
Although the relation classification task has limited
applications as a single module, it has wider usages
in the relation extraction task. Therefore, we see that
our approach can be adopted to achieve new scores
in several applications that utilize the relation classi-
fication task. Further improvements can be achieved
when using NLP tools for lexical and syntactic text
features. Additionally, it would be typical to advance
our model to assign the predicted relation to the cor-
responding entities pair in the input. However, this
approach cannot be considered as an ideal way for
the relation or triple extraction task because errors in
the entities tagging step would propagate to the rela-
tion classification task. Finally, our imbalanced pre-
dictions adaptation promises enhancements if used by
similar tasks of imbalanced classes.
Our evaluation was limited by the small number
of models that reported the relation classification per-
formance. However, the results proved our model’s
superiority, denoted by the gap between our F1 score
and the closest model.
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