missions
(NAVFAC, 2016) whether military, or for disaster
relief. This aspect involves three main requirements:
reliability, resilience and efficiency (NAVFAC,
2021). Among these, resilience is especially
important as P&E infrastructure is typically subjected
to disruptions, either to starve the opponent of energy
in a conflict (Samaras, Nuttall, & Bazilian, 2019) or
as an after-effect of natural disasters.
There are several solutions proposed to this
problem, usually employing fixed or portable backup
power generators of various types. Such solutions
have limitations in terms of mobility, prompt
assembly into grids and subsequent dispersal, human
operator presence requirement and typical mismatch
between the power delivered and required (Matthews,
2015). These shortcomings become paramount in the
context of near-peer, accelerated and other
unconventional types of warfare.
Various concepts of mobile and intelligent
microgrid type P&E delivery models are being
investigated as possible answers to the above
problems in the relevant literature (Matthews, 2015;
Roza, 2023; Wood, 2020). However, it appears that
currently there is no solution put forward that
integrates all these concepts. Moreover, it also
appears that an important aspect of this situation,
namely how existing C2 approaches are to be evolved
so as to adequately cope with the proposed P&E
models, is not tackled.
Within the case study, this paper aims to answer
these issues by advocating a potential integrated
solution and subsequently investigating how an EA-
focused approach may assist in evolving C2 to deal
with such a situation.
4.2 Scenario
The situation proposed to test the concepts involves
an accelerated warfare situation or conversely, a
rapidly changing natural disaster situation, where the
environment is either contested or unstable (e.g. due
to cascading disaster events); these circumstances call
for agile C2 and prompt execution. Thus, as per
previous Section, there is a need for adequate and
resilient P&E delivery solution in order to execute the
necessary missions.
4.2.1 Concepts Used for the Scenario
In the scenario, a monolithic and predominantly
stationary P&E delivery infrastructure type is not an
ideal solution due to its low defensibility and
resilience within an A2 / AD situation. Rather, these
constraints would be better met by the ‘small tactical
microgrid’ (Matthews, 2015) or nanogrid concepts,
depending upon the desired granularity (Hamidieh &
Ghassemi, 2022; NAVFAC, 2016; Peterson, Van
Bossuyt, Giachetti, & Oriti, 2021; Varley, Van
Bossuyt, & Pollman, 2022). In addition, a fully
mobile solution has to be adopted, such as e.g. the
Vehicle Centric Microgrid (VCM) (Heuvers, 2019),
whether fully autonomous or partly manned (Juling,
2023). This will enable swift relocation in case of
impending danger, or sudden change in environment
adversely affecting proper operation.
To further improve defensibility and resilience,
the P&E infrastructure should ideally be distributed
and able to rapidly form – in other words, to promptly
be assembled, deliver P&E and disperse upon mission
completion, or in the presence of a threat of incoming
attack. In addition, the P&E components should be
modular and independent of the transport solution
(i.e. vehicle type) and thus able to be readily
integrated into a scalable P&E delivery solution.
In terms of matching the P&E delivery with the
load, for moderate variations, an elected leader model
used within the microgrid may activate more or less
resources to match demand (Jane, Goldsmith, Parker,
Weaver, & Rizzo, 2021). If the variations exceed the
self-adjustment capabilities of the microgrid, a
possible solution would involve networking (Chen,
Wang, Lu, Chen, & Zhao, 2021), in this particular
case with other relocatable VCMs. The above-
mentioned modularity and networking requirements
require adequate interoperability (Bower et al., 2014),
which must also be present in order to support Joint
Operations for military and disaster relief missions.
AI would greatly assist in the efficient integration
and management of microgrids (Talaat, Elkholy,
Alblawi, & Said, 2023) as well as in the
reconfigurations required by load variation or by
some components failing or being damaged.
Another significant enhancement in regards to
mobility is represented by swarming. Previously
analysed in the context of electrification (Sheridan,
Sunderland, & Courtney, 2023), swarming would
also assist e.g. in the load management (Singh, Ding,
Raju, Raghav, & Kumar, 2022) and potential
reconfigurations in the proposed scenario.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
4.2.2 Proposed Integrated Concept
In response to the above, the paper proposes the
concept of ‘Autonomous Hybrid Power and Energy
Intelligent Mobile Modules’ (AHPEIMMs), able to
form Hybrid Intelligent Tactical Mobile Microgrids
(HITMMs, see Figure 2). This represents a coherent
and integrated answer to the above-mentioned
separate requirements and solutions. The proposed
modules would be autonomous, mobile, easy to
deploy, field rugged intelligent machines able to
relocate, swarm and interconnect where and when
required and seamlessly scale delivery to the demand.
There are two main questions that arise in regards
to the scenario and the proposed concept:
1. How do the above identified C2 LoAs apply?
2. How can EA artefacts assist this endeavour?
Figure 2: Autonomous Hybrid Power and Energy
Intelligent Mobile Module (AHPEIMM) concept enabling
the Hybrid Tactical Intelligent Mobile Microgrid (HTIMM)
4.3 C2 LoA Application to the Scenario
4.3.1 Support Better C2 Manoeuvre Agility
C2 manoeuvre agility expresses the capability of
moving between various C2 approaches featuring
various degrees of agility, as required by the actual
situation. This is expressed for the scenario in the
model described in Figure 3. The approach shown
makes use of the Extended OODA paradigm
(Meddings, 2020) whereby the Command Staff assist
the Commander in observing the situation so as to
provide a shallower, albeit wider perspective of the
circumstances, which may yield additional
information and situation awareness. In the chosen
scenario, this means observing how well the current
C2 approach works for the selected P&E solution and
if required, choose a more suitable C2 approach from
the Reference Models (RM) repository, which among
others contains the NATO NEC C2 maturity model
(N2C2M2) C2 approaches. The interoperability
required with each C2 approach can be selected and
customised from the RM as well, as it also contains
various applicable NATO standards such as e.g.
STANAG 4603 (NATO, 2015); this is highly relevant
for the AHPEIMM and HTIMM concepts involved in
the scenario, as they rely on ‘day zero’ (ready to go
from first day) federated interoperability (NATO,
2023a). In this regard, the degree of autonomy of
entities such as Operation, Mission or AHPEIMMs is
reflected in the degree of detail specified in the RM
used: the more autonomous the entity, the less
specific the RM would be (see Figure 4 in Section
4.3.2 for an example).
The EA MF viewpoints such as Function,
Information, Resource and Organisation (see Figure
1, top) can also help explain in more detail the
requirements of each N2C2M2 tier. For example,
Edge C2 requires wide Information Sharing
(Information viewpoint) and Delegation of Decisions
with a matching Interaction pattern (with the last two
requirements expressed in the Function viewpoint).
The Cynefin complex situation decision-making
framework (Snowden & Boone, 2007) is used to
classify the specific situation and guide an
appropriate degree of C2 agility in the model of the
C2 Universe of Discourse (‘Endeavour Space’ in
Figure 3). In the most difficult Cynefin areas, namely
Complex and Chaotic, the only feasible approach is
to Probe / Act, Sense and Respond, a cyclic approach
akin to OODA. This process may also result in new
RMs being created and added to the Repository, with
the EA MF helping structure and classify them.
Finally, the Confusion area of Cynefin may be
resolved into one of the other areas by sense-making,
with appropriate modelling provided by the GERA
MF viewpoints.
The C2 Approach RMs repository can be also
classified by levels of trust applied to individual team
members and the networked collective (Evans,
Cianciolo, Hunter, & Pierce, 2010), whether human,
machine or hybrid, including autonomous types
(Abbass, Scholz, & Reid, 2018) . The risk aspect of
the adopted C2 approach also needs to be explored
and included in the respective RMs. The above can be
accomplished by adding Trust and Risk viewpoints to
the EA MF, which will provide the life cycle context.
Vehicle type-
Forming and
Tacti ca l
An Enterprise Architecture-Based Approach Towards More Agile and Resilient Command and Control
Figure 3: A multi-pronged iterative method for C2 Approach Agility (Meddings, 2020; NATO, 2014a; Noran, 2023).
Policies and procedures that must underpin a more
decentralised C2 and, if necessary, overcome mid-
level institutional cultural resistance (Vassiliou,
2010) also need to be considered. GERA MF can
model such artefacts via its Organisation and
Function viewpoints.
The iterative method proposed above can guide
the selection of a more suitable C2 approach, which
will be then used in practice via the Missions created
in the Real C2 Endeavour Space.
4.3.2 Evolve C2 Towards Supporting the
Co-Existence of Several C2
Approaches and Interoperability
Joint and disaster response operations typically
involve heterogeneous organisations (or departments
thereof), each featuring C2 approaches with various
levels of agility. The harmonious co-existence of
these approaches is paramount in enabling effective
joint operation. In order to achieve this co-existence
however, one must first understand the C2 style of
each participating entity. For example, in the case
study the Civilian Organisation (CO) has a less agile
C2 style compared to the participating DFs. This is
shown in Figure 4 by the arrows going back to their
upper life cycles to a lesser (CO) or more (Joint DF)
extent. For more detail, one may represent the
components of the C2 Approach Spaces involved in
regards to their Decision Rights allocation and
Interaction patterns as well as Information Sharing
using GERA MF’s Function and Information
viewpoints, respectively.
In the scenario, the co-existence of legacy P&E
delivery solutions with the proposed AHPEIMM
concept within an evolutionary approach requires
modelling the C2 agility extent of both alternatives.
This is done in Figure 4 in a combined AS-IS / TO-
BE (present / envisaged future) representation due to
the GERA MF atemporal approach; a time-bound
perspective of this evolution is represented using the
GERA Life History in Section 4.3.6. The figure also
shows the differences between the autonomy and
agility of proposed (AHPEIMM) vs. legacy P&E
delivery (LPED) solutions and the corresponding
restricted vs. extended influence on their life cycle
phases, respectively by the Operation C2.
The interoperability aspect of AHPEIMMs is
assisted here by specific reference models such as
STANAG 4603 (Technical Interoperability), or
NATO’s Generic Vehicle Architecture (NGVA
(NATO, 2023b)) and Reference Mobility Model
Development (NATO, 2018). These can be integrated
in the representation using GERA MF’s Partial Model
level of the framework (see Figure 1, top). In Figure
4., they are represented as part of the C2 Reference
Models (C2RM) used in setting up the Operation and
further on, creating the proposed (AHPEIMM,
HTIMM) and legacy (LPED) P&E delivery solutions.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: Co-Existence of various C2 Approaches and P&E solutions (AS-IS and TO-BE combined representation).
4.3.3 Distinguish Command from Control
Due to the complexity and workload involved, there
is a high C2 risk in micro-managing humans and
especially autonomous systems such as the proposed
AHPEIMM, which are to be numerous; hence, there
is a need to shift from Centralised- to Distributed
Control, which will also enable a more agile C2
(NATO, 2014a); the AI involvement in AHPEIMM
(see Figure 2) is also typically intended for the C2
Control aspect. In order to achieve the above goals,
there is a need to separate the Command and Control
components of C2. From the EA point of view, the
GERA MF addresses C2 in an amalgamated fashion
through the Management (termed ‘Command’ in C2)
and Control, vs. Production / Execution
classification, as shown in the construct in Figure 1
and subsequently used in Figure 4. However, an
additional division can be created in the modelling
construct, such as shown in Figure 5 for the
Operation entity (See Command ‘Cd’ and Control
‘Ct’); this allows to represent how a significant part
of the Control is relinquished when using autonomous
and intelligent entities such as AHPEIMMs, as
opposed to legacy P&E delivery (for rationale see
Section 4.3.4).
Figure 5: GERA MF Command / Control Separation and
Autonomy and Swarming effect on C2 influence extent.
If necessary, additional C2 detail can be modelled
using the GERA MF using the Functional viewpoint;
in addition, C2 can also be decomposed using the
level of detail they convey: thus, high level decisions
Life cycle phases: Id: Identification; C=concept; R=requirements, PD=prelim. design; DD=detailed design,
I=implementation, Op=operation, D=decommissioning; Others: E=Execution, C2=Command and Control
: Agility extent - high
DF: Defence Forces
DFHQ: DF Headquarters
CO: Civilian Organisation
C2RM: C2 Reference Models
PF: Projected Force
HQJOC: Headquarters Joint Op
LPED Legacy P&E Delivery
HTIMM: Hybrid Tactical
Intelligent Mobile
AHPEIMM: Autonomous Hybrid
Power and Energy
Intelligent Mobile
MC: Mission Capabilities
MCD: Mission Command
: alternative Agility extent
: Agility extent - low
: use of Ref. Models
C2 = Command and Control, Cd = Command
Ct = Control
= Command Influence
= Control Influence
= C2 Influence (combined)
= Agility Extent – high
= Agility Extent - low
An Enterprise Architecture-Based Approach Towards More Agile and Resilient Command and Control
(where the implementation detail is left to the lower
tiers) are Commands, while lower level decisions
(where all details are specified) are akin to Controls.
4.3.4 Autonomy and Swarming Effect on C2
In the case study, autonomy and swarming allow
AHPEIMM to self-organise in order to cope with load
variations and to congregate into HITMMs when and
where there is a need for P&E delivery.
The research in swarming is ongoing; however, it
has been established that careful selection of the C2
decision intent and proper adjustment of the Control
extent can give a significant benefit when at a Force
disadvantage, whether in a warfare, or disaster relief
situation (McLennan-Smith & Adams, 2023).
There are several swarm C2 models, depending on
the centralisation degree (ibid.). In this case,
considering the potential A2/AD environment and to
take full advantage of AHPEIMM autonomy and
intelligence, it has been decided to enable either the
consensus or emergent coordination C2 models, both
resulting in a reduced extent of the Operation Control
influence on AHPEIMM life cycle phases, as shown
in Figure 5. As this representation relies on the
separation of command and control, it is once again
evident that the LoAs identified are related to, support
and influence each other.
4.3.5 Promote C2 Resilience Through
Distributed Control
C2 resilience can be increased through the use of
AHPEIMMs and HITMMs, which reduce C2
fragility by limiting communication bandwidth and
workload. Resilience and agility are inherently
linked; thus, adaptive and transformative resilience
approaches (Folke et al., 2010) enable more agile C2,
which is required in complex, confusing and chaotic
situations (see Figure 3) typically encountered in
contested environments.
The GERA MF can help represent and achieve a
common understanding of the required C2 resilience.
An example is shown in Figure 6, whereby adaptive
C2 resilience is achieved by the Mission itself during
operation; for more significant environment changes,
transformative C2 resilience is achieved based on an
adequate RM under directions from the Operation.
In the scenario, the change from LPED to HITMMs
will support Operation C2 resilience by shifting some
of the Control load over to the autonomous modules
(as shown in Figure 5), in line with the Distributed
Control research findings (Hostage & Broadwell,
2014). As can be seen, Resilience is linked to the C2
Autonomy and Separation aspects.
Figure 6: Adaptive and Transformative Resilience.
4.3.6 Assist C2 Evolution
While the GERA MF does not contain an explicit
time dimension, it is possible to depict the combined
present / future situation from Figure 4 in a temporal
representation. Thus, in Figure 7, one can distinguish
the creation of an Operation and the HTIMM concept
and requirements by the Joint DF, followed by the
creation of Missions, AHPEIMMs and the initial
HITMM design by an Operation. Additional temporal
detail such as concurrency and succession can also be
shown. For example, Figure 7 shows the transition
from legacy to new P&E delivery models involving
their temporary parallel operation. This in turn
requires the co-existence of several C2 approaches,
again confirming the LoA interdependence.
The nature of armed conflict and natural disasters is
changing and involving an increased use of
autonomous and intelligent solutions. The existing
C2 approaches need to also evolve in order to
effectively cope with these changes. The paper has
proposed and tested several main directions towards
achieving this endeavour.
C2=Command &Control; C2 RM= C2 Reference Models;
STD = standards; E=Execution;
: Self-evolution
: Adaptive Resilience (high)
: Transformative Resilience
using Reference Models
: Adaptive Resilience (low)
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 7: Life histories of the entities relevant to the LPED to HTIMM transition (excerpt).
The application of these directions to the case study
has shown that they influence each other and as such,
they need to be accomplished in an integrated
manner, so that changes in all required areas occur
coherently. This confirms the holistic, EA-based
approach taken.
The contribution of this paper is twofold: a) it
proposes practical directions for C2 evolution and
investigates the role of EA artefacts in assisting C2 in
dealing with the necessary changes and b) it analyses
the application of these directions materialised as C2
evolution Lines of Action, tested through a case study
involving the novel concepts of Autonomous Hybrid
Power and Energy Intelligent Mobile Module and
Hybrid Tactical Intelligent Mobile Microgrid, which
represent the synthesis of several research directions
in the area.
Future research will consider applying the
existing Lines of Action to additional case studies in
other domains featuring uncertainty and high
dynamics in order to validate and potentially increase
the applicability of this method to other areas.
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