Towards Small Anomaly Detection
Thomas Messerer
Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems (IKS), Hansastraße 32, 80686 Munich, Germany
FOD, Foreign Object Debris, Small, Anomaly, Detection, Airport, Ramp, Apron, ML, AI.
In this position paper, we describe the design of a camera-based FOD (Foreign Object Debris) detection system
intended for use in the parking position at the airport. FOD detection, especially the detection of small objects,
requires a great deal of human attention. The transfer of ML (machine learning) from the laboratory to the field
calls for adjustments, especially in testing the model. Automated detection requires not only high detection
performance and low false alarm rate, but also good generalization to unknown objects. There is not much
data available for this use case, so in addition to ML methods, the creation of training and test data is also
Loose objects that are sucked into turbines can cause
tremendous damage to aircraft. These objects are
called FOD (Foreign Object Debris), they need to be
removed from the vicinity of an aircraft, so we want to
detect these anomalies with a camera-based system.
There are different systems for the detection of
FOD on runways available, they often use radar,
sometimes in combination with vision systems and
ML (Machine Learning). Before starting and after
landing, the aircraft is at the parking position (ramp
/ apron). At this parking position there are usually a
lot of working groups, loading stuff into and out of
the aircraft. During this processes objects can break,
or parts could fall from one of the vehicles. Due to
the heavy weight of the aircraft, fragments can break
off the surface, they are also dangerous. In general
the foreign objects can have any size, shape, color,
texture and sometimes they are flexible. Another dif-
ficulty is changing weather and lighting conditions;
in addition, there are various ground markings at the
parking position.
The article (Yuan et al., 2020) provides an
overview of the FOD problem and detection systems
for the runway. They want to detect the material
the FOD consists of, which we neglect because we
consider every FOD to be dangerous. In the article
(Dai et al., 2020) they use a deep learning approach
In this paper, FOD stands for Foreign Object Debris.
Generally, it can also mean Foreign Object Damage, de-
pending on the context.
to detect foreign objects in metro doors, they mainly
take into account complete objects which are typically
clamped there. Their use case differs from ours, espe-
cially in terms of distance; as theirs, like ours, is not
covered by standard data sets, they have created their
own data set. A FOD detection on runways by drones
is described in (Papadopoulos and Gonzalez, 2021),
they want to detect different classes of objects, and
compare different models in their paper. To capture
the images for their data set, the integrated cameras
of different drone models were used.
To our knowledge, there is no work on ML-based
FOD detection at the parking position, where FOD
searches are usually performed manually. Therefore
we wanted to create a transportable, camera based
system, which can detect FOD at the ramp at a
low cost, supporting the ramp manager in locating
FOD. Our camera perspective is planned to be slop-
ing downwards, because we wanted to start with a
ground based solution. The system should watch the
safety area around the aircraft from the outside, so as
not to disrupt workflows within this area. This results
in large distances from the camera to the edge of the
monitored area, so the objects in the images can be-
come very small. The great variety of FOD is a chal-
lenge for image processing technologies and machine
learning, especially when it comes to small objects.
So we wanted to explore possible approaches and ML
methods to tackle the problem of FOD detection at
the ramp, without using reference images.
Following contributions are made in this paper:
Description of our own data set, applicable ML meth-
ods and their generalization, detection of small ob-
Messerer, T.
Towards Small Anomaly Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0012459800003654
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2024), pages 860-865
ISBN: 978-989-758-684-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.