The application developed significantly improves
the visualization of bone deformities as well as the in-
teraction to represent different clinical cases of frac-
ture on human bones. In addition, haptic feedback
is included when drawing, using the changes in the
geometry of the model. The ability to draw and ma-
nipulate fracture lines directly on the bone models
has been highly rated by experts, reflecting the rel-
evance in medical practice. Moreover, the ability to
export these fracture patterns enhances its application
in various medical scenarios, extending its utility be-
yond mere visualization. These patterns can be used
in other medical tools, facilitating a more comprehen-
sive use in diagnostics, treatment planning, and edu-
cational purposes.
The extension of the variety of patterns generated
with the tool enables a wider range of fractures to be
covered. This is a key element as the extension makes
it possible to work with a wider range of medical sce-
narios or generate databases with more accurate infor-
mation about the fracture area.
However, certain challenges such as the precision
in closing fracture lines and the degree of realism and
immersion need to be addressed. While the tool ex-
cels in visualizing fracture lines and bone deformities,
improvements in the simulation environment and user
training are required for a more comprehensive appli-
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GRAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications