Figure 8: MAPC with various sub-goals for “baking a
Table 3: Various sub-goals.
Subgoal Connected nodes Bypass
put-cake-oven 9 2
wait 11 6
prepare-ingredients 9 4
This paper focused on the generalization and learning
mechanisms of deep reinforcement learning and ana-
lyzed the learned commonsense knowledge. In par-
ticular, we discussed the impact of neural networks
on the acquisition of commonsense knowledge and
the challenges of ScriptWorld in terms of reward de-
sign. The experiment showed that DQN outperforms
Q-learning in ScriptWorld, which indicates that the
neural network generalized the input as event-level
commonsense knowledge. In addition, we found that
the brief method to impart sub-goals sometimes im-
proved the learning accuracy, indicating that the re-
ward design was effective.
One of the future work is to establish the reward
design method for imparting scenario-level common-
sense knowledge. To acquire such commonsense
knowledge, it is necessary to focus not only on the
scenario but also on partial actions within the sce-
nario. In fact, it was found that setting sub-goals is
effective to some extent, but there are still issues to be
addressed regarding the placement of these sub-goals.
The method we are considering is to set a reward for
every node and change the value of the reward accord-
ing to the importance of each node. Another aspect of
this environment is that the success rate of reaching
the goal is low, and the data used for learning often
has a negative component. It could be devised in such
a way that data with a positive element would be heav-
ily reflected in the learning process. In addition, since
Handicap is available in ScriptWorld, we would like
to consider how to utilize it to further improve learn-
ing efficiency.
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ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence