The Right Tool for the Job: Contextualization of Cybersecurity
Education and Assessment Methods
Daniel K
and Christoph Meinel
Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, Prof.-Dr.-Helmert-Str. 2-3, Potsdam, Germany
Security, Awareness, Education, Assessment, Method Overview.
Today, cybersecurity attacks are one of the significant threats companies face. Employees, often the weakest
link in the cybersecurity chain, are sensitized to threats in cyberspace by implemented cybersecurity awareness
and education programs in companies. Success if often rated using obligatory quizzes. Those, however, do
not accurately depict actual employee behavior; they only test for knowledge. Companies often lack accurate
measures to validate the success of cybersecurity awareness measures. We aggregate previous literature on
measures for education and assessment in the context of cybersecurity awareness and present a taxonomy of
education and assessment measures, categorizing them for context, applicability, and effort while summarizing
(dis-) advantages identified in previous research. Thereby, we enable easier decisions on specific cybersecurity
awareness education and assessment methods for decision-makers with specific restraints.
Roughly 90% of data breaches in 2020 could be
traced back to the initial access vector of phish-
ing, an attack against human subjects, counterfeit-
ing various technical defense mechanisms (Cisco,
2021). Therefore, many companies pursue cyberse-
curity education with their employees to foster secu-
rity awareness (Lain et al., 2022). However, they of-
ten follow narrow principles for establishing aware-
ness among their employees, providing educational
videos or computer-based training paired with quizzes
or phishing emails (Jaeger and Eckhardt, 2021).
The landscape of available and researched educa-
tion measures for cybersecurity awareness and appro-
priate verification methods is vast. Therefore, deriv-
ing a complete overview of the advantages of different
methods in specific situations is a daunting task. Fur-
ther, an assessment of the different dimensions of cy-
bersecurity awareness, from Perception to achieving
Behavior change, is often omitted in previous work.
Similarly neglected is often an appropriate differenti-
ation between methods used for training and methods
used for assessment of cybersecurity skills. There-
fore, barely any company can adequately tackle the
challenge to actively decide for or against a specific
education method. Instead, they often rely on pre-
viously established, potentially lacking training mea-
sures, unaware of the potential for improvement in
evaluating actual behavior changes.
This manuscript provides taxonomies of cyberse-
curity education and assessment methods to the com-
munity. To serve as a guideline for decision-makers
to assess appropriate measures and to provide a start-
ing point for fellow researchers to identify potentially
under-researched topics, both incorporating:
Key Considerations for each method and pointers
towards previous research with in-depth examples
having employed the respective methods.
Contextualization of the methods along the di-
mensions of effort, dependencies, or the context
in which they can be applied, to the best of our
knowledge unavailable in previous literature.
Verification of each assessment method along di-
mensions of cybersecurity awareness
In this work, we evaluate measures to teach or assess
awareness of risks in information technology (IT) de-
vices and systems. Such as risks on the internet. For
the term of cybersecurity awareness, we build on the
work by J
ager, who in his work reviewed 40 previous
publications, synthesizing the relationship between
Köhler, D. and Meinel, C.
The Right Tool for the Job: Contextualization of Cybersecurity Education and Assessment Methods.
DOI: 10.5220/0012457900003648
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2024), pages 234-241
ISBN: 978-989-758-683-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Information Security Awareness, its antecedents, and
consequences (Jaeger, 2018): Security Awareness is
a state of mind, derived by education and experience
in which persons are capable of understanding and
protecting themselves against security threats”.
Regarding dimensions of cybersecurity aware-
ness, the last years have shown many research arti-
cles and manuscripts proposing solutions and frame-
works to capture the nature of cybersecurity aware-
ness assessment. Already in 2006, Kruger and Kear-
ney started to outline the field of research by provid-
ing a first model using three categories: Knowledge,
Attitude, and Behavior (KAB) to measure aware-
ness (Kruger and Kearney, 2006). In 2011, Khan
et al. enhanced the KAB-Model into the Five-Step-
Ladder-Model (Khan et al., 2011). They challenge the
implicit expectation in the KAB-model that knowl-
edge ultimately leads to behavior. By inducing the
model with Theory of Reasoned Action and Theory of
Planned Behavior, they derive two intermediate steps
before the behavior change.
ansch and Benenson have further studied the
phenomenon of missing concrete dimensions and
scope of Security Awareness by analyzing more than
25 publications from the previous 15 years (H
and Benenson, 2014). They highlight three interpre-
tations of Security Awareness: (1) Perception, the fact
that users know of dangers. (2) Protection, users shall
know which dangers exist and which measures are
needed to protect themselves. (3) Behavior, users
know and apply security behavior best practices.
In this work, we follow the dimensions of cyber-
security awareness defined by H
ansch and Benenson.
Compared to a few of the other dimensions derived
in previous research, H
ansch’s dimensions allow easy
explainability and understandability. With one of our
target groups being decision-makers to bring theory
into practice, these features are critical to allow easy
application. Besides that, the framework has already
been employed by various other researchers as the
foundation for follow-up work, which we interpret as
additional indicator for its validity (Espinha Gasiba
et al., 2020; Maennel et al., 2018; Sch
utz, 2018).
Various authors have already provided an in-depth as-
sessment of some education or assessment methods,
e.g., (Kumaraguru et al., 2009; Zielinska et al., 2014;
Caputo et al., 2014). However, with different research
goals in the respective publications, they fell short of
providing an overview of the landscape. We present a
short overview of four related studies which have put
parts of the body of research into perspective.
In 2015, Rahim et al. conducted a structured lit-
erature review to identify (overarching) approaches in
cybersecurity awareness measurement (Rahim et al.,
2015). They recognized that cybersecurity assess-
ment requires mixed quantitative and qualitative ap-
proaches. While the authors of the work discuss
findings and the impact of their analyzed studies on
a meta-level, their assessment cannot be used as a
guideline for implementing further cybersecurity as-
sessment, as they center their descriptions around the
studied pieces of research literature.
In their 2020 literature review, Jampen et al. sur-
veyed various previous works on phishing tests (Jam-
pen et al., 2020). One of their fields of analysis cov-
ers the impact of education on phishing susceptibil-
ity in the context of cybersecurity education. How-
ever, while the authors identify 35 previous works that
mention the effects of education, they do not provide
enough details on the types of education to base a de-
cision for an education methodology on their survey.
Fertig and Sch
utz performed a systematic litera-
ture review in 2020 identifying 34 relevant resources,
which they assessed for the methods to measure Secu-
rity Awareness (Fertig and Sch
utz, 2020). They rec-
ognized that most studies (>25) conducted awareness
assessments based on questionnaires and surveys.
In 2022, Zhang-Kennedy and Chiasson (Zhang-
Kennedy and Chiasson, 2022) surveyed more than
100 multimedia tools for cybersecurity education.
They rate the tools and games available for cybersecu-
rity education according to ten principles from learn-
ing science. The survey’s contribution is close to our
contextualization in Table 1 and 2, however, only fea-
tures multimedia content such as games or films.
While all the previous work has evaluated some
aspects of education and assessment methods, they
often do not provide a comparison and contextual-
ization of the methods. As such, deriving real-world
comparability and applicability from previous publi-
cations is difficult. Our manuscript targets the missing
overview, comparison, and contextualization of con-
crete measures and methods for cybersecurity educa-
tion and assessment.
To derive appropriate dimensions and constraints that
need to be applied to potential methods in different
contexts, we conducted a workshop with fellow re-
searchers at the ARES conference
in 2023 (K
The workshop CS-EDU was organized by Gre-
gor Langner (AIT). Daniel K
ohler, first author of this
The Right Tool for the Job: Contextualization of Cybersecurity Education and Assessment Methods
2023). Eighteen subject matter experts from research,
industry, and governmental institutions participated in
the workshop. Most participants had a background
in education, e.g., from their time in a university or
higher education institution. In the workshop, we led
a series of smaller discussions with participants. Po-
tential educative measures to be applied in a context,
such as a university or a workplace, were initially
brainstormed. Later discussions explored the applica-
bility of these measures to changing scenarios, such
as the COVID-19 pandemic, work-from-home, or re-
mote teaching. Based on these discussions and the ex-
ploration, different dimensions and constraints were
developed for education and assessment methods, as
outlined in the following:
Education Methods are used to present knowl-
edge to a learner. To decide which methods to use,
it is critical to be aware of the Context in which
a specific education should be employed. The dis-
cussion differentiated between a Private and Profes-
sional context. The professional contexts are employ-
ment or paid training programs, whereas private con-
texts could be, e.g., governmental education programs
for their citizens. Alongside the context of an ed-
ucational program, certain Restrictions are induced
by the different education methods. Such restrictions
cover Time(ing) of a particular education measure, the
location, in which it is performed, or whether scala-
bility to larger groups of learners is possible. When,
e.g., assessing a classroom-based training program,
restrictions towards both time, location, and hence
scalability are high. However, other cases, e.g., when
using posters for education, have a high restriction for
the location of a (single) poster but are easily scalable
by providing multiple posters across multiple loca-
tions. Finally, different education measures require a
different level of effort for their implementation. We
divide between Preparation and Execution effort, as
both could influence a decision maker’s willingness
to decide for or against a method.
Assessment Methods similarly underly con-
straints in the categories of Effort and the differenti-
ation between a professional or private Context. Re-
strictions towards Scalability, Time, and Location ap-
ply to assessment just as to education measures. Ad-
ditionally, we assess the measures based on the di-
mensions of cybersecurity awareness covered. Exam-
ples would be quizzes, which are unlikely to provide
realistic results when questioning users’ behavior in
specific situations. Therefore, we include a mapping
towards the three dimensions of cybersecurity aware-
ness proposed by H
ansch and Benenson (H
ansch and
manuscript, led the one-hour-long sub-part of the workshop
discussing the topic presented in this manuscript.
Benenson, 2014), which we presented in Section 2:
Perception, Protection, and Behavior.
Perception: describes the fundamental under-
standing of security problems and dangers in om-
nipresent cyberspace; an example would be that a
user knows that cybercriminals try to get hold of
user passwords that are reused across services to
perform actions in the user’s name.
Protection: describes user knowledge on solu-
tions and mitigations for the problems; e.g., the
user understands the concept of a Password man-
ager, which allows them to use complex, different,
and secure passwords for all services.
Behavior: questions whether users apply the
known security best practices, e.g., if the user ac-
tually uses complex and unique passwords.
For education measures, the assessment of dimen-
sions of cybersecurity awareness is not applicable.
The education measures define how the education is
done. Sensitization for cybersecurity throughout the
different dimensions requires providing appropriate
content to educate the users specifically on that is-
sue. An assessment of dimensions in education would
hence rather be a question of what is taught, instead
of how is taught, and is covered to some extent in var-
ious skill frameworks previously assessed, presented,
or in development for cybersecurity, e.g. by (Caulkins
et al., 2019; Furnell and Bishop, 2020).
Education, generally, can be consumed in different
contexts. Schools teach pupils who, later in life, po-
tentially pursue higher education degrees. More for-
malized education in cybersecurity is encountered,
e.g., in the context of professional training for a spe-
cific job role or (online-) courses that interested learn-
ers can take. Some education methods, such as online
videos, can be applied in various contexts, indepen-
dent of the target group or content.
Table 1 presents our collection of education meth-
ods, which we have observed primarily within cyber-
security education. We highlight key considerations
for the different methods alongside references to liter-
ature in which more practical and in-depth resources
on the respective method can be found.
The table further highlights our contextualization
of the methods based on insights reported by previous
researchers, our experience from (education) in in-
dustry and academia, and our discussion with subject
matter experts during the workshop (K
ohler, 2023).
We contextualize based on the dimensions derived
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 1: Overview of different education methods suitable for cybersecurity education, contextualized for the effort required
for implementation, restrictions induced by the method, and context in which they could be applied.
Effort Restrictions Context
Key Considerations References and Examples
E-Mails and Newsletter Low Low # # # Texts can be harder to understand (Khan et al., 2011)
News Articles Low Low G# # G# () Current events increase interest in topic (Nagelhout et al., 2012)
(e-) Books & Documents Med. Low # # # Requires motivation to consume and learn (Carella et al., 2017)
Security Tips Low Low # # # Short tips are often not understood properly (Orunsolu et al., 2017)
Comics Med. Low # # #
Ideally short, engaging and fun
Greater accessibility than some other methods
(Zhang-Kennedy and Chiasson, 2021)
Poster & Billboards Low Med. # G#
Location is critical
Best to reiterate knowledge
(Khan et al., 2011)
Social Media Posts Low Low # # # Used for shorter or less complex content
(Mavrodieva et al., 2019)
(Hamid et al., 2017)
Videos Med. Low # # # Potentially very theoretical and not engaging (Zhang-Kennedy and Chiasson, 2021)
Short Videos (Social
Med. Low # # #
Less complex topics
Target group rather young people
(Mavrodieva et al., 2019)
Advertisement Campains Med. Med. # # # Can help reach diverse target groups (Putte, 2009)
Online Courses (MOOCs) High Low G# # # Complex and diverse topics can be covered (Gonz
alez-Manzano and de Fuentes, 2019)
Social & Group Activities
(Online) Presentations &
Classroom Training
Med. High G# G#
Adjustable to almost every situation or topic
Inefficient when trainee number increases
Sometimes ineffective
(Khan et al., 2011)
(Al-Daeef et al., 2017)
(Carella et al., 2017)
(Online) Group Discussions Low High
In small groups, efficient method
Learners can learn from each other
(Khan et al., 2011)
(Al-Daeef et al., 2017)
Gamified Learning
(Educational) Video Games High Med. # # #
Very Engaging
Allows to experience real-world scenarios
(Khan et al., 2011)
(Zhang-Kennedy and Chiasson, 2021)
(Educational) Tabletop
High Med. Potentially rather theoretical (Zhang-Kennedy and Chiasson, 2021)
Computer-Based Training Med. Low # # #
Similar to Video Games, potentially less engaging
Allows more precise real-world scenarios
(Khan et al., 2011)
Serious Games High High Immersive and sustainable sensitization for topics (Hart et al., 2020)
Radio Programmes Low Low G# # # Can help reinforce knowledge (O’Shea and Richmond, 2007)
Podcasts Low Low # # # No visual components
ohler et al., 2022)
(Goldman, 2018)
#: No Restriction G#: Limited Restriction, : Strong Restriction
in Section 4. For most dimensions, we have imple-
mented a scale consisting of three values. Effort is
categorized as Low, Medium (Med.), or High. Usu-
ally, a high effort can be equalized by paying higher
amounts of money to, e.g., a consulting company
preparing and implementing the respective measure.
One example would be an online course on a specific
topic. Preparation of such a course can be daunting
and thus rated as High effort (Hollands and Tirthali,
2014). Therefore, one could decide to buy (access
to) online courses from established platforms such as
Coursera, or EdX.
Regarding Restrictions, we highlight if the
method induces strong restrictions ( ), limited re-
strictions (G#), or has no restrictions (#). Restrictions
primarily apply to the time or location where a mea-
sure would be performed. Both limit the scalability
of an education measure. An example would be de-
signing an education measure for a worldwide com-
pany. Classroom-based training could be used but is
usually limited to a certain location where the activity
happens. In the context of video calls, one could per-
form classroom-based training online (G#) and would
primarily be limited by the time slot ( ), which has
to fit all attendees. Hence, in the example of a world-
wide organization, the company would have to offer
many sessions covering the same content to enable all
employees to participate. This would be considered
limited scalability of the measure (G#).
The following sections briefly highlight essential
aspects of across the dimensions of the the table.
Effort particularly targets, how a measure is pre-
pared and applied. As Lutz and Kc (Lutz and Kc,
2011) highlighted, the content of education programs
can impact which presentation form would be effi-
cient to use. Hence, each change regarding an educa-
tion method could require new content to be prepared.
As the table shows, most education measures require
low or moderate preparation effort. However, more
sophisticated methods, such as online courses, video
The Right Tool for the Job: Contextualization of Cybersecurity Education and Assessment Methods
or tabletop games, and serious games, require tremen-
dous preparation and effort. The content and material
for these education measures can often be obtained
from other companies or public sources such as on-
line education platforms. The decision to use external
content can drastically reduce the effort required for
preparation. However, when using external resources,
the exact coverage of suitable topics for the own situ-
ation can not be assured.
For the execution of an education method, signif-
icant differences in the effort are observable. While
prerecorded videos are effortlessly distributed, class-
room sessions require planning, preparation, person-
nel, and infrastructure, such as available rooms or
space to be conducted. Overall, the majority of pop-
ular education methods require relatively low effort
during execution.
Restrictions to education measures such as
classroom-based training often depend on learners be-
ing in the same place at the same moment. Such mea-
sures are challenging to scale across a big organiza-
tion potentially spread worldwide. Companies may
not require scalability of their education programs. In
such cases, relying on measures that are hard to scale
should be of no issue. In contrast, most, e.g., video-
based measures, do not depend on location, time,
or scalability. Similarly effortlessly scale text- and
picture-based measures that do not rely on a physical
medium, such as emails or social media posts.
Many researchers have reported interactive and
social types of training, such as serious games, dis-
cussions, and classroom training, to be very impact-
ful towards the learning outcomes. However, at the
same time, those are the education measures which’s
implementation strongly depends on a shared location
and available time slot. The past years, though, have
shown that many workshops can be performed in on-
line contexts, rendering the dependency on a shared
location less critical.
Regarding the Context of an education program,
many methods can be observed for recipients in pri-
vate (off-work) and professional contexts. Often, con-
tent is only consumed by those actively deciding to
do so. An example is listening to podcasts. Broader
communication channels, such as social media, ra-
dio programs, or advertisement campaigns on TV or
during other podcast shows, would also reach those
not enrolled or subscribed to educative material any-
where else. Those campaigns could be used in, e.g.,
government-sponsored education programs, to reach
diverse recipient groups throughout the population.
On the other hand, some education methods are
primarily seen in professional education. Such would
be classroom-based training, e.g., in yearly manda-
tory security education. Similarly, computer-based
training or serious games are primarily observed in
professional contexts, mainly due to the high cost and
effort of preparation required.
Measuring and assessing learning success is essential
for observing any impact provided by education mea-
sures and programs. However, the effect and fit of a
particular assessment for a specific situation is often
only studied little. Other researchers explicitly state
shortcomings of their used measurement or teaching
methods (Kruger and Kearney, 2006). We, put differ-
ent methods and approaches into perspective to allow
decision-makers and researchers to compare them and
choose the most appropriate for their scenario.
Table 2 provides an overview of the different
assessment approaches identified from previous re-
search. As earlier, we contextualize the different
methods alongside the dimensions outlined in Sec-
tion 4. In addition to the previous table, however, this
overview also provides an evaluation of dimensions
of cybersecurity awareness that can be assessed using
the respective methods.
Similarly to the other scales, we differentiate on
a three-point scale between a Good (), Neutral (),
or Bad (×) fit of a respective method for assessing
awareness in a particular dimension of cybersecurity
awareness. An example would be quizzes, which can
easily be used to assess an employee’s understanding
of a specific topic (perception) or whether they know
how to protect themselves against various threats in
cyberspace adequately but fail to measure behavior.
The following paragraphs provide an overview of
the different dimensions assessed and the implications
to practicality.
Accurate assessment of Dimensions of Cyberse-
curity Awareness is relevant to correctly interpret
real-world situations. The chosen assessment method
strongly determines the quality of answers for the spe-
cific dimensions in question. Choosing the wrong
measurement for the dimension in question can result
in inaccurate results and, in the worst cases, put, e.g.,
an overall company security posture at risk.
It is important to note that measures that actively
question an employee or make them realize that an as-
sessment is performed are usually only effective in as-
sessing the dimensions of perception (of a threat) and
protection. Other researchers have already reported
on the danger of employees providing inaccurate an-
swers in surveys on behavior because they assume
that the employer wants to hear that answer (Kruger
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 2: Overview of assessment methods proposed and applied in previous literature compared for the covered dimension
of security awareness, effort required for implementation, restrictions implied by the method and applicable context.
Dimension Effort Restrictions Context
Key Considerations References and Examples
(Knowledge) Assessment
Quizzes × Low Low # # # Can only verify theoretical knowledge
(Kruger and Kearney, 2006)
ohler et al., 2023)
× Low Med. # # G# Danger that employees answer dishonestly
(Kruger and Kearney, 2006)
(Marks and Rezgui, 2009)
Interviews Med. High # G# Exhaustive work for large groups (Boujettif and Wang, 2010)
Observation × × Med. High Potentially very time-consuming (Marks and Rezgui, 2009)
Technical Measures
Helpdesk Reports × × Low Low # # G#
Insights into processes known to
(Khan et al., 2011)
(Gardner and Thomas, 2014)
(Monitoring) Internet
× × Med. Med. # # G#
Provides accurate information on
employee behavior
(Khan et al., 2011)
Password Policies
× Low Low # # #
Measure if employees / customers protect
(Wolf et al., 2010)
Phishing Tests
× × Med. Med. # # # Monitor actual behavior precisely
(Jaeger and Eckhardt, 2021)
ohler et al., 2023)
Red-Team Exercises × High High G# Particularly study cybersecurity-teams (Scholl et al., 2017)
Simulation Games High High G# G# Worst-case scenarios close to reality (Jalali et al., 2019)
Appropriateness to evaluate dimension: ×: Bad Fit : Neutral, : Good Fit
#: No Restriction G#: Limited Restriction, : Strong Restriction
and Kearney, 2006; Fertig and Sch
utz, 2020).
Many technical methods, such as monitoring em-
ployees’ passwords or internet activity, can accurately
assess the actual behavior. One of the most com-
mon methods is phishing email exercises with em-
ployees to validate the success of previous cyberse-
curity awareness campaigns.
The Effort required for preparation of assessment
methods differs strongly. While techniques such as
quizzes or surveys are easy to prepare and relatively
easy to execute, other methods, such as interviews,
require little effort during preparation but tremen-
dous effort during execution. Additional examples
are personal talks with employees or observations of
their behavior, which would occupy many (human)
resources. During the execution of the assessment
measures, complex methods such as red-team exer-
cises or security benchmarks require high effort. Such
effort could be represented by monetary resources re-
quired to be spent or employees tasked with the indi-
vidual assessment.
Restrictions to measures cover scalability, time,
and location, particularly for in-person assessments.
Instead, various measures relying on technical as-
pects, such as monitoring databases or internet activ-
ity, underly fewer restrictions. Highly specialized ex-
ercises such as red-teaming or simulation games un-
derlie most restrictions. These measures promise to
provide real-world insights into actual threat scenar-
ios but, therefore, often imply more substantial re-
strictions for the time or location of the measure.
Contexts of assessment measures differ between
personal and professional scenarios. Particularly for
technical measures we observe a strong tendency to
application in professional contexts only. Quizzes for
behavior, e.g., in the context of online courses, can be
completed by persons in their private lives, or inter-
views and observation for specific studies can be con-
ducted with private persons. Those types of assess-
ments rarely actually target people’s behavior. Most
people would answer that they should use good pass-
words, however, the least users actually do (Yıldırım
and Mackie, 2019).
Technical measures for assessment are only im-
plemented in professional work situations where em-
ployees are trained and assessed for their cybersecu-
rity awareness. Proper studies using technical mea-
sures on private participants often observe substantial
limitations regarding their internal validity, as study
participants would need to be informed of the nature
of the research and could, in turn, react differently
when observed or questioned.
Some of the presented methods lack research on their
effectiveness. For future research in this area, we
plan to build on the discussion with researchers from
the field of cybersecurity education, as challenged by
The Right Tool for the Job: Contextualization of Cybersecurity Education and Assessment Methods
this work. Based on feedback from the community,
we aim to expand this taxonomy with additional ed-
ucation and assessment methods and further dimen-
sions to contextualize these. While we derived our
overview from a cybersecurity awareness perspec-
tive, we expect that practitioners and researchers from
other domains can also apply teaching methods to
their contexts. Promising examples could be other
fields of awareness, such as fake news.
In this work, we challenge the problem of unsuit-
able cybersecurity awareness programs by providing
decision-makers with taxonomies for choosing edu-
cation and assessment methods.
In Table 1, we categorize 19 methods for educa-
tion based on the effort needed for both preparation
and execution, restrictions in terms of time, location,
and scalability, and the method’s context of private or
professional education. Short summaries of critical
findings and considerations on the methods accom-
pany the presentation of the methods.
In Table 2, we highlight ten different cybersecu-
rity awareness assessment methods used and consid-
ered in previous research. As previously, we catego-
rize each measure according to the effort for prepara-
tion, restrictions, and execution and the context that
we observed to be used. Particularly for the context
of cybersecurity, we investigate the dimension, such
as Perception, Protection, or Behavior, that can be as-
sessed by the respective measure(s).
With both overviews, we provide decision-makers
with a foundation for an educated decision on which
measures to implement in their context. Similarly, the
summary can inspire researchers when drafting fur-
ther studies in the cybersecurity context.
Al-Daeef, M. M., Basir, N., and Saudi, M. M. (2017). Se-
curity awareness training: A review. Lecture Notes in
Engineering and CS.
Boujettif, M. and Wang, Y. (2010). Constructivist Ap-
proach to Information Security Awareness in the Mid-
dle East. In 2010 International Conference on Broad-
band, Wireless Computing, Communication and Ap-
plications, pages 192–199.
Caputo, D. D., Pfleeger, S. L., Freeman, J. D., and John-
son, M. E. (2014). Going Spear Phishing: Exploring
Embedded Training and Awareness. IEEE Security &
Privacy, 12(1):28–38.
Carella, A., Kotsoev, M., and Truta, T. M. (2017). Impact of
security awareness training on phishing click-through
rates. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big
Data (Big Data), pages 4458–4466.
Caulkins, B., Marlowe, T., and Reardon, A. (2019). Cy-
bersecurity Skills to Address Today’s Threats. In Ad-
vances in Human Factors in Cybersecurity, Advances
in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pages 187–
192. Springer International Publishing.
Cisco (2021). Cybersecurity threat trends: phishing, crypto
top the list.
Espinha Gasiba, T., Lechner, U., and Pinto-Albuquerque,
M. (2020). Sifu - a cybersecurity awareness platform
with challenge assessment and intelligent coach. Cy-
bersecurity, 3(1):24.
Fertig, T. and Sch
utz, A. (2020). About the measuring of in-
formation security awareness: a systematic literature
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The Right Tool for the Job: Contextualization of Cybersecurity Education and Assessment Methods