important role, not only in desease countermeasures
but also in other situations such as giving an overview
of its impacts in the climatic global changing, for ex-
The determination of AQI uses a set of atmo-
spheric parameters that are usually measured in some
way and serve as input for its calculation. Here we
aim to use data coming from the Sentinel-5 satel-
lite. Thanks to this satellite that is contantly tak-
ing all kinds of raster data from the earth’s surface,
this process can be done for different regions of the
planet. We use in the study the Brazilian geographical
area, in order to make the experiment feasible. This
means analysing different atmospheric pollutant from
the satellite data in the geodesic positions of the states
of Brazil. Although, there is a traditional approach to
compute de AQI, a question that arise is how precisely
calculate it from satellite data. Also, other issues ap-
pear such as what is the proper granularity of data that
should be useful and efficient for a country observa-
This study contributes to a larger project, for
predicting the dynamics of viral epidemics and
infectious contagious diseases with clustered data
analysis from the perspective of artificial intelli-
gence. The project goal is to predict the dy-
namics of the advancing behavior of the COVID-
19 pandemic, using AI methods. Normally, there
are parameters or behaviors do not used (or that
cannot be) in traditional epidemiological mod-
els such as the Susceptible, Infectious, Recov-
ered (SIR), Autoregressive Integrated Moving Aver-
age (ARIMA), and Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-
Recovered-Deceased (SEIRD), among other predic-
tion models (Pereira et al., 2020). Hence, the advan-
tage of this approach is the incorporation of new as-
pects that influence the behavior of the pandemic for
predictions (as mobility indexes, climatic factors, and
air pollution, being the latter the topic of research of
the current work).
Thus, our main contribution here is the develop-
ment of a technique that can be used to calculate air
pollutant rates within a period of time, with a possibly
finer granularity. As said, the focus is a geographic
area inside Brazil, initially. So, valid characteristics
for the Sentinel-5 satellite and data set are used in-
side this region. As aforementioned, the predictions
given by the data-driven approaches use AQI, and
other variables, and here we have contributed with
the use of Sentinel-5 data for calculating AQI at some
desired level of granularity that is recquired by these
data-driven tools.
Calculating the air pollutant indices for a given re-
gion helps evaluate air quality. As mentioned previ-
ously, to estimate the AQI for a given area, it is nec-
essary first to obtain the air pollutant indices; based
on the analysis of the various index, it is possible to
check whether the air in a given location is dangerous
for humans and animals (Arag
ao et al., 2022; Fermo
et al., 2021; Piscitelli et al., 2022). The general find-
ing is that by improving air quality respiratory prob-
lems will be minimized, as well other chronic diseases
that are ssociated with the deaths from Covid-19.
Therefore, next subsections discuss the levels of
atmospheric pollutants, the way in which the data pro-
vided by Sentinel5 is acquired, and the structure of
how all this information is made available.
2.1 Acquiring Pollutant Data
One of the most important atmosferic parameters
from which the Air Quality Index (AQI) can be
most of time straight calculated is particulate matter
(PM), more specifically PM2.5 and PM10. Moreover,
other pollutants as Ozone (O3), Nitrogen Dioxide
), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), and Carbon Monox-
ide (CO) emissions can also be used in its determi-
nation. Nowadays, there exist ground monitoring sta-
tions for acquiring both PM2.5 and PM10 data, with
a few exceptions where only the PM10 data is avail-
able (Scale, 2022).
As said, these pollutant can be acquired in two dif-
ferrent ways. The first one is by using an in-loco mon-
itoring station, which has the several sensors types
installed inside it. In this case, they can be used to-
gether in a system that captures their specific data, on
the several variables above (Ozone, PM, and so on).
Figure 1 shows some of the existing stations around
the world (Scale, 2022). Notice that a few of them are
located in Brazil, where they are mainly in the cities
of the southern states.
On a second way, it is possible to have these data
acquired and calculated by using data provided by
satellites. They normally capture the radiation of light
from regions on the earth’s surface, from which it is
possible to extract information that can be used to es-
timate the values for the pollutant. This can be done
thanks to air quality scientists that have discovered
that each pollutant has a specific radiation distribu-
tion, which can be used to separate them. Thanks to
this, satellite data is often used nowadays in order to
measure pollution itens, such as the World’s Air Pol-
lution: Real-time Air Quality Index (Scale, 2022), Air
quality index (AQI) and PM2.5 air pollution (Project,
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications