thereby enabling the model to extract relevant features
and make accurate forecasts. By integrating these
cutting-edge techniques into our model, we aim to en-
hance its predictive capabilities and offer valuable in-
sights into transportation planning and management.
Conversely, instead of using neural networks for the
temporal structure, as shown in our current findings
the random forest model performs well on time series,
and this can be combined together with the GNN for
the spatial structure as demonstrated in the following
research (Ivanov and Prokhorenkova, 2021).
Future research will incorporate spatial-temporal
models, aiming to encompass the entire network. Ad-
ditionally, advanced optimization algorithms, such as
genetic algorithms and simulated annealing, will be
employed to determine the optimal capacity for the
entire network dynamically at any given time. We
plan on using advanced optimization techniques such
as genetic algorithms and simulated annealing. Af-
ter incorporating these advanced optimization algo-
rithms, our future plan involves developing a simu-
lator that accurately replicates real traffic data. This
simulator will serve as a platform to evaluate and
compare the performance of different optimization al-
This research was partially supported by the ministry
of Innovation, Science & Technology, Israel.
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Machine Learning for Predicting Traffic and Determining Road Capacity