Thinking on Your Feet: Enhancing Foveated Rendering in Virtual
Reality During User Activity
David Petrescu
1 a
, Paul A. Warren
2 b
, Zahra Montazeri
1 c
, Gabriel Strain
1 d
and Steve Pettifer
1 e
University of Manchester, Human-Computer Systems, U.K.
University of Manchester, Virtual Reality Research (VR2) Facility, Division of Psychology, Communication and Human
Neuroscience, U.K.
Foveated Rendering, Variable Rate Shading, Psychophysics, Movement, Attention, Virtual Reality.
As prices fall, VR technology is experiencing renewed levels of consumer interest. Despite wider access,
VR still requires levels of computational ability and bandwidth that often cannot be achieved with consumer-
grade equipment. Foveated rendering represents one of the most promising methods for the optimization of
VR content while keeping the quality of the user’s experience intact. The user’s ability to explore and move
through the environment with 6DOF separates VR from traditional display technologies. In this work, we
explore if the type of movement (Active versus Implied) and attentional task type (Simple Fixations versus
Fixation, Discrimination, and Counting) affect the extent to which a dynamic foveated rendering method using
Variable Rate Shading (VRS) optimizes a VR scene. Using psychophysics methods we conduct user studies
and recover the Maximum Tolerated Diameter (MTD) at which users fail to notice drops in quality. We find
that during self-movement, performing a task that requires more attention masks severe shading reductions
and that only 31.7% of the headset’s FOV is required to be rendered at the native pixel sampling rate.
VR is experiencing a significant increase in inter-
est (Harley, 2020). With the rise of affordable and
powerful chips that can generate realistic VR and
Augmented Reality (AR) content, and Mixed Real-
ity (MR) gaining popularity, photorealistic content
becomes more desirable. However, rendering such
environments is expensive, necessitating methods of
reducing computational load and bandwidth usage.
With resolutions and refresh rates of Head-Mounted
Displays (HMDs) continuing to increase, rendering
requirements become proportionally more expensive.
Shading operations require significant computations
performed on the Graphical Processing Unit (GPU).
The Human Visual System (HVS) is particularly
adept at resolving fine detail in the foveal region (i.e.
focal point) but becomes less proficient as eccentric-
ity increases; therefore, rendering techniques that ex-
ploit perceptual characteristics without affecting the
overall experience present a solution to the increased
computational load typical of VR applications.
During VR usage, users are commonly moving
through a virtual environment either via active move-
ment (i.e. under their own steam - locomotion) or pas-
sively via implied movement (e.g. simulated move-
ment in a vehicle, using the controllers to navigate).
Furthermore, users are often intentionally engaged in
a task (e.g. finding enemies, searching for items).
With respect to locomotion, there is evidence that the
nature and complexity of neural processing differs for
active versus passive movement. More specifically,
the complex interplay between vestibular, proprio-
ceptive, visual, and efference copy systems in active
movement are required for the correct interpretation
of a stable environment (Warren et al., 2022). With
respect to task engagement, the deployment of what
is referred to in psychological science as overt atten-
tion (see Section 2.3) is required. Based on previous
work we know that:
Retinal motion and/or motion from self-induced
movement cause a decrease in visual sensitivity
to fine detail (Murphy, 1978; Braun et al., 2017).
Variable Rate Shading (VRS) artifacts in a fixed-
foveated algorithm are less conspicuous during
active movement compared to implied movement
(Petrescu et al., 2023a).
Petrescu, D., Warren, P., Montazeri, Z., Strain, G. and Pettifer, S.
Thinking on Your Feet: Enhancing Foveated Rendering in Virtual Reality During User Activity.
DOI: 10.5220/0012459300003660
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2024) - Volume 1: GRAPP, HUCAPP
and IVAPP, pages 140-150
ISBN: 978-989-758-679-8; ISSN: 2184-4321
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Attention can be modulated by varying task dif-
ficulty, affecting the extent to which foveated
graphics can be used (Krajancich et al., 2023).
The issues highlighted above suggest that there is
potential for further improving foveated rendering al-
gorithms by considering both user movement and task
engagement. In particular, there may be greater scope
for lower-quality rendering (and thus lower required
levels of GPU computation) for users who are both
moving and engaged in a task. In the present study,
we investigate this potential. We achieve this by using
readily available information about user movement
and task type - a direct approach that does not rely
on models of vision.
2.1 Foveated Rendering
Foveated graphics are a family of optimization meth-
ods that rely on uneven retinal sensitivity to detail
across the visual field. Due to the physical distribu-
tion of photoreceptors on the retina (Curcio and Allen,
1990), sensitivity to fine detail decreases as a function
of eccentricity from the focal point; foveated graph-
ics exploit this property by reducing rendering qual-
ity as a function of retinal acuity falloff. Psychophys-
ical studies have confirmed that these retinal proper-
ties result in lower visual acuity and spatio-temporal
contrast sensitivity in the visual periphery (Krajancich
et al., 2021; Mantiuk et al., 2022). Foveated graphics
can be gaze-contingent (eye-tracked - degradation fol-
lows gaze) or fixed to the center of the display. For a
state-of-the-art report refer to Wang et al. (2023).
Guenter et al. (2012) approximated the retinal
falloff to a linear function in Minimum Angle of
Resolution (MAR) units (acuity reciprocal). They
showed that by using foveated rendering with an ag-
gressive degradation MAR slope, sampling perfor-
mance could be increased by a factor of ve. Foveated
rendering is especially attractive for VR HMDs, espe-
cially with eye-tracking technology becoming more
readily available, and has been successfully im-
plemented in previous work (Patney et al., 2016;
Vaidyanathan et al., 2014). Mantiuk et al. (2021)
introduced a state-of-the-art visual difference metric
based on a comprehensive visual model that accounts
for eccentricity and sensitivity to spatio-temporal ar-
tifacts, which can be used to assess foveated meth-
ods or other degradation techniques. Models of vi-
sion have since been used to enhance foveated graph-
ics whilst accounting for contrast sensitivity (Tursun
and Didyk, 2022; Tursun et al., 2019). Guiding sam-
ples in ray-tracing algorithms can also benefit from
foveated graphics, with this being implemented suc-
cessfully by Weier et al. (2016). Other applications
of foveated graphics include increasing the perceived
dynamic range of the image (E. Jacobs et al., 2015),
achieving more efficient power consumption by ma-
nipulating how eccentricity affects color perception
(Duinkharjav et al., 2022), and guiding level-of-detail
(LOD) strategies (Luebke and Hallen, 2001).
2.2 Variable Rate Shading
VRS (NVIDIA, 2018) is a technology supported by
the Nvidia Turing architecture that enables variable
control of shading across different parts of an image
independently; this technique confers more granular-
ity than conventional shading techniques. VRS has
many similarities to coarse pixel shading a method
used previously for shading simplifications and in-
troduced as part of a foveated rendering method in
Vaidyanathan et al. (2014). The rendered images are
divided into 16×16px tiles which can be shaded in a
multitude of configurations. The rasterization process
is not altered when VRS is activated, ensuring that no
additional aliasing artifacts are introduced and sharp
edges are preserved. The shading rate of the 16×16px
tile can have a uniform configuration: {2×2, 4×4} or
a non-uniform one: {1×2, 2×1, 2×4, 4×2}. In or-
der to minimize calls to the fragment shader, the final
pixel appearance is derived from only one value based
on the configurations. It is important to mention that
this downsampling results in visual artifacts that can
be scene-dependent, with certain textures (e.g. check-
ered patterns) being more affected by VRS degrada-
tions. In our experiment, we use VRS4×4 for maxi-
mum optimization benefits.
2.3 Attention
Recently, considerable research effort in the percep-
tual graphics community has shifted from low-level
visual processing (e.g. contrast sensitivity) to higher-
order processes such as visual attention. Attention is
often characterized as a ‘spotlight’ for the focusing
of cognitive resources (Cave and Bichot, 1999). We,
however, aim to study dynamic environments; there is
evidence that, when scene movement is present, atten-
tion is structured in terms of perceptual groups as op-
posed to predefined areas (Driver and Baylis, 1989).
The term overt attention typically refers to the
process of directly orienting one’s gaze to objects
of interest, whereas covert attention refers to the
mechanisms of directing attention to a part (or po-
Thinking on Your Feet: Enhancing Foveated Rendering in Virtual Reality During User Activity
tentially multiple parts) of the environment without
moving the eyes. Covert attention is thought to pre-
cede overt attention and guide subsequent eye move-
ments/fixations. In our experiment, we are interested
in endogenous overt attention, specifically the ability
to voluntarily monitor information that appears at a
given location and with the participant performing a
certain task.
Attention has been previously studied in the con-
text of perception and visual sensitivity. Whilst there
is evidence that attending overtly to a focal point im-
proves performance and acuity in the foveal region
(Kandel et al., 2012), it has also been recently shown
that the presence of a task that requires increased
mental load significantly reduces one’s visual acuity
(Mahjoob et al., 2022). Moreover, the deployment
of attention is also thought to reduce contrast sensi-
tivity (Huang and Dobkins, 2005). Recently, Krajan-
cich et al. (2023) created an attention-aware model of
contrast sensitivity. By running extensive user stud-
ies, they provided strong evidence that the additional
presence of a task which requires an increased level
of attentional load further lowers the ability to resolve
fine detail in the periphery (i.e. the degradation area
can be increased when attention is deployed).
2.4 Movement and Optimization
Denes et al. (2020) created a vision model accounting
for resolution and refresh rate that improved the vi-
sual quality of predictable and unpredictable motion.
However, they only studied on-screen motion and did
not consider the source of movement. VRS has also
been used to great effect alongside models of motion
and visual masking in order to reduce rendering load
and account for motion artifacts (Jindal et al., 2021;
Yang et al., 2019). More recently, neural network
super-resolution techniques accounting for temporal
changes were used to great effect to optimize foveated
graphics in VR (Ye et al., 2023).
Suchow and Alvarez (2011a,b) explored a phe-
nomenon termed ‘silencing’ which highlights that the
presence of motion in the background impairs the
ability to discern between qualitative properties of the
foreground stimuli (luminance, color, size and shape).
Regarding the effects of type of movement on
degradation artifacts, Petrescu et al. (2023b) showed
that users’ head rotations can be used to drive a
LOD simplification algorithm. Ellis and Chalmers
(2006) used dynamic scaling of the foveated region
(at multiple sampling rates) scaled to the vestibu-
lar response produced by translational movement
using a 6-Degrees of Freedom (DOF) motion pod
and found significant scope for optimization. Ad-
ditionally, Petrescu et al. (2023a) examined the ef-
fects of VRS-based fixed-foveated rendering degra-
dations during instances of self-movement and im-
plied movement, finding that self-movement reduced
sensitivity to more pronounced foveated rendering
settings. Moreover, Lisboa et al. (2023) recently
showed that rectangle-mapped foveated rendering can
be enhanced during instances of implied user move-
ment. Using depictions of indoor and outdoor envi-
ronments, they showed that when the user is being
moved through the VR environment at higher veloci-
ties, the severity of the foveated rendering algorithm
can be significantly increased compared to a station-
ary user without affecting the visual experience.
In the current study, we build upon the research
presented in Krajancich et al. (2023), Petrescu et al.
(2023a), and Ellis and Chalmers (2006) to investigate
the influence of attention-modulating tasks during
movement on the artifacts induced by VRS foveated
graphics. Our focus is on understanding the extent to
which different types of movement (active versus im-
plied) and types of tasks (a simple task involving only
fixation of targets versus a more demanding task in-
volving fixation, discrimination between, and count-
ing of appropriate targets) impact an individual’s abil-
ity to detect degradations in quality.
In this work, we explore the effects of task type and
movement in two separate parts. The tasks will be
discussed in Section 3.2. Participants either moved by
walking (Active Movement - AM condition) or were
stationary and observed a representation of movement
(i.e. flying) through the environment (Implied Move-
ment - IM condition). We used NVIDIA VRS in its
4×4 configuration (1/16 of the sampling rate of the
non-degraded area, which is the most aggressive set-
ting in our system) so that we obtain maximum ben-
efits from our method and the down-sampling artifact
can be observed more clearly by the participants. We
choose to use two foveation regions which we term
HQ (high quality, rendered at the native shading rate
- 1×1 pixel sampling) and LQ (low quality, rendered
at VRS 4×4). The dynamic foveated rendering algo-
rithm we use was implemented by adapting HTC Vive
code for foveated rendering (ViveSoftware, 2020) so
it functions with our current platform and XR SDK.
3.1 Apparatus
The data for this experiment were collected in the
Virtual Reality Research (VR2) Facility at the Uni-
GRAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
versity of Manchester. We used the Oculus Quest
Pro headset with eye-tracking enabled (refresh rate:
72Hz). The headset has 1800x1920px resolution per
eye and a rendered horizontal FOV of 108°. Because
the participants had to walk through the environment,
we used the Oculus Air Link to transfer data at 90Hz
and we capped the FPS at 90 on our desktop configu-
ration (Intel i7-7700K CPU and NVIDIA RTX 3080
Ti GPU). Note that HMDs tend to vary in effective
resolution over the FOV because of the optical prop-
erties of the lens. Beams et al. (2020) showed that
effective resolution in VR HMDs decreases rapidly
for off-axes angles. This could potentially induce a
confound in our findings, however studies that have
reported this were done using headsets with fresnel-
type lenses. The Quest Pro used in our study has
pancake lenses which improve optical quality edge-
to-edge (Xiong et al., 2021). Moreover, the purpose
of this experiment is not to report a specific compres-
sion or foveated rendering algorithm, but to study and
disentangle the interaction between the experimen-
tal conditions. Given the technology used was the
same across participants, any device-specific differ-
ences should not influence the effects studied here.
The experiment was coded in the Unity game
engine (Version 2022.3.4f1) and verbose data about
each trial was collected using the Unity Experi-
ment Framework (UXF), which was designed for the
development and control of psychophysical studies
(Brookes et al., 2020).
3.2 Tasks
To explore how increased attention, caused by task
difficulty, can be studied using dynamic foveated ren-
dering and in conjunction with different movement
conditions, we devise a novel method in VR. The
rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) task from
Huang and Dobkins (2005) consists of a series of
rapidly presented random letters (i.e. distractor let-
ters) at a fixation point, with participants tasked with
finding a target letter. Increasing the number of dis-
tractor letters also increases the task difficulty and
therefore the level of attention participants are using
to complete the task. Krajancich et al. (2023) used
this method successfully to explore the effects of at-
tention on foveated graphics.
Inspired by this, we propose two tasks: Sim-
ple Fixations (SF) and fixation, discrimination, and
counting, which we will refer to as the Monkey Finder
(MF) task. We divided the Sponza Scene corridor into
four distinct spawn areas. Note that the y-axis posi-
tion of the spawn volume is scaled to the height of the
participant at the beginning of the experiment. In both
tasks, participants move through the scene and are in-
structed to look at appearing objects. Objects appear
sequentially before the participant enters each spawn
zone so that items always appear within the FOV of
the viewing frustum. When an object is intercepted
by the gaze of the participant, it blinks once and dis-
appears. Objects spawn randomly within the volume
of the area (1.25×1×1 meters). Each corresponding
trial in each task condition was allocated the same po-
sitional values at runtime (e.g. items in trial 1 in MF
had the same positions as in trial 1 in SF). This gave
us confidence that the participants performed roughly
the same eye fixations in both tasks. At the end of
each SF and MF trial participants were asked if they
noticed a degradation. To provide a reference, partic-
ipants always saw the undegraded scene (i.e. native
shading, VRS1×1) prior to movement beginning.
3.2.1 Simple Fixations (SF)
In the SF condition, participants move through the en-
vironment and are presented with spheres (top-middle
in Figure 2). Participants are instructed to fixate on
spheres as they progress through the environment.
Note, in both tasks we used textureless objects while
randomizing the color of each spawned item.
3.2.2 Monkey Finder (MF)
In this task, participants move through the environ-
ment (AM and IM). They are instructed to fixate on
items that appear sequentially and to count the occur-
rences of a target object (here, Suzanne, the Blender
Monkey, top-left in Figure 2). Compared to SF, the
objects that appear on the screen can now be any of
the well-known models in the Graphics community
presented in Figure 2. The probability of a monkey
appearing was set to 33%, compared to 13.2% for
the distractor objects. This was to ensure participants
were counting and staying engaged with the task. At
the end of the trial, participants were asked how many
monkeys they spotted (between 0-4) in addition to the
degradation question.
3.3 Stimuli
We adapted a model of the popular Crytek Sponza
Scene rendered in Unity (Universal Render Pipeline)
and scaled it to match the dimensions of the research
facility. The facility has a length of 5.5m; our path
was capped at 4.5m (Figure 1, right). We turned
all the anti-aliasing and lighting probes provided by
Unity off in order to not induce any confounds.
We added a semitransparent guiding sphere that
occupied of visual angle in front of the partici-
Thinking on Your Feet: Enhancing Foveated Rendering in Virtual Reality During User Activity
Figure 1: Left: representation of VRS4×4 shading reduction; in green the foveated region (HQ); the middle dot represents
the eye-tracked focal point. The black margins show the algorithm culling everything outside the peripheral FOV. Towards
right: a comparison to native shading (VRS1×1). Right: the path participants walked scaled to the dimension of the facility.
Figure 2: Popular Computer Graphics models used for MF
and SF tasks.
pants and served as a guide for the speed they had to
achieve. The sphere accelerated to 0.75m/s in 0.25s
in order to mimic the acceleration of a human initi-
ating walking. This speed was chosen to match typi-
cal walking speeds in VR, which are slower than real
locomotion (Perrin et al., 2019). When the sphere
reached its peak velocity, the VRS degradation was
In each trial, participants were informed whether
they were performing SF or MF (interleaved) and then
initiated movement. At the end of each trial, they
were asked if they noticed any degradation. They
were shown what the VRS degradation looked like in
the practice trials before the experiment. At the end of
the trial, participants were presented with an answer
screen. If they had performed the MF task they were
asked how many monkeys they counted and whether
they noticed any degradation by pressing either the
yes or no button. In the walking condition, they were
asked to rotate and press the trigger on the controller
to start the next trial. In the passive condition, they
simply pressed the trigger to initiate the next trial.
3.4 Design
We used a 2×2 fully factorial within-subjects design
for a total of four experimental conditions. Our inde-
pendent variables were type of movement (AM ver-
sus IM) and task type (SF versus MF). We compared
performance on our dependent variable (i.e. the prob-
ability of participants’ not noticing the quality degra-
dation) between conditions. For each trial, the diam-
eter of the HQ region (Figure 1, left) was varied us-
ing a Kesten staircase. The diameter varied in line
with two interleaved, partially overlapping adaptive
staircases for each of the four experimental blocks.
One staircase started with a large diameter (i.e. HQ
= 90°), and the other started with zero diameter (i.e.
full degradation, HQ = 0°). For more information
about the Kesten staircase, see Section 3.5. Each
staircase was comprised of 40 trials. To ensure par-
ticipant engagement we also added catch trials. In
a catch trial, we presented a VRS4×4 degradation
where HQ diameter = 0°, and all of the spawned ob-
jects were spheres that appeared in the center of the
visual field. We presented eight catch trials per ex-
perimental condition in a randomized order, result-
ing in a total of 336 trials per participant across the
four conditions. In order to minimize fatigue, we ran
the experiment in two sessions; one in which partic-
ipants undertook trials involving the AM condition
(with SF and MF) by producing self-induced surge
motion (i.e. forward walking), and one in which they
were stationary and were moved through the scene
GRAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
(the IM condition with SF and MF). We formulated
three hypotheses for our experiment which were pre-
registered with the Open Science Framework (OSF)
at Note that we retrospectively
changed the pre-registered term ‘cognitive load’ to
‘attentional load’ in this paper. We do not deviate
from our pre-registered analysis plans.
H1: Virtual Reality users engaged in tasks that re-
quire a higher attentional load will tolerate higher
levels of degradation in a foveated system com-
pared to those users not engaged in high cognitive
load tasks.
H2: Users engaged in Active Movement will tol-
erate a significantly higher level of degradation
compared to users engaged in Implied Movement.
H3: Users who are both walking and performing
higher attentional load tasks will tolerate greater
levels of degradation compared to users subject to
all other conditions/combinations of conditions.
3.5 Kesten Staircase
The Kesten Adaptive Staircase, or Accelerated
Stochastic Approximation is an algorithm used in
psychophysics that has the advantage of converg-
ing rapidly towards a threshold when compared to
many other adaptive staircase procedures (Treutwein,
1995). In our case, we set the staircase to converge at
two symmetrical values around the 75% performance
threshold for VRS degradation (i.e. the diameter that
gives rise to a 75% chance of not detecting the degra-
dation). This means they were three times more likely
not to notice the change than to notice it.
diam(HQ) = x
= x
2 + m
Φ), n > 2
Equation 1 represents the accelerated stochastic ap-
proximation. For the first two trials, this does not dif-
fer from the standard stochastic staircase procedure
(i.e. the reversals in the response category are not ac-
counted for). The value of diam(HQ) represents the
diameter of the HQ region that is manipulated in each
trial using the result obtained from the staircase pro-
cedure. The variable m
is a cumulative count of the
number of times participants reversed their responses.
The variable resp
is a binary value (yes = 0 or no =
1 in our case) representing the answer the participant
gave about whether they noticed the degradation for
the n
(i.e. the previous) trial in the staircase. We
use two interleaved staircases (one ascending towards
the threshold from HQ = upwards, and one de-
scending from HQ = 90° downwards). This generates
more data around the performance point of interest
(here 75%). We chose x
= 0, φ = 0.875 - ascending;
= 0.9, φ = 0.625 - descending. The step value was
set at 0.45. This value controls the initial step size,
which is reduced as a function of the number of re-
3.6 Participants
We collected data from 15 participants (12 naive to
the study, and three involved with designing the ex-
periment). All participants were staff members at the
University of Manchester. Data from two participants
were discarded because their responses did not con-
verge and it was therefore not possible to fit psycho-
metric functions to their data, and from one because
they did not complete both parts of the experiment.
The study was approved by the Ethics Committee
of The University of Manchester, Division of Neuro-
science and Experimental Psychology. Written con-
sent was given by all participants. The AM session
lasted 40 minutes and the IM 25 minutes. The
effective time of the experiment was between 60-70
minutes per participant with breaks offered every 20
minutes in order to prevent fatigue and preserve data
quality. Eye-tracking data was collected from all par-
ticipants. Note, we added an additional eye-tracking
calibration test at the beginning of the experiment in
order to make sure there were no deviations caused by
the Quest Pro calibration.
3.7 Pre-Screening
In order to confirm task comprehension and allow
participants time to acclimatize to the VR paradigm,
they were given pre-experimental practice trials in
each condition until they felt comfortable with the
task. Additionally, whilst stationary, we presented
VRS degradations with HQ = (full degradation)
and HQ = (severe degradation) and asked them to
compare it to the scene rendered at 1×1 shading (na-
tive shading, no degradation).
3.8 Procedure
Each participant completed the experiment in two
separate sessions. In one of the sessions they per-
formed AM (SF and MF tasks interleaved) and in the
other IM (SF and MF tasks interleaved). Participants
were randomly assigned either AM or IM as their first
experimental condition to prevent order and learning
effects. At the beginning of each session, we cali-
brated the eye-tracking with the Oculus application
and additional manual calibration if required. After
Thinking on Your Feet: Enhancing Foveated Rendering in Virtual Reality During User Activity
a countdown and a text message informing the par-
ticipants that they were doing MF or SF, they initiated
movement. In the AM condition, they were instructed
to match the speed of the fixation sphere, with the
sphere changing color if they were not fast enough. At
the end of an AM trial, participants answered the task-
specific question and then were asked to rotate 180°
until aligned with a straight line that appeared in the
VR environment. At the beginning of each trial, the
scene was rotated to match the midsaggital plane of
the participant in order to account for small deviations
in participant orientations and to present a consistent
representation of the Sponza environment. In the IM
trials, participants were stationary, but we aligned the
scene in each trial to account for small movements.
3.9 Validation
The catch trial results show that, across conditions,
participants could correctly spot VRS degradations.
Eight participants correctly identified the degradation
across all catch trials, and four only responded incor-
rectly to 1 catch trial out of 16 (total number across
conditions). In order to make sure the participants
completed the tasks correctly, we recorded if partic-
ipants managed to look at all the objects in the scene
across all trials. Across participants, the average num-
ber of objects that were gazed at is 3.79 out of 4 (to-
tal number of objects spawned per trial). This gave
us confidence that participants performed the task as
instructed. Moreover, we recorded the number of cor-
rect answers in the MF task. There was no signifi-
cant difference between the proportion of correct an-
swers in AM (93%) and IM (94%) MF conditions
(t(22.144) = 0.30, p = 0.75) which provides evidence
that the task was performed as instructed in both con-
3.10 Psychometric Functions
We fit the binary response data in our experiment us-
ing a psychometric function fitting approach. Psycho-
metric functions (PF) model how perception relates
to variations in a physical stimulus; here, the vary-
ing diameter of the HQ region. This physical quan-
tity is then mapped to the perceptual quantity, i.e. the
probability of the participant not noticing the shading
reduction at each foveation level. We used a cumu-
lative Gaussian PF with two free parameters mean
and standard deviation. Example fits can be seen in
Figure 3.
The data were fit using the quickpsy package
(Linares and L
opez-Moliner (2016) in R (Version
4.2.3, R Core Team, 2023). This package provides
Monkey Finder
Simple Fixations
Participant 1
Participant 11
25° 50° 75° 25° 50° 75°
Diameter (vis. angle)
Unawareness Probability
Active Movement Implied Movement
Figure 3: Example psychometric function fits for two par-
functions that fit the PF to binary response data using
a maximum-likelihood approach. From this fit, we re-
covered the diameter at which participants had a 75%
probability of not noticing the degradation. Conse-
quently, we recover the point at which participants are
three times more likely to not notice the degradation
than to notice the degradation. We refer to this point
as maximum tolerated diameter (MTD). Note that in
this experiment, lower MTD values for the HQ region
mean more scope for optimization.
Having satisfied the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for
normality, we use ANOVA to analyze our MTD data.
We plot the mean value of the MTD points (75%
likely to notice a degradation) for our dataset in Fig-
ure 4. Here, smaller MTD values indicate tolerance
for a larger degraded area, increasing the scope for
optimization. We observe that the mean thresholds
span from 34.3° to 51.3° in all conditions (see Table
2). This shows that even in a very aggressive VRS
configuration, there is significant scope to reduce the
shading quality. Figure 4 suggests that both MF and
AM manipulations lead to a potential for degrading
the scene over SF and IM conditions respectively.
In support of these observations, we find significant
main effects of these factors in a 2×2 repeated mea-
sures ANOVA (Table 1). As such, the MTD is modu-
lated by a main effect of Task (F(1, 11) = 7.000, p =
0.023) and a main effect of the type of movement
(F(1, 11) = 14.554, p = 0.003). However, we do not
find a significant interaction between the two main
effects (F(1, 11) = 0.028, p = 0.870) suggesting that
their contributions are additive.
GRAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Monkey Finder
Active Movement
Simple Fixations
Active Movement
Monkey Finder
Implied Movement
Simple Fixations
Implied Movement
25° 50° 75° 100°
Maximum Tolerated Diameter (vis. angle from center)
Figure 4: Violin plots showing descriptive statistics of all
MTD points across all combinations of conditions (left).
Table 1: Summary statistics for the ANOVA analysis.
Conditions F stat p-value
Task 7.000 0.023*
Type of Movement 14.554 0.003*
TypeMov * Task 0.028 0.870
The results obtained here support our hypotheses.
We showed that:
A task that requires more attention causes partici-
pants to be significantly less likely to notice degra-
When performing active movement, participants
are willing to tolerate a significantly smaller HQ
The mean MDT value obtained for the MF-AM
task is lower than for all other conditions, indicat-
ing that the combination of active movement and
the presence of a high attentional load task is ad-
ditive in nature regarding participants’ tolerance
to foveation.
The findings presented here have many potential im-
plications for the design of future foveated graph-
ics implementations. In consumer applications, users
are often engaged in visual search and discrimina-
tion tasks (e.g. finding items, discriminating between
allies and enemies). Moreover, the rise of VR ar-
cades and the increasing popularity of Mixed Real-
ity (MR) headsets suggests that we are moving away
from the general paradigm of limited space, at-home
VR, and that self-locomotion will become more com-
mon. Understanding how different types of motion
Table 2: Mean MTD values across the sample for all com-
binations of conditions.
MF 34.3° 45.5°
SF 39.7° 51.3°
affect foveated graphics will be crucial in these fu-
ture VR and MR systems. Our study is unique in that
we combine types of movement and tasks, as both are
important aspects of immersive media. We provide
a novel method for analyzing their combination dur-
ing forward surge movements. It is important to men-
tion that in this experiment, we use a state-of-the-art
shading method and a fully dynamic rendering imple-
mentation, and whilst we do report potential savings,
we do not claim a fully functional foveated algorithm
based on the conditions explored here.
Comparing our findings with those in Petrescu
et al. (2023a), we suggest that when using our method
and accounting for both task and type of movement,
the HQ region only needs to occupy 31.7% of the
rendered FOV in the HMD in the 4×4 configuration,
compared to their 38.8%. Moreover, we show that this
effect holds for a fully foveated system without partic-
ipant gaze-restraints. Ellis and Chalmers (2006) cre-
ated a similar model that scaled the HQ region to the
hypothetical force experienced by the vestibular sys-
tem. They created a dynamic map of ego-movement
that guided sampling and found an HQ region of 65%
of the FOV. It is important to mention, however, that
they used a downsampling method of a much older
renderer, rather than a VRS-like solution. We believe
that our system would benefit from a dynamic scaling
of the HQ area, such as that presented by them.
Task type has been shown to influence the visual
behaviors of the participant. Malpica et al. (2023)
showed that during visual search in VR (a similar
paradigm to ours), participants exhibit significant dif-
ferences in visual behavior resulting in larger sac-
cades and shorter fixations during scene analysis. Per-
haps, our results indicate that visual artifacts gener-
ated by VRS could be masked due to these move-
ments. However, in the study mentioned above, par-
ticipants are moved through the environment (implied
movement) at a steady pace and do not produce self-
induced locomotion. Lisboa et al. (2023) showed that
increasing the velocity of the user in instances of im-
plied movement significantly reduces their ability to
detect peripheral degradations in a foveated system.
We only use one velocity in our experiments, but their
findings motivate further work in which multiple ve-
locities for active movement are explored using a mo-
tion platform. Moreover, we provide evidence that the
addition of difficult tasks (which require more atten-
Thinking on Your Feet: Enhancing Foveated Rendering in Virtual Reality During User Activity
tion) represents an untapped resource with regards to
maximizing foveation benefits. This is supported by
the findings in Krajancich et al. (2023), which showed
that tasks which require more attentional focus result
in lower sensitivity to peripheral loss of detail. During
active movement, vestibular, visual, proprioceptive,
and efference copy systems are presented with consis-
tent input and interact in complex ways (Holten and
MacNeilage, 2018). This interplay might affect the
way users perceive foveated rendering degradations.
Our claim is further supported by the fact that retinal
motion is minimized during forward surge in order to
stabilize information about depth (Liao et al., 2010),
which could also stabilize temporal aliasing induced
by shading reduction.
Limitations and Future Work: Firstly, the eye
tracker that comes with the Quest Pro only updates
at 72Hz. There is evidence that critical fusion fre-
quency is between 50-90Hz, but may be as high as
500Hz (Mankowska et al., 2021). We observed that
in some cases, large saccades caused a delay in the
HQ region being updated based on the gaze. Sec-
ondly, participants might have noticed the popping ef-
fect of the degradation after achieving the desired ve-
locity. This will be addressed in future work and we
believe a dynamic scaling such as the one employed
by Ellis and Chalmers (2006) could be used to solve
this. Third, we only use two layers of foveation. Most
state-of-the-art algorithms benefit from at least three
foveation and/or blending layers. Adding additional
layers would have created a combinatorial explosion
of trials. Unlike the RSVP task found in Krajancich
et al. (2023), our task does not scale in a convenient
manner. In order to be able to fit a model of our ef-
fect, we need more data points across levels of atten-
tional load. In our case, the experiment was already
very long so adding an extra dimension to a within-
participants study would be time consuming and ex-
pensive to run.
The results of exploring the coarse perceptual ef-
fects of attention and movement in the present study
raise important questions. While we only studied sim-
ple visual search, there is reason to believe that other
visual behaviors, such as those studied in Malpica
et al. (2023), may yield different results regarding task
performance and attentional load. The study of the
effects of type of motion on peripheral acuity would
also benefit from an investigation using low-level vi-
sual stimuli, such as Gabor patches; doing so would
allow for the collection of baseline data that would be
able to inform vision models such as those found in
Mantiuk et al. (2021) or Mantiuk et al. (2022). De-
coupling the effects of the vestibular and visual sys-
tem (e.g. through the use of motion platforms) could
also give more insight into what causes AM to mask
more degradation.
In this paper, we examined if artifacts generated
by shading reductions with VRS4×4 in a dynamic
foveated rendering paradigm can be masked by task
and type of movement. We find that active walking
and more demanding tasks increase participants’ tol-
erance to such degradations. Given the push towards
VR and AR standalone devices, we expect users to
move more whilst performing visual searches of GUIs
or tasks in entertainment applications. We hope these
findings will inspire more research that aims to under-
stand how these mechanisms interact and how they
can be implemented in existing models or applica-
This research has been funded and supported by
UKRI. We thank Boris Otkhmezuri from The Univer-
sity of Manchester, Virtual Reality Research (VR2)
Facility, for his valuable insights.
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