LSTM autoencoder, an algorithm suitable for abnor-
mal behavior detection.
To prove the effectiveness of the proposed
method, de-identification evaluation and abnormal
behavior detection performance comparison were
conducted. In the de-identification evaluation, risk
analysis was conducted by applying three attacker
models, and it was proven that the de-identified
dataset had only a low possibility of re-identification
and was therefore safe. On the other hand, in the ab-
normal behavior detection performance comparison
experiment, the de-identified data resulted in slightly
improved performance and a higher detection rate
than those obtained using the identifiable data.
In follow-up research, we plan to conduct further
studies to expand the scope of application of anomaly
detection solutions using de-identified datasets by set-
ting various anomaly detection situations and provid-
ing anomaly detection solutions tailored to each situ-
This work was partly supported by the Korea Institute
for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) grant funded
by the Korean Government (MOTIE) (P0008703, The
Competency Development Program for Industry Spe-
cialists) and MSIT under the ICAN (ICT Challenge
and Advanced Network of HRD) program (No. IITP-
2022-RS-2022-00156310), supervised by the Insti-
tute of Information Communication Technology Plan-
ning and Evaluation (IITP).
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LSTM Autoencoder-Based Insider Abnormal Behavior Detection Using De-Identified Data