recognition tasks and leads to a degradation in
recognition performance.
4.6 Discussion
Our approach improves accuracy without retraining
the recognition model by incorporating exposure
recovery and noise reduction into the image
processing pipeline. This suggests that by applying
our proposed method, it became possible to retrieve
the overlooked features in Lee et al.'s pose estimation.
To explore the potential performance of our proposed
method, we conducted a grid search on the entire test
data of ExLPose. In this process, we searched for
optimal parameters for each input image and
processed the input images in the differentiable image
processing module. The processed images were then
input into Lee et al.'s recognition model. The results
are presented in Table 4. As evident from the results
of the preliminary experiment, the pose estimation
accuracy significantly improved across all subsets.
This suggests the potential to further enhance the
performance of the proposed method. The refinement
of the training method for the optimal parameter
predictor will be a future task.
We proposed an image-adaptive learnable module
that improves recognition performance in low-light
environments without retraining the pretrained
recognition model for pose estimation. Our proposed
method consists of a differentiable image processing
module and an optimal parameter predictor. The
Differentiable image processing module restores the
exposure and remove noise from low-light images to
recover the latent content of the images. The optimal
parameter predictor predicts the optimal
hyperparameters used in the modules by using a small
FCN. The entire framework was trained end-to-end,
and the optimal parameter predictor learned to predict
appropriate hyperparameters by referring only to the
loss of the subsequent pose estimation task in this
paper. The experimental results demonstrated that our
approach achieved a maximum recovery of up to
11.1% in the accuracy of pretrained pose estimation
models across different levels of low-light image data.
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