stance, the image with highest d
(a value of 6.523
mm) is obtained for the last image in Figure 10 and it
is not the image with the highest mean tree ring width
(a value of 11.988 mm). Results show that introduc-
ing a confidence map is relevant.
A new framework is presented by combining a direc-
tional filter to detect tree rings and a confidence map
to perform measurements on detected tree rings. The
method works on untreated cross-section wood im-
ages. Over the experiments, it achieves a RMSE of
0.830 mm for the (Longuetaud et al., 2022) dataset,
slightly better than a deep learning method of 1.482
mm. We also obtained great results for Urudendro
dataset (Marichal et al., 2023b) with a RMSE of
14.626 pixels. Note that combining the confidence
map and deep learning offers also great results.
In future works, we will include automatic pith de-
tection, cross-section segmentation, other tree species
and other deep learning methods. We will also adapt
our method to other applications where orientation
plays an important role such as fingerprint images.
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Directional Filter for Tree Ring Detection