In conclusion, this paper introduces EAPC, a frame-
work for generating realistic talking faces from audio
and reference image input. We also propose the Dual-
LSTM, which utilizes dual LSTM layers and incor-
porates skip connections from the prior audio frame
to the current audio frame, thereby enhancing the
temporal characteristics of our method. Additionally,
the Dual-LSTM module employs the attention mech-
anism to support emotion control, effectively gener-
ating emotionally animated facial landmark frames.
Qualitative results and our ablation study validate the
effectiveness of our method, leading to the achieve-
ment of competitive results with state-of-the-art. This
research opens up possibilities for more advanced and
natural facial animation generation techniques in var-
ious applications, including video production, virtual
avatars, and virtual reality experiences.
This research is funded by the University of Science,
VNU-HCM, Vietnam under grant number CNTT
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EAPC: Emotion and Audio Prior Control Framework for the Emotional and Temporal Talking Face Generation