tion of this validation process could increase the user
engagement, justifying our ongoing work.
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vances in AI, to assist people suffering from ID to per-
form sequential tasks autonomously in a guesthouse
rooms’ tiding-up activity. It relies on the cutting-edge
YOLOv7 object detector, that is used to identify ob-
jects of interest that need to be moved. A task list is
automatically generated and conveyed to the user us-
ing an accessible and ergonomic interface. In future
research, two main directions have been identified and
are ongoing : (i) the validation of the performed tasks,
through the gamification of the proposed AT system,
to ensure the engagement if the user and (ii) the on-
site user evaluation of the prototype, involving thus
young adults in a real usage for the room’s tidying-up
in guesthouse.
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An Assistive Technology Based on Object Detection for Automated Task List Generation