has been conducted for budget optimization and dis-
tribution in online advertising (Aronowich et al., )
to formulate a stochastic version of the budget op-
timization problem. (Muthukrishnan et al., 2007)
tried to encapsulate machine learning techniques with
second price auction theory to determine “the cor-
rect price to ensure that the right message is deliv-
ered to the right person, at the right time”. (Perlich
et al., 2012) focussed their research on bid optimiza-
tion while developing an online approach to optimize
the key performance metrics and satisfy the smooth
delivery constraint for each campaign. In the paper
(Akande and Haq, ), They have employed the su-
pervised learning method, which involves learning a
function that converts an input (xi) to an output (yi).
Binary or multi-class supervised learning is also pos-
sible. For managing categorical data, they directly
one-hot-encoded the feature value into a numeric vec-
tor. An approach based on logistic regression: One of
the earliest attempts to train models to predict user
reaction from input categorical variables was logis-
tic regression, given an input dataset containing ‘d’
instances of (xi,yi), where xi, 0, and yi, 1 is an n-
dimensional feature vector. This approach predicts
the binary output value using a linear combination of
coefficient values and the sparse binary input feature
vector. The Sigmoid Function is used in many pa-
pers to estimate the anticipated probability of class
membership. (
es et al., 2020) focus on optimizing
online ad campaigns using logistic regression. Two
statistical methods, namely logistic regression and
degree-2 polynomial, have been utilized in the adver-
tising click-through rate prediction literature, such as
in (Yan et al., 2021) (Richardson et al., 2007), (Ling
et al., 2017), (Juan et al., 2016). These methods have
been used to investigate a variety of factors that in-
fluence users’ response behaviors toward advertising
(e.g., clicks). An approach based on an ensemble of
machine learning models has been suggested by cer-
tain studies that demonstrate the potential for subpar
outcomes when using a single machine learning tech-
nique. (Rafieian and Yoganarasimhan, 2021) imple-
mented an Xgboost model based on user behavioral
patterns. Generally, the design of ensemble models
can be divided into four sections: Bagging and Boost-
ing, Stacked, Generalization, and Cascading. The av-
erage click-through rate increased by 66.80% using
their targeting policy method compared to the contex-
tual system. The goal is to accurately forecast user
reaction using user behavior to estimate the click-
through rate. (Jha et al., 2023) presents a biblio-
metric analysis of CTR techniques used in the last
decade. Spatio-temporal models to estimate click-
through rates in the context of content recommenda-
tion were proposed by (Agarwal et al., 2009). The
XGBDeepFM model for the same was applied by (An
et al., 2020). The efficiency of XGBDeepFM outper-
forms most deep neural network models. This work
(Chan et al., 2018) shows that embedding feature vec-
tors with different sequences provides useful infor-
mation for CNN-based CTR prediction. In this pa-
per (Chen et al., 2016b), they show that it is possible
to derive an end-to-end learning model that empha-
sizes both low- and high-order feature interactions.
(Avila Clemenshia and Vijaya, 2016), (Chen et al.,
2016a), (Chen et al., 2019), (Xiao et al., 2020), (Zhou
et al., 2018), (Huang et al., 2019), (Chapelle et al.,
2014) worked on predicting CTR and conversion rates
in a similar manner using different machine learn-
ing models trying to improve efficiency. (Qin et al.,
2020) store and retrieve user behaviors using a stan-
dard search engine strategy. Apart from the literature
reviews from published papers, there were several ar-
ticles and newsletters that really helped in understand-
ing the working of many methods, which were oth-
erwise not easily grasped (Amazon, 2022a)(Vidhya,
2023)(Kumari and Toshniwal, 2021)
In the context of Amazon campaigns, profitability is
a measure of advertisement sales relative to the cost.
Several metrics can be used to quantify profitability,
like Return on Ads-Spend(ROAS) or Advertisement
Cost of Sales(ACOS). For this research, we will use
ACOS to measure profitability.
Cost O f Ad
Sales T hrough Ad
∗ 100 (1)
Here, we divided the profitability prediction into three
experiments. The first two utilize several benchmark
machine learning algorithmic techniques, while the
third one optimizes ad campaigns using probabilistic
techniques, something which we have proposed. The
models used in the first experiment include:
• Recurrent Neural Network (RNN): Neural net-
works with RNNs are made to handle sequen-
tial data. When processing and forecasting time-
series data, like the e-commerce advertising cam-
paigns, it is especially helpful.
• Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM): As a kind of
RNN, it has the ability to learn long-term depen-
dencies, which makes it a good fit for e-commerce
advertising campaigns that aim to forecast impor-
Machine Learning-Based Optimization of E-Commerce Advertising Campaigns