The results show the YOLO v8 and Mask R-CNN
as the most accurate ones. The big difference be-
tween these two methods compared to Malaria App
and Cell Pose is in dealing with clumped and over-
lapped RBCs, in which cases both tools present lower
accuracies than YOLO v8 and Mask R-CNN.
As future work, we intend to train convolution
networks to deal specifically with the problem of
clumped groups of RBCs, the main problem in this
task. Moreover, we believe that the problem may
be simplified with a better designed pre-processing
phase, with more robust hole filling and cell separa-
tion procedures. This approach will also be further
To have an even more generic CNN, we could add
more images to the training dataset. The difficulty lies
in obtaining and labeling each image, as it is a time-
consuming process. Furthermore, other datasets will
need to be created to identify other diseases, so the
labeling process needs to be improved. So, as we al-
ready have a CNN capable of identifying RBCs, we
can use the prediction result as a starting point to la-
bel more samples in a semi-automatic approach, dras-
tically reducing the labeling time.
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