ing scenarios, showcasing its ability to detect anoma-
lies without relying on color information.
The most likely reason for false detections is con-
sidered to be the inadequate performance of feature
extraction by the VAE. In this approach, anomaly de-
tection relies on the difference in feature vectors be-
tween that of the predicted normal map at t + 1 and
the normal map at t + 1. Hence, the performance of
the VAE’s encoder plays a crucial role in influencing
the outcomes. Enhancing the detection performance
is anticipated by achieving a more accurate feature ex-
traction for unknown normal maps using the VAE.
While there is still significant room for improve-
ment in avoiding the misclassification of normal (non-
abnormal) frames as anomaly frames in both Sec-
tion 4.2.2 and Section 4.2.3, the results presented
above effectively highlight the efficacy of the pro-
posed method. This approach, utilizing normal maps
and anomaly detection, demonstrates its effectiveness
in detecting anomalies on the road.
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anomaly detection. When walking, individuals may
unconsciously perceive that there is no danger based
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to significant accidents. Our method aims to address
the potential risks posed by these anomalies by pre-
dicting the normal map of the ground surface one is
about to walk on, leveraging a time series of normal
maps, and generating anomaly scores. The effective-
ness of our proposed method has been demonstrated
through experiments using the custom datasets. This
research, combining normal maps with anomaly de-
tection, contributes to advancements in the fields of
pedestrian assistance and anomaly detection.
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VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications