Academia and Industry Synergy: Addressing Integrity Challenge in
Programming Education
Rina Azoulay
, Tirza Hirst
and Shulamit Reches
Department of Computer Science, Jerusalem College of Technology, Jerusalem, Israel
Department of Mathematics, Jerusalem College of Technology, Jerusalem, Israel
ChatGPT, Large Language Models, Computer Science Education, Plagiarism, Integrity, LLMs.
This research addresses the profound challenges presented by sophisticated large language models (LLMs)
like ChatGPT, especially in the context of educational settings, focusing on computer science and program-
ming instruction. State of the art LLMs are capable of generating solutions for standard exercises that are
assigned to students to bolster their analytical and programming skills. However, the ease of using AI to
generate programming solutions poses a risk to the educational process and skill development, as it may lead
students to depend on these solutions instead of engaging in their own problem-solving efforts. Our study
suggests collaborative methods involving computer science educators and AI developers to provide evaluators
with tools to distinguish between code produced by ChatGPT and code genuinely created by students. We
propose a novel steganography-based technique for watermarking AI-generated code. By implementing this
comprehensive strategy and effectively utilizing such technology through the combined efforts of educators,
course administrators, and partnerships with AI developers, we believe it is possible to preserve the integrity
of programming education in an age increasingly influenced by LLMs capable of generating code.
Large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT,
can be a valuable resource for programmers, espe-
cially those looking for assistance, inspiration, or
seeking clarification on programming concepts. They
are trained on a vast amount of programming-related
text, which enables them to understand and produce
code in various programming languages. They can
assist with tasks such as identifying syntax errors,
suggesting code corrections, or explaining language-
specific features.
As a result, LLMs’ ability to perform high-level
cognitive tasks and produce human-like text has
raised concerns about their potential role in academic
dishonesty (Susnjak, 2022).
One of the significant challenges that has emerged
as a result of LLMs is their ability to provide solu-
tions for programming tasks that students tradition-
ally tackle to sharpen their analytical and writing
skills. In particular, ChatGPT and other tools can as-
sist in the software development process, from code
generation to optimization (Azaria et al., 2023).
While these tools offer assistance in software de-
velopment, from coding to optimization, their use in
educational settings can be problematic. In program-
ming education, the aim of programming tasks is to
enable students to practice problem-solving and pro-
gramming, to enhance their analytical and program-
ming skills. Given LLMs’ ability to produce code
solutions, there is a considerable temptation for stu-
dents to utilize these ready-made solutions instead of
engaging in self-practice and skill development.
Relying on AI-generated solutions could hinder
the student’s learning process and obstruct the cru-
cial development of their skills. Furthermore, LLMs
can produce erroneous or unsuitable outputs, a phe-
nomenon known as ’hallucination’. Reliance on these
tools can lead to students absorbing incorrect infor-
mation, developing a flawed understanding of the sub-
ject matter, and adopting approaches unsuited to the
task at hand, owing to this propensity of LLMs.
The challenge of ensuring integrity in academic
assignments given the current AI abilities occupies
the best teachers and lecturers around the world.
In this paper, we propose a comprehensive set of
strategies, designed to ensure integrity in program-
ming tasks. To address plagiarism concerns, we sug-
gest a collaborative method involving educators, as-
signment creators, and AI companies, focused on
Azoulay, R., Hirst, T. and Reches, S.
Academia and Industry Synergy: Addressing Integrity Challenge in Programming Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0012451000003636
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024) - Volume 3, pages 1135-1143
ISBN: 978-989-758-680-4; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
a steganography-based method (Singh et al., 2009).
A steganography-based method refers to a technique
where information is hidden within another medium
to prevent its detection. In the context of AI-
generated code, we suggest embedding hidden water-
marks within the text of the code to clearly indicate its
AI origin. These concealed markers enable teachers
and instructors to swiftly detect plagiarism, thereby
ensuring accountability by visibly attributing the AI-
created content to its source.
By applying this method, we aspire to construct a
balanced and sustainable ecosystem of AI use within
the educational sphere, effectively distinguishing be-
tween AI-generated snippets and student-crafted code
to flag instances of academic dishonesty.
A major point for deliberation is what might mo-
tivate the developers of AI tools to cooperate in iden-
tifying code fragments produced by their systems.
Nevertheless, we advocate establishing legal bound-
aries and obligations that require AI companies to ad-
here to specific criteria, ensuring responsible and eth-
ical AI use in the educational domain. With the global
momentum towards crafting regulations for the ethi-
cal and safe application of AI, it is reasonable to antic-
ipate the emergence of such rules in this field. These
regulations could specifically include offering special
licenses to lecturers and teachers, allowing them to
use the AI tool and request the implementation of
steganography-based techniques. Under these regu-
latory measures, any company entering this market
would need to adhere to these stipulations and em-
bed identifiable markers in their code. Additionally,
within the context of group licenses for academic in-
stitutions using commercial LLM tools, these tools
would be required to comply with these regulatory
standards. This requirement could incentivize com-
mercial entities to meet these standards and integrate
watermarks into their code, driven by financial mo-
In our study, we explore existing literature on
text-based steganography. We then examine differ-
ent methods for integrating these techniques into AI-
generated code. Additionally, we propose communi-
cation protocols that facilitate collaboration between
teachers and AI systems, aiming to produce the re-
quired encoded outputs.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 presents a literature review on aca-
demic integrity in the context of AI tools. Section 3
provides an overview of text steganography and its
use in identifying AI-generated content to prevent pla-
giarism. Section 4 outlines various steganographic
methods for embedding unique markers in automat-
ically generated code. Section 5 describes a collabo-
rative approach between educators and AI developers
to utilize steganography for detecting AI-generated
content. Finally, the paper wraps up with Section 6,
where we present our conclusions and suggest areas
for further study.
We proceed by offering a detailed overview of vari-
ous strategies and recommendations aimed at uphold-
ing academic integrity, particularly in light of the ca-
pability of LLMs to produce intricate content. When
ChatGPT was unveiled as the inaugural LLM for pub-
lic use, it spurred widespread discourse both among
the general public and specifically within educational
institutions. The dialogue often centered on its appro-
priate utilization and its broader societal impact.
The integration of ChatGPT into student educa-
tion brings with it a multitude of opportunities and
challenges. Neumann et al. (Neumann et al., 2023)
focuses on articles addressing the impact of Chat-
GPT on higher education, specifically in the areas
of software engineering and scientific writing. The
paper recommends utilizing plagiarism checkers and
AI detection tools, or manually examining the texts
for ChatGPT fingerprints. Additionally, it suggests
implementing an oral examination or requiring doc-
umentation of the examination process. Similarly,
the review (Lo, 2023) on the impact of ChatGPT’s
on education, reveals the capabilities of it across sub-
jects (strong in economics, moderate in programming,
weak in math), and suggests that schools adopt assess-
ment methods, update policies, train instructors, and
educate students to effectively integrate ChatGPT.
Excessive reliance on AI may have lasting impacts
and potentially undermine the professional develop-
ment of upcoming generations. The study referenced
in (Mijwil et al., 2023) discusses concerns about the
next generation relying solely on AI to complete tasks
without putting in effort, while emphasizing the im-
portance of educating them about the limitations and
potential biases of AI and how to evaluate the infor-
mation it provides. The paper’s main conclusion is
that artificial intelligence applications like ChatGPT
function as tools to support human work rather than
replacing it entirely. While they can assist in task
completion and enhance the quality of writing, they
cannot completely replace human expertise in writing
and critical thinking.
As highlighted in our introduction, the impact
on computer science education holds unique signif-
icance. This topic is further explored by Quersi
(Qureshi, 2023), who delves into the integration of
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
ChatGPT in undergraduate computer science curric-
ula, specifically focusing on foundational program-
ming concepts. An experiment was organized with
two distinct groups of students, divided into teams,
tasked with solving programming assignments: one
group had access only to textbooks and notes with
no internet, while the other group was equipped with
ChatGPT. As it turned out, the teams using Chat-
GPT achieved higher average grades compared to
the group that did not use it across all programming
tasks. Nonetheless, they also spent more time grap-
pling with the most complex problems. Finally, ad-
vantages and disadvantages of ChatGPT in teaching
computer science are discussed, and various strategies
are suggested to avoid misuse of ChatGPT by pro-
gramming students, including the use of automated
tools to detect plagiarism.
However, detecting AI-generated content remains
a formidable challenge. While numerous tools have
been developed, their efficacy is yet to be fully real-
ized. In a study conducted by Khalil et al. (Khalil
and Er, 2023), the aim was to explore the originality
of content generated by ChatGPT. To accomplish this,
the researchers employed two popular plagiarism de-
tection tools to assess the originality of 50 essays pro-
duced by ChatGPT on various topics. The findings of
the study manifest that ChatGPT possesses a signif-
icant potential to generate sophisticated and intricate
text outputs, largely eluding detection by plagiarism-
checking software.
To address complexities involved in identifying
and mitigating academic dishonesty, Cotton et al.
(Cotton et al., 2023) propose the establishment of
policies and procedures, provision of training and
support, and utilization of diverse methods to detect
and prevent cheating. In addition, they suggest that
teachers may consider mandating a written declara-
tion from students asserting the originality of their
work. However, such a declaration may not be gen-
uine in actual situations. The question is what can
be done to encourage students to submit independent
Considering foreign language studies, Perkins
(Perkins, 2023) highlights the use of LLMs by for-
eign Language (EFL) learners, including potential as-
sistance in digital writing and beyond, and delves into
the concerns regarding academic integrity associated
with students’ use of these tools. He suggests that
the use of LLMs should not be considered plagiarism,
provided that students clearly disclose their use of the
technology in their submissions. Moreover, there are
legitimate uses of these tools in student education. He
concludes that the determination of whether a specific
use of LLMs by students is deemed academic miscon-
duct should be based on the academic integrity poli-
cies of the institution. These policies must be updated
to reflect how these tools will be utilized in upcoming
educational settings.
We proceed by describing some studies suggest-
ing how to incorporate the appropriate use of LLMs
in education while handling its challenges and limi-
tation. Kasneci et al. (Kasneci et al., 2023) caution
against over-reliance, emphasizing the importance of
recognizing LLM limitations and promoting teacher
training. The authors advocate the use of LLMs as
supplementary tools alongside other educational re-
sources, fostering student creativity through indepen-
dent projects, and integrating critical thinking into
curricula. They also stress the significance of human
oversight in reviewing LLM outputs and the neces-
sity of a strategy focused on critical thinking and fact-
checking for effective LLM integration.
Kumar et al. (Kumar et al., 2022) detail how LLM
technology targets education and propose recommen-
dations that educators may adopt to ensure academic
integrity in a world with pervasive LLM tools. They
emphasize the importance of fostering a genuine de-
sire to learn and develop deep research skills among
students to counteract the effects of LLM generators.
They recommend to prioritize conferencing with stu-
dents about their writing to foster collaboration and
skill development, although this approach is challeng-
ing in large size classes.
We end this section with a description of two stud-
ies related to the impact of LLMs on higher edu-
cation. Tlili et al. (Tlili et al., 2023) conducted a
qualitative study to explore the impact of ChatGPT
on education, structured in three phases. In the first
phase, a social network analysis of tweets showed
that the majority of public sentiment on social me-
dia was positive towards ChatGPT, with positive sen-
timents were expressed nearly twice as much as neg-
ative ones. The second phase involved interviews
with 19 stakeholders who blogged about their experi-
ences with ChatGPT. The analysis revealed that many
viewed ChatGPT as transformative for education, but
there were concerns about its potential to hinder in-
novation and critical thinking. While many found
ChatGPT’s responses satisfactory, some noted occa-
sional errors and outdated information. Ethical con-
cerns included potential plagiarism, misinformation
risks, and privacy issues. The final phase presented
user experiences from ten educational scenarios with
ChatGPT, highlighting challenges such as cheating,
truthfulness, and potential manipulation.
Sullivan et al. (Sullivan et al., 2023) analyzed 100
news articles to study ChatGPT’s influence on higher
education across four countries (US, UK, Australia
Academia and Industry Synergy: Addressing Integrity Challenge in Programming Education
and NZ), published between 2020 and February 2023.
Key themes included academic integrity concerns,
potential AI misuse, and debates on cheating. In re-
sponse, some universities reintroduced supervised ex-
ams, while others focused on assignments demanding
critical thinking. Institutional policies varied, with
some banning ChatGPT and others permitting its use
under conditions, often citing its inevitable workplace
integration. Many articles also provided strategies to
combat plagiarism and promote student originality.
The numerous educational benefits of ChatGPT
include personalizing learning experiences and en-
hancing employability as AI reshapes industries. It
aids non-traditional and non-native English-speaking
students, serves as a quasi-translator, and provides
tools for those with disabilities, mitigating associated
stigmas. However, concerns regarding ChatGPT in-
clude the potential for spreading disinformation and
producing inaccurate information (’hallucinations’),
as well as issues related to copyright infringement,
privacy violations, and data security. While some
worry about students losing critical thinking abilities,
others champion the integration of AI into teaching
and assignments.
Finally, the authors warn that portraying ChatGPT
mainly as a cheating tool rather than a learning aid
can shape public opinions about university education,
influence academic reactions, and affect student per-
spectives on the appropriate use of this tool. Stu-
dents exposed to articles about cheating with Chat-
GPT might be more inclined to cheat themselves. Re-
search shows that the perception of frequent cheating
opportunities increases the actual incidence of cheat-
ing among students.
Our study emphasizes achieving integrity within
computer science education and outlines active strate-
gies to enhance self-work on programming exercises.
In particular, we detail practical implementations and
suggestions to enhance integrity, focusing on educa-
tion methods, as well as plagiarism detecting meth-
ods, used by course teams with or without the coop-
eration of AI developers.
We begin with an overview of text steganography,
followed by suggestions on how it can be employed
to identify AI-generated content, thereby preventing
various forms of plagiarism.
Text steganography refers to methods of using text
as a means to conceal information (Singh et al., 2009).
In our context, we need this type of steganography,
since code is represented as text, without any way to
change letter sizes, fonts, etc. We can only change the
characters themselves. Text steganography is notably
more challenging than other forms of steganography,
primarily due to the minimal redundant data available
in a text file as opposed to multimedia files such as
images or audio.
Numerous studies, such as (Singh et al., 2009; Por
et al., 2012; Dulera et al., 2012; Roy and Manasmita,
2011; Bender et al., 1996; Agarwal, 2013; Hariri
et al., 2011; Delina, 2008; Shirali-Shahreza, 2008),
focus on text steganography and encryption methods.
Krishnan et al. (Krishnan et al., 2017) provide a com-
prehensive review and classification of text steganog-
raphy techniques, along with a comparison of existing
Additionally, some studies suggest using ad-
vanced algorithms and machine learning methods for
the text steganography task (Xiang et al., 2020; Satir
and Isik, 2012; Satir and Isik, 2014; Fang et al., 2017;
Yang et al., 2020; Bhattacharyya et al., 2009). In
general, the approach to text steganography relies on
utilizing the unique properties of text files. These
unique properties provide opportunities to hide infor-
mation. For instance, one could subtly alter the text
document’s structure (in our case, the program code
and comments) to incorporate concealed information
while ensuring the changes are subtle enough not to
arouse suspicion or significantly alter the output.
Additional strategies could involve the use of
typographical errors, the positioning of spaces, or
even the application of invisible characters. Another
method could be the crafting of sentences that hold
dual meanings. Here, the literal interpretation main-
tains the appearance of a standard document, while
dedicated software will be able to reveal the informa-
tion encoded in the text.
Our focus is on developing a strategy that allows
ChatGPT to insert unique markers or ”digital finger-
prints” into its generated code snippets. Stegano-
graphic methods that manipulate white space to con-
ceal messages (Bender et al., 1996; Por et al., 2008)
appear to be suitable for this application. However,
techniques like line-shift and word-shift (Roy and
Manasmita, 2011; Hariri et al., 2011), which necessi-
tate altering the spatial layout of text, are not feasible
here. We will now examine multiple techniques that
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
ChatGPT can utilize to insert hidden messages into its
output code:
White Spaces Encoding. Using a combination
of ”space” and ”tab” characters within blank lines
can facilitate binary encoding (Por et al., 2008).
This approach allows both data and control mes-
sages to be encoded by adjusting the distribution
of extra spaces and tabs. For instance, one might
designate ”space” to represent 0 and ”tab” to rep-
resent 1. This binary representation can convey
pertinent information about the text, such as its
date or the subject matter. The encoded infor-
mation can then be strategically placed within the
text, such as at the ends of lines or within empty
lines separating code sections. Figure 3 demon-
strates how a ”GPT” fingerprint can be embed-
ded within the generated code using only invisi-
ble tabs and spaces, which can be viewed by se-
lecting the entire code within the Colab frame-
work. Figure 2 depicts a code generated by Chat-
GPT (OpenAI, 2023) that aims to produce such
a tabs-and-spaces string when given input text to
encrypt. Though students can detect and remove
these whites pace strings, they can be dispersed
throughout the code, making them hard to iden-
tify and eliminate.
Steganography Using Different Types of
Comments. For a language that includes two or
more comment environments, for example, ”//”
or ”/* */” in C++, or ”#” and extended string in
Python, a coding can be performed by choosing
different types of comments and using them as
a signaling method, in a way determined by the
teacher and the AI engine.
Unique Identifiers for Variables and Functions.
Various techniques can be employed to craft dis-
tinctive names for identifiers, such as variables,
functions, classes, etc., enabling the detection of
the code’s origin. Some examples include: us-
ing a specific and rare name, for some auxiliary
variable, utilizing a mix of uppercase and lower-
case letters at the start of an identifier to embed
specific information; alternating between rounded
or angular letters in English (Dulera et al., 2012);
using identifiers with a certain common denom-
inator, for example, with a specific sum of their
ASCII values, or with a specific modulo value,
when dividing by a certain k, that will be chosen
in advance. Another possibility is selecting identi-
fier names such that a hash function applied to the
name yields a particular value or possesses a cer-
tain characteristic (like being even, prime, etc.).
It is also viable to use the names of variables that
have a certain common denominator, for example
that the sum of the ASCII values of all the charac-
ters in the names of these variables will be 0 mod-
ulo k, for a certain k that the lecturer will choose
in advance.
Insert Lines of Code and Comments with
Certain Characteristics. In addition to the afore-
mentioned methods, one can encrypt a text that
details the exercise’s origin and embed this en-
crypted version within the code comments, or
implant a specific message inside the original
comment, with certain specific typos (Shirali-
Shahreza, 2008), etc. While it may look like a
linguistic error at first glance, it would indeed rep-
resent a concealed message. Broadly speaking,
various text steganography techniques like syn-
onyms, linguistic mistakes, or words that have dif-
ferent spellings in British and American English
can be integrated into the comment sections of the
generated code.
Clear and Visible Markings. Beyond the
steganography-based solutions discussed, we can
also embed clear and unequivocal markers indi-
cating the code’s origin and purpose. This could
take the form of a header comment, along with in-
ternal comments, specifying that the subsequent
code was generated by the AI tool. Deleting these
identifiers would demand considerable editing on
the part of the student, potentially deterring pla-
giarism. An example of detecting work submitted
with such a comment is illustrated in Figure 1.
It is recommended that the encryption be in local
ranges (and not spread over the entire document), so
that if the student changes something in the output
program, not immediately all the encryption will be
compromised. When the encryptions are local and in
different places along the code, it will require thor-
ough and even Sisyphean work on behalf of the stu-
dent to identify and delete the various watermarks.
Apparently, dedicated software can be created to per-
form this editing, and this is also an issue that the reg-
ulator will have to handle in an appropriate manner.
We proceed by describing how steganography meth-
ods can be applied and recognized by the education
staff. In this study, we propose three approaches:
The first involves signs that can be independently pro-
duced by an AI tool and recognized by any teacher
Academia and Industry Synergy: Addressing Integrity Challenge in Programming Education
Figure 1: Clear and visible marking: An illustration.
Figure 2: ChatGPT generated code to provide steganography signature.
Figure 3: White-space based steganography for a fingerprint.
or student, with or without the aid of AI detection
software. The second option employs steganography
applied independently by an AI tool, which then re-
ports in a dedicated manner to a specific teacher, as-
suming cooperation between the teacher and the sys-
tem. Lastly, the third option allows the teacher to re-
quest the AI tool to produce specific encoded mes-
sages when given certain prompts or when asked to
provide a particular generated code.
How can the cooperation between an exercise
providers and an AI company be carried out?
First, we assume that lecturers and teachers will
be able to obtain a special license, that will enable
them to cooperate on this issue with the AI company.
Before giving an assignment to the students, the lec-
turer will inform the AI company that he is giving a
certain assignment, and ask it to implant a secret mes-
sage inside each code it issues at the request of some-
one who requests a code for this assignment, within
a certain time frame, for example - within the com-
ing week. According to the second approach, the AI
company itself will report to the lecturer the message
it encrypted in every assignment it received on a cer-
tain topic. If there are special licenses, the lecturer
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
can ask the AI company to report to him and even
send him any piece of code that he issued at the re-
quest of a student on a specific topic, within a certain
time frame and even from a certain geographical area.
All this within the framework of the law, subsequent
to the enactment of the appropriate laws in this field.
According to the third approach, the lecturer will
be able to guide the AI company, on which technique
to use, and what messages to implant.
The following algorithm describes a com-
munication process for using such a method of
steganography with cooperation between the teacher
and the AI generator, to detect the contents it gener-
(1) The instructor creates a distinctive assignment
with specific instructions that can be easily identified.
For instance, the task might require printing the string
”BLABLA” when a particular condition is satisfied or
evaluating a unique formula using a specified number.
(2) The lecturer reports to the AI company about
the exercise details and how it can be recognized. The
exercise details may include some unique contents,
such as unique requests (for example, printing the
”BLABLA” string), the exercise date interval, and
geographical area.
(3) In the second approach, the AI engine deter-
mines the coding method to employ. Meanwhile, in
the third approach, the lecturer designates the specific
steganographic techniques that will be implemented.
At this stage, choices are made regarding the stegano-
graphic method, the text targeted for encoding, an
associated encoding algorithm, a predetermined
cipher for encryption, etc.
(4) When an appropriate prompt, to perform this
unique task, is detected by the AI engine (according
to the second or third approach), it will produce the
steganographic method determined earlier within the
generated code output. For example, when the AI
tool is asked to print the string ”BLABLA” given the
above particular condition.
(5) The lecturer will be able to use dedicated
software to identify code snippets that students have
copied from the AI tool, using the steganographic
signs implanted by the AI engine.
It is important to acknowledge that requesting the
AI tool to identify users who pose a specific ques-
tion could raise privacy concerns. Therefore, we pro-
pose a solution that does not necessitate such report-
ing. In summary, this section suggests a collabora-
tive approach between educators and AI developers
to tackle plagiarism issues exacerbated by AI tools
such as ChatGPT. By leveraging the techniques of
text steganography, the proposal is to embed unique
”fingerprints” within the code generated by the AI
tool, thus allowing educators to identify AI-generated
submissions. This system can be enforced by legal
frameworks, ensuring that AI developers are moti-
vated to participate. The ultimate aim is to uphold
academic integrity amidst the challenges posed by
rapidly advancing technology.
In the rapidly evolving era of AI technology, we are
faced with both exhilarating opportunities and daunt-
ing challenges. AI tools offer remarkable educational
benefits, including interactive learning environments,
personalized study modules, and extensive knowl-
edge resources, particularly in areas like computer
science and programming assistance. Yet, these ad-
vancements also bring forth significant concerns, such
as the inclination of students towards academic short-
cuts or an excessive reliance on automated solutions,
which can impede their skill development.
In this study, we examined the complex relation-
ship between AI tools like ChatGPT and program-
ming education, underscoring their benefits and chal-
lenges. We particularly focused on the risk of students
becoming overly dependent on these tools, potentially
impeding their skill development and threatening aca-
demic integrity.
Our proposed solution involves a collaborative
strategy between AI developers and educators, cen-
tered on integrating unique encrypted text markers
into AI-generated responses. These markers are
aimed at helping educators identify when students
have used AI assistance in their programming tasks.
Our approach is designed not only to uphold aca-
demic integrity but also to foster genuine skill devel-
opment among students. By clearly differentiating
between student-generated work and AI-generated
content, we aim to deepen student engagement with
their learning materials. This method encourages a
more authentic and meaningful educational experi-
ence, ensuring students truly benefit from their stud-
Future research should concentrate on developing
sophisticated methods for identifying AI-generated
content, ensuring its responsible application in educa-
tion. This involves the creation and evaluation of al-
gorithms for embedding watermarks in AI responses.
Testing the effectiveness of encrypted text mark-
Academia and Industry Synergy: Addressing Integrity Challenge in Programming Education
ers in real classroom settings is a key aspect of
this work, providing essential insights for the practi-
cal implementation of these methods in educational
environments. Furthermore, collaboration between
academia and the tech industry, supported by stan-
dardized guidelines and collaborative platforms, is vi-
tal for seamlessly integrating AI into educational sys-
It is also crucial to study the long-term effects on
students who use AI tools like ChatGPT. Understand-
ing the impact of these tools on learning outcomes,
student engagement, and skill development over time
is highly significant.
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