lation tools can be adeptly tailored to fit the nuances
of varied computing environments.
Road traffic simulation tools have become a focal
point in academic circles, especially when bolstered
by parallel and distributed computing methods to
expedite runtimes. Diverse approaches have been
charted to navigate this multifaceted domain.
Take, for instance, the strategy of network divi-
sion: here, the entire roadway system is broken down
into several sub-networks, with each segment over-
seen by an individual computational entity. At its
surface, this technique appears advantageous due to
its built-in parallel capabilities. Yet, it presents a
pronounced complication. As an agent transitions
from one segment to another, it mandates a dia-
logue between the corresponding computational en-
tities. Such inter-entity communications, essential for
system-wide consistency, can be resource-intensive
and time-consuming(Potuzak, 2020).
Esteemed simulation platforms like TRANSIMS,
AIMSUN, and Paramics(Nguyen et al., 2021) have
gravitated towards this method, though their founda-
tional structures were not natively agent-centric.
Venturing into the territory of inherently agent-
based simulation systems, distributing agents over nu-
merous computational entities has become a norma-
tive practice. However, this method wrestles with
a recurrent hurdle: the indispensable inter-entity up-
dates to maintain a holistic network integrity(Mastio
et al., 2018).
MATSim stands out with its trajectory of enhance-
ments. Beyond mere adoption of libraries tailored for
concurrent computation(Ma and Fukuda, 2015), the
system has seen transformative changes in its core
components. The Replanning component, as an ex-
ample, was fine-tuned to boost its rate of conver-
gence(Zhuge et al., 2021). Furthermore, the simula-
tor’s journey marked a shift from a ”chronologically
driven” model to one steered by events, as evident in
the transitions from QSIM to JDEQSIM, eventually
leading to HERMES(Horni et al., 2016).
In resonance with these developmental strides, our
research brings forth an inventive algorithmic rendi-
tion for MATSim’s Replanning component, tapping
into the virtues of concurrent processing. The pri-
mary goal is achieving brisker convergence, thereby
streamlining execution durations.
TO multiMATSim
MATSim is an open-source framework, written in
Java, dedicated to large-scale agent-based transport
simulations(Horni et al., 2016). Stemming from the
pioneering works in agent-based traffic modeling,
MATSim has been continuously improved over the
In this simulation framework, each agent repre-
sents a virtual entity that can sense, think, and act
within the environment. These agents are designed
to mimic real-world individuals, ensuring they exhibit
human-like behaviors in a transport setting.
To kickstart the simulation, each agent is assigned
an initial plan crafted using various data sources.
These sources, such as census data, are gathered from
the communities of the geographical areas under sim-
ulation. This data-driven approach allows for a syn-
thetic population that closely mirrors real-world de-
mographics and behaviors.
As agents navigate the road network based on
their initial plans, each plan is evaluated and scored
using predefined criteria. This score encompasses el-
ements like travel duration, mode selection, and se-
quence of activities, reflecting the plan’s alignment
with the agent’s preferences, goals, and limitations.
The simulation process isn’t static. As it pro-
gresses, a designated subset of agents enters the Re-
planning phase(Horni et al., 2016). Here, agents,
starting from their original plan, create duplicates and
introduce modifications based on experiences from
previous iterations. This procedure fosters a dynamic
and evolving simulation environment, with agents in-
creasingly diversifying their strategies.
The entire simulation operates in cycles, with each
iteration representing a 24-hour period. Through
these repeated rounds, agents continually refine and
diversify their plans, striving for optimal solutions.
This iterative approach, combined with the adaptabil-
ity introduced by the Replanning phase, ensures the
system moves closer to desired outcomes as the simu-
lation advances. The user sets the number of iterations
through the variable max. Although MATSim doesn’t
have an inherent stopping criterion, there are some
proposed stopping criteria in the literature based on
convergence measures(Horni and Axhausen, 2012).
By default, max = 300 is often found in some MAT-
Sim scenarios. Figure 1 illustrates this mechanism.
Operational Modules. After gaining a fundamen-
tal understanding of MATSim’s operation, it’s crucial
Advancements in Traffic Simulations with multiMATSim’s Distributed Framework