ELSA: Expanded Latent Space Autoencoder for Image Feature
Extraction and Classification
Emerson Vilar de Oliveira
, Dunfrey Pires Arag
and Luiz Marcos Garcia Gonc¸alves
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Av. Salgado Filho, 3000, Campus Universit
ario, 59.078-970, Natal, Brazil
Autoencoder, Stacked Autoencoder, Latent Space, Image Classification, Feature Extraction.
In the field of computer vision, image classification has been aiding in the understanding and labeling of im-
ages. Machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms, especially artificial neural networks, are widely
used tools for this task. In this work, we present the Expanded Latent space Autoencoder (ELSA). The ELSA
network consists of more than one autoencoder in its internal structure, concatenating their latent spaces and
constructing an expanded latent space. The expanded latent space aims to extract more information from input
data. Thus, this expanded latent space can be used by other networks for general tasks such as prediction and
classification. To evaluate these capabilities, we created an image classification network for the FashionM-
NIST and MNIST datasets, achieving 99.97 and 99.98 accuracy for the test dataset. The classifier trained with
the expanded latent space dataset outperforms some models in public benchmarks.
Image classification, one of the fundamental pillars
of computer vision, remains a relevant topic in the
contemporary technological landscape. As society
becomes digitally driven, the availability of visual
data grows exponentially, making the ability to extract
meaningful information from images undeniable. In-
terconnected with this necessity in advance in the field
of extract information is the ability to classify images
efficiently and increasingly accurately. For both chal-
lenging tasks may involve the use of sophisticated al-
gorithms and advanced machine-learning techniques
in an attempt to fulfill its objectives. Among these
techniques, artificial neural networks, including Con-
volutional Neural Networks (CNNs), gain significant
prominence due to their adaptive capability and a
range of different models for various applications.
The relevance of image classification can extend
beyond visual categorization. Applications range
from medical diagnostics (Miranda et al., 2016;
Deepa et al., 2011) to industrial automation (Liu et al.,
2023; Turay and Vladimirova, 2022), where the abil-
ity to distinguish patterns and identify objects in im-
ages has transformed entire industries (Germain and
Aguilera, 2012). In healthcare, image classification
systems have played a relevant role in recognizing
medical conditions, potentially providing faster and
more accurate diagnoses (Sharma and Jindal, 2011;
Mehdy et al., 2017). Furthermore, industrial automa-
tion, driven by computer vision algorithms, has ex-
perienced significant gains in efficiency and reliabil-
ity (Garibotto et al., 2013).
Regardless of the adopted model, application, or
use, submitted data requires prior analysis and en-
gineering in design and acquisition. A dataset that
is not sufficiently representative can accentuate the
model’s sensitivity to noisy or incomplete input data,
leading to unsatisfactory results (Huang et al., 2015;
Najafabadi et al., 2015; Jain et al., 2020). In situ-
ations where data is poorly organized or designed,
convergence in prediction becomes more challenging.
However, persistent challenges in image classifica-
tion stimulate the continuous search for innovations.
The internal complexity of image diversity, the pres-
ence of noise in data, and the need for adaptability to
new contexts demand increasingly sophisticated ap-
Considering these challenges, we propose the Ex-
panded Latent space Auto-encoder (ELSA) neural
network. ELSA is based on comprising more than
one auto-encoder in its structure, leveraging the vari-
ability of these structures to extract information from
input data and form an expanded latent space. The
expanded latent space is made by concatenating each
latent space of the internal auto-encoders. This as-
sembled ELSA approach turns up the application into
scenarios where there is not a considerable amount
Vilar de Oliveira, E., Aragão, D. and Gonçalves, L.
ELSA: Expanded Latent Space Autoencoder for Image Feature Extraction and Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0012455300003660
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th Inter national Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theor y and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2024) - Volume 3: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-679-8; ISSN: 2184-4321
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
of data possible, aiming at extracting more informa-
tion from input data. Additionally, on the incremental
variable approach, it is unnecessary to retrain an au-
toencoder for previously known variables, being nec-
essary only for newly added features. We applied the
model to image classification task using the Fashion-
MNIST and MNIST datasets to evaluate the network.
In the literature on image classification, a substantial
body of work applies machine learning techniques to
this task, from developing advanced architectures of
CNNs to new data pre-processing data strategies. The
analysis of these studies reveals a continuous empha-
sis on the search for more robust and accurate mod-
els, considering the complexity and diversity of image
As an autoencoder work related to the classifica-
tion task, (Zhao et al., 2015) proposed a stack of au-
toencoders in a supervised, semi-supervised, and un-
supervised learning approach, using a convolutional
network for encoding and a deconvolutional network
for input reconstruction. The autoencoder combined
with pooling layers produces what the authors call
”what” and ”where” variable sets. The ”what” is
fed to the next layer, and then its output is passed
to its complementary variable (where), which passes
its output to the next decoding layer. The work pre-
sented consistent results on the MNIST, CIFAR-10,
and CIFAR-100 datasets (Zhao et al., 2015). Other
works utilize autoencoder versatility in various appli-
cations (Zhou et al., 2019; Liang et al., 2017; Yang
et al., 2022).
Similarly, convolutional networks are widely ap-
plied in image classification and computer vision
(Hussain et al., 2019; Gavrikov and Keuper, 2022;
Zhang et al., 2018; Lei et al., 2019). (Li et al., 2014)
designed a custom CNN with shallow convolution
layers to classify lung images with interstitial lung
disease. The authors claim that the proposed architec-
ture learns automatically and efficiently the intrinsic
features of lung images, and the same architecture is
generalized for classifying other medical images (Li
et al., 2014).
Beyond those directly proposing neural network
architectures for classification, some works use differ-
ent machine learning techniques to improve the train-
ing of other networks (Huang et al., 2021; Louizos
et al., 2021; Dieuleveut et al., 2021). (Shi et al.,
2022) employed Bayesian learning to model person-
alized federated learning, proposing a framework to
solve a problem modeled using Bregman divergence
regularization. The authors empirically tested the pro-
posed methodology alongside non-neural network al-
gorithms on datasets like FMIST, MNIST, Sent140,
and CIFAR-10, stating that the proposal significantly
outperforms other personalized federated learning al-
gorithms (Shi et al., 2022).
Similarly, some studies propose combinations of
optimized gradient adjustment algorithms and other
approaches to promote deep learning of networks
(Kwon et al., 2021; Pham and Le, 2021; Ram
et al., 2021; Belhasin et al., 2022). (Tseng et al.,
2022) investigated some commonly used optimiz-
ers and proposed Perturbed Unit Gradient Descent
(PUGD). Through analysis and experiments, the au-
thors showed that the proposed method makes locally
bounded weight updates, thus controlled but poten-
tially leading models to a flat minimum, where the
error remains approximately constant. The authors
tested the methodology on datasets such as Tiny Im-
ageNet, CIFAR-10, and CIFAR-100 (Tseng et al.,
This overview of works establishes the backdrop
for our research, showing a snapshot of the networks
and methodologies variety present in the lecture for
the image classification problem.
ELSA is based on Pereira et al.(Pereira et al., 2020),
and as extension it uses n = 1, 2, . . . , N internal au-
toencoders, where the same input is presented to each
of them individually. After showing an input to the
internal autoencoders, an average of the produced nu-
merical decoders outputs is taken to preserve the same
input dimensionality. In parallel, the algorithm con-
catenate the encoded latent spaces of the internal au-
toencoders. The final output of the ELSA is a decoded
vector that attempts to copy the input and an ampli-
fied latent space vector. The decoded vector has the
same dimension as the input, and the latent space vec-
tor has dimension N × latent space size, where N is
the numbers of internal autoencoders. Figure 1 shows
a representative diagram in flowchart form of how we
present the inputs to the expanded latent space autoen-
To verify that each internal autoencoder brings
new information to the expanded latent space, we
trained a network using only the label 0 of the MNIST
dataset (explained further in the experiments). We
only used two internal autoencoders to train this net-
work. Table 1 shows the hyperparameters details used
for this network training.
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Expanded Latent-Space Autoencoder
autoencoder 1
autoencder 2
autoencoder N
decoded mean
encoded 1,
decoded 1
encoded 2,
decoded 2
encoded N,
decoded N
encoded 1,
encoded 2,
encoded N
decoded 1,
decoded 2,
decoded N
N * latent space
decoded mean,
Figure 1: Representative figure of the sequence flowchart of
entries into ELSA.
Table 1: Table of network hyperparameters used to demon-
strate how we create the expanded latent space.
Hyperparameter Value
Data train length 600
Data validation length 100
Data test length 1009
ELSA input size 784 (28 * 28)
ELSA hidden layer size 256
ELSA latent space size 128
Activation function ReLU
Internal Autoencoders number 2
Epochs 70
Learning rate 0.004
Loss function RMSE
Seed generator 5
After 70 epochs of training, the network presented
a training RMSE of 47.36 for input image reconstruc-
tion. This value should not be considered high, as the
values of each pixel in the image range from 0 to 255
in grayscale.We arrived at these hyperparameter val-
ues through trial and error, but they can be assigned
using a grid search, aiming to reduce the image recon-
struction error. All hyperparameters can be changed
and optimized, but it is relevant to point out that if the
number of hidden layers and their neurons substan-
tially increases, it is interesting to reduce the learning
rate to avoid high gradient variance. Furthermore, by
increasing the number of internal autoencoders, train-
ing time can exponentially grow and not result in a
considerable improvement. Figures 2a and 2b show
(a) Original input. (b) Output model copy.
Figure 2: Visual sample of an input and an output used in
training the network to verify that each internal autoencoder
brings new information to the expanded latent space.
(a) Latent Space 1. (b) Latent Space 2.
Figure 3: Visual sample of the latent space of each of the
internal autoencoders. We used a scatter plot with an alpha
of 0.07 to overlap the latent spaces.
an input and an output (image reconstruction) from
the trained network, respectively.
Starting from Figure 2, we can observe the model
could copy its input to its output satisfactorily. With
this, we have to verify whether the internal autoen-
coders of this ELSA network generate individual la-
tent spaces with different values. We will make sure
of that, suggesting that each of the internal autoen-
coders adds new information to the expanded latent
space. Figures 3a and 3b show a plot of the overlap
of the latent spaces generated for a test dataset with
1009 zero-digit images.
Figure 3 shows that the latent spaces generated by
internal autoencoder 1 for the test dataset have con-
centration values at different points than the internal
autoencoder 2. Thus, the expanded latent space is the
two latent spaces concatenation. Therefore, we can
reasonably assume that each autoencoder adds differ-
ent information to the expanded latent space. For this
network, the final latent space has N = 2 internal au-
toencoders multiplied by the size of each of their la-
tent spaces, thus 2× 128, totaling a dimension of 256.
ELSA may be able to extract more information
from a limited training set, i.e., with fewer inputs
and requiring fewer training epochs, resulting in a
shorter training time and lower network complexity.
In addition to the image reconstruction error for the
training dataset already presented, the trained net-
work achieved a 48.89 RMSE reconstruction error for
the validation dataset and 48.62 for the test dataset.
ELSA: Expanded Latent Space Autoencoder for Image Feature Extraction and Classification
This behavior suggests that ELSA, even trained with
a smaller portion of samples, is capable of generaliz-
ing what it learned to a set of new and more extensive
unseen inputs.
3.1 Multivariable ELSA
Once we train an ELSA network for a specific feature,
the network can generate expanded latent space rep-
resentations for each presented data. Similarly to the
previous example shown in Section 3 for the label 0 of
the MNIST dataset, all other labels (from 1 to 9) can
have their own ELSA that can encode them individu-
ally. Then, all input data in the entire training dataset
can pass through to their respective ELSA networks
and generate an encoded dataset with the expanded
latent spaces. With this final encoded dataset, it is
possible to train a reduced number of neurons predic-
tor or classifier networks. Consequently, the ELSA
network can generate a dataset that makes training
less costly and faster when speed is needed. Addition-
ally, absorbing each feature (the labels of the MINIST
dataset, for example) in a unique ELSA can be used
when one does not want to retrain an entire model
with the complete dataset when adding a new feature
(label) to the predictor model. Figure 4 shows the
operational structure of a multi-variable model with
ELSA networks.
ELSA 1 train
ELSA 2 train
ELSA 2 train
Latent Space
and label
Latent Space
Classifier Model
Classifier Model
Latent Space
label N data
label 0 data
label 1 data
ELSA model
expanded latent
space 2
expanded latent
space 1
expanded latent
space N
label class
Figure 4: Flowchart representation of how a multi-variable
ELSA network works.
From Figure 4, we can see that we can train N
ELSA models to represent each input label. With this,
we can think of the ELSA network as multi-variable
since it is sufficient to use an ELSA network for each
label separately and then create a dataset with the ex-
panded latent spaces (presenting all samples to their
respective ELSA networks). Then, we can associate
each expanded latent space with their labels and use
them to train a predictor model.
To evaluate the ELSA network’s ability to absorb fea-
tures and generate a representation in an expanded la-
tent space, we applied it to the image classification
of well-known MNIST (Deng, 2012) and FashionM-
NIST (Xiao et al., 2017) datasets. Both datasets con-
tain grayscale images with 28 × 28 pixels dimension.
The MNIST dataset consists of images of Arabic nu-
merals from 0 to 9, where each label represents its
respective numeral. The FashionMNIST dataset has
clothing image items, where labels 0 to 9 represent
T-shirt/top, Trouser, Pullover, Dress, Coat, Sandal,
Shirt, Sneaker, Bag, Ankle boot, respectively. Similar
to the example used in Section 3, we trained an ELSA
network for each of the 10 classes in the datasets, us-
ing the same architecture presented in Table 1. We
do not normalize the data, only resized it to match
with the first network layer, changing from (28 × 28
to (1 × 784). Figure 5 shows one data input from
each label from FashionMNIST dataset and they re-
construction from it respective ELSA network.
From Figure 5a it is possible see the original input
samples from FashinMNIST data from each of the ten
labels. Figure 5b shows that each ELSA network was
able to do a satisfactory reconstruction for it respec-
tive label input. Figure 6 shows one data input from
(a) First FashionMNIST test dataset input sample.
(b) Reconstructed ELSA to each first FashionMNIST test
dataset input sample.
Figure 5: Original dataset test input samples from Fashion-
MNIST dataset and the reconstruction (internal ELSA de-
coders mean) image from each trained ELSA network.
(a) First MNIST test dataset input sample.
(b) Reconstructed ELSA to each first MNIST test dataset
input sample.
Figure 6: Original dataset test input samples from MNIST
dataset and the reconstruction (internal ELSA decoders
mean) image from each trained ELSA network.
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 7: Boxplot of the distributions obtained in the ex-
periment for classifying the FashionMNIST and MNIST
each label from MNIST dataset and they reconstruc-
tion from it respective ELSA network.
From Figure 6a it is possible see the original in-
put samples from MNIST data from each of the ten
hand write digits. Figure 6b shows that each ELSA
network was able to do a satisfactory reconstruction
for it respective label input.
After training the ten ELSA networks, the train-
ing dataset with 60, 000 entries was divided in half
for training and validation, resulting in 30, 000 en-
tries for each. The test dataset retained its original
size of 10, 000 entries. We individually presented all
training, validation, and test entries to their respec-
tive trained networks for each label. We obtained the
expanded latent space representation for each dataset
input as mentioned in Section 3.1. Subsequently, we
created a dataset with the expanded latent spaces and
their respective labels.
To evaluate the obtained expanded latent spaces,
we trained 50 classifier networks responsible for indi-
cating the label to which each entry belongs. All net-
works have the same architecture of a fully connected
layer with 256 MLP (fully connected) inputs that re-
duce to 10 outputs. We subjected this output to a Log-
Softmax function for classification. For all networks,
we used Negative Log-Likelihood as the loss func-
tion, the Adam optimization algorithm (Kingma and
Ba, 2017), 0.009 as the learning rate, and 5 epochs
presenting the entire training and validation dataset.
The model parameters (weights) were adjusted every
1, 000 entries, meaning batch training. We extracted
the final classification accuracy for the test dataset
from each network as the evaluation metric. All these
50 networks are identical except for the weight initial-
ization seed, which we chose to vary from 1 to 100
with a sampling interval of 2, i.e., S = 1, 2, . . . , 98, 99.
Finally, to avoid overfitting networks, we considered
only accuracies below 99.99 as valid.
We do not perform tests with other types of net-
work neurons precisely because ELSAs proposal is
also to be a computationally simple model, not us-
ing various techniques such as batch normalization,
attention, or complex deep learning networks, such as
CNN, LSTM, Transformers, and even so manages to
achieve good results in feature extraction and image
classification, explaining that the latent space expan-
sion technique alone can be efficient.
Following the experiment detailed above, Figure
7 shows the boxplot of the two distributions obtained
from the accuracies (already filtered) in networks
trained with their respective datasets.
Figure 7 shows the boxplot representing the Fash-
ionMNIST dataset experiment has a lower RMSE
mean, median, and a more distant interquartile range
than the MNIST dataset boxplot. The difference can
Figure 8: Confusion matrix for training the classifier net-
work for FashionMNIST with the 13 integer seed.
Figure 9: Confusion matrix for training the classifier net-
work for MNIST with the 35 integer seed.
ELSA: Expanded Latent Space Autoencoder for Image Feature Extraction and Classification
Table 2: Table of benchmark works for the FashionMNIST dataset.
Model Accuracy Paper
ELSA (our model) 99.97* Expanded Latent-Sapce Autoencoder
pFedBreD ns mg 99.06 Personalized Federated Learning with Hidden Information on
Personalized Prior (Shi et al., 2022)
Fine-Tuning DARTS 96.91 Fine-Tuning DARTS for Image Classification (Tanveer et al.,
Shake-Shake 96.41 Sharpness-Aware Minimization for Efficiently Improving Gener-
alization (Foret et al., 2020)
Inception v3 94.44 CNN Filter DB: An Empirical Investigation of Trained Convolu-
tional Filters (Gavrikov and Keuper, 2022)
StiDi-BP in R-CSNN 92.8 Spike time displacement based error backpropagation in convo-
lutional spiking neural networks (Mirsadeghi et al., 2023)
Table 3: Table of benchmark works for the MNIST dataset.
Model Accuracy Paper
ELSA (our model) 99.98* Expanded Latent-Sapce Autoencoder
Branching/Merging CNN +
Homogeneous Vector Cap-
99.87 No Routing Needed Between Capsules (Byerly et al., 2021)
EnsNet (Ensemble learning
in CNN augmented with
fully connected subnet-
99.84 Ensemble learning in CNN augmented with fully connected sub-
networks (Hirata and Takahashi, 2023)
Efficient-CapsNet 99.84 Efficient-CapsNet: Capsule Network with Self-Attention Rout-
ing (Mazzia et al., 2021)
SOPCNN (Only a single
99.83 Stochastic Optimization of Plain Convolutional Neural Networks
with Simple methods (Assiri, 2020)
RMDL (30 RDLs) 99.82 RMDL: Random Multimodel Deep Learning for Classifica-
tion (Kowsari et al., 2018)
happen due to the label complexity to be encoded by
ELSA networks, as FashionMNIST consists of im-
ages of clothing items that may, in normalized scale,
resemble each other. However, MNIST images of
handwritten Arabic numerals have non-similar con-
tours and shapes. In terms of values, the average accu-
racies represented by the triangle inside the box were
99.65 and 99.75 for FashionMNIST and MNIST, re-
spectively. Similarly, the median accuracies repre-
sented by the horizontal line inside the box were
99.81 and 99.87 for FashionMNIST and MNIST, re-
spectively. As the chosen network, we selected the
one whose weight initialization seed provided the
highest accuracy value.
For the FashionMNIST dataset, the seed that pro-
vided the best accuracy value was 13. Figure 8 shows
the confusion matrix obtained from the network’s
classification for the 10, 000 entries in the test dataset.
From Figure 8, we can observe that the predictive
network made errors in classifying three out of the
1, 000 entries in the test dataset, resulting in a final
accuracy of 99.97%.
For the MNIST dataset, the seed that provided the
best accuracy value was 35. Figure 9 shows the confu-
sion matrix obtained from the network’s classification
for the 10, 000 entries in the test dataset.
Figure 9 shows the predictive network made errors
in classifying two out of the 10, 000 entries in the test
dataset, resulting in a final accuracy of 99.98%.
To assess the model’s quality generated from our
methodology compared to other classification mod-
els, we used two benchmarks related to the datasets
on the Papers With Code
website. Table 2 shows
the models and works found in the benchmark for the
FashionMNIST dataset
, including our model in or-
der of higher accuracy.
From Table 2, we can see that our model achieved
an accuracy result higher than those presented in this
benchmark by 0.91%. Table 3 shows the models
and works found in the benchmark for the MNIST
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
, including our model in order of higher accu-
Table 3 shows that our model achieved an accu-
racy result higher than those presented in this bench-
mark by 0.11%.
In this work, we proposed a new network based
on autoencoder models for creating an expanded la-
tent space applied to image classification. From the
conducted experiment, we observed that the trained
ELSA networks demonstrated reasonable proficiency
to feature extraction from the input data. Also, this
feature extraction provided a considerable improve-
ment in classifying grayscale images from the Fash-
ionMNIST and MNIST datasets. The prominent ac-
curacy values in the image classification task to the
dataset can be attributed to the expanded latent spaces
generated by individual ELSA networks for each la-
bel. By reconstructing the input into its output, the
ELSA network could extract information contained
in the images, and by generating the expanded latent
space, it provided the predictive network with a possi-
bly better representation of the entries. Furthermore,
the ELSA network generalized its reconstruction and
representation well to a larger dataset despite being
trained with a reduced dataset. This behavior is sim-
ilar to natural language processing models that gen-
erate word and the sentence embedding. In future
work, we will further investigate the limits of how
much the ELSA network can reduce the training en-
try quantity while maintaining a good representation
in its expanded latent space. Additionally, we will
subject it to tests with other image datasets and dif-
ferent case studies involving time series and natural
language processing.
This work has been developed with partial support
of Coordination of Higher Education Personnel Im-
provement (CAPES-Brazil), grants number 001 and
88881.506890/2020-01, and by National Research
Council (CNPq-Brazil) grant number 311640/2018-4.
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