Towards Small Anomaly Detection
Thomas Messerer
Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems (IKS), Hansastraße 32, 80686 Munich, Germany
FOD, Foreign Object Debris, Small, Anomaly, Detection, Airport, Ramp, Apron, ML, AI.
In this position paper, we describe the design of a camera-based FOD (Foreign Object Debris) detection system
intended for use in the parking position at the airport. FOD detection, especially the detection of small objects,
requires a great deal of human attention. The transfer of ML (machine learning) from the laboratory to the field
calls for adjustments, especially in testing the model. Automated detection requires not only high detection
performance and low false alarm rate, but also good generalization to unknown objects. There is not much
data available for this use case, so in addition to ML methods, the creation of training and test data is also
Loose objects that are sucked into turbines can cause
tremendous damage to aircraft. These objects are
called FOD (Foreign Object Debris), they need to be
removed from the vicinity of an aircraft, so we want to
detect these anomalies with a camera-based system.
There are different systems for the detection of
FOD on runways available, they often use radar,
sometimes in combination with vision systems and
ML (Machine Learning). Before starting and after
landing, the aircraft is at the parking position (ramp
/ apron). At this parking position there are usually a
lot of working groups, loading stuff into and out of
the aircraft. During this processes objects can break,
or parts could fall from one of the vehicles. Due to
the heavy weight of the aircraft, fragments can break
off the surface, they are also dangerous. In general
the foreign objects can have any size, shape, color,
texture and sometimes they are flexible. Another dif-
ficulty is changing weather and lighting conditions;
in addition, there are various ground markings at the
parking position.
The article (Yuan et al., 2020) provides an
overview of the FOD problem and detection systems
for the runway. They want to detect the material
the FOD consists of, which we neglect because we
consider every FOD to be dangerous. In the article
(Dai et al., 2020) they use a deep learning approach
In this paper, FOD stands for Foreign Object Debris.
Generally, it can also mean Foreign Object Damage, de-
pending on the context.
to detect foreign objects in metro doors, they mainly
take into account complete objects which are typically
clamped there. Their use case differs from ours, espe-
cially in terms of distance; as theirs, like ours, is not
covered by standard data sets, they have created their
own data set. A FOD detection on runways by drones
is described in (Papadopoulos and Gonzalez, 2021),
they want to detect different classes of objects, and
compare different models in their paper. To capture
the images for their data set, the integrated cameras
of different drone models were used.
To our knowledge, there is no work on ML-based
FOD detection at the parking position, where FOD
searches are usually performed manually. Therefore
we wanted to create a transportable, camera based
system, which can detect FOD at the ramp at a
low cost, supporting the ramp manager in locating
FOD. Our camera perspective is planned to be slop-
ing downwards, because we wanted to start with a
ground based solution. The system should watch the
safety area around the aircraft from the outside, so as
not to disrupt workflows within this area. This results
in large distances from the camera to the edge of the
monitored area, so the objects in the images can be-
come very small. The great variety of FOD is a chal-
lenge for image processing technologies and machine
learning, especially when it comes to small objects.
So we wanted to explore possible approaches and ML
methods to tackle the problem of FOD detection at
the ramp, without using reference images.
Following contributions are made in this paper:
Description of our own data set, applicable ML meth-
ods and their generalization, detection of small ob-
Messerer, T.
Towards Small Anomaly Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0012459800003654
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2024), pages 860-865
ISBN: 978-989-758-684-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: Example images with FOD.
jects or anomalies, data augmentations and image
synthesis, open questions and future directions.
Selecting an appropriate data set is the starting point
for any image analysis project. There is a FOD data
set, FOD-A (Travis Munyer, 2022), with 31 classes of
objects. However, we wanted images with greater dis-
tances, a different perspective and including ground
markings, so we took our own pictures of exemplary
objects over a large area. To get some variance in
the environmental conditions of the data, the images
were taken on 2 different surfaces and under different
lighting conditions. A digital single-lens reflex cam-
era with a resolution of 5184 x 3456 pixels was used
to take the pictures.
To reduce the input size of the models, the im-
ages were broken down into tiles. Because different
experiments were carried out in the project, different
data sets with different image sizes were created and
used in the course of the project. In order to simplify
the image content and thus the analysis by the model,
the perspective was chosen so that no surroundings or
horizon are visible in the images.
As can be seen in the Figures 1, in addition to the
FOD, there may also be ground markings and stains,
as well as moving objects such as leaves and foil. All
FOD objects can be distributed at any position in the
image, it cannot be assumed that they are in the cen-
tral position.
As the system normally only analyzes images
without FOD, the test data set must also contain im-
Figure 2: Example image with BoundingBoxes.
ages of the empty background to prevent false posi-
tives and false alarms. The data sets declared as ”un-
known” are images with unknown objects that are not
contained in the training and test data.
We decided not to label ground markings and
stains, the model has to learn to ignore them. In our
object detection annotations we used only one class,
named ”object”, because we do not care about the ac-
tual type of the FOD. It is also difficult to have a class
assignment for fragments. The same applies to the
detection of materials. A black object could be made
of metal or plastic, or be a broken piece of luggage.
Figure 2 shows an image with 2 annotated FOD.
Especially the labeling for object detection is
cumbersome, therefore we selected only some hun-
dred images for our training data set. So we had, in
addition to the small object detection, to handle the
problem of the small training data pool.
This section describes the experiments conducted so
far, dealing with the problem of little data, and meth-
ods to detect FOD.
3.1 Classification
The FOD detection is in principle an anomaly de-
tection problem, whereby we have relatively small
anomalies here in our images. The planned solution
should work without any reference images of the ob-
served area, and the model has to ignore ground mark-
ings, stains and similar.
The FOD detection can be treated as a classi-
fication problem, to distinguish between normal or
anomalous scenes, this means without or with FOD.
This makes annotating training data very easy, as the
images only need to be sorted into two different fold-
ers. We used a ResNet50 (Kaiming He, 2015) for
classification and 800 images for each class, the train-
Towards Small Anomaly Detection
ing to test ratio was 70/30.
After the first successful experiments, we tested
several other architectures and their ability to gener-
alize. The Table 1 also contains the number of param-
eters of the models, as an indication of their size and
execution time.
Table 1: Accuracy [%] for different models and generaliza-
tion to unknown objects.
Model Param. Test Unknown
count (30 %) objects
ResNet50 25.6M 98.8 95.7
ResNet18 11.7M 98.8 96.3
Inception-V3 27.2M 97.5 88.2
DenseNet121 8.0M 99.2 96.5
DenseNet161 28.7M 99.2 96.5
GoogLeNet 6.6M 99.0 93.9
ViT-Base-patch16 82.3M 98.7 97.7
Most of the results in Table 1 are in the same
range, only Inception-V3 is behind. GoogLeNet is
a small model with good results for test data, but in
this use case the generalization is bad.
We used transfer learning for our experiments, to
make use of pre-trained model parameters. To do this,
we replaced the last fully connected layer in the model
with a new one with the desired number of classes,
here 2, and retrained the model. We tested training a
network from scratch, but with transfer learning train-
ing converged faster to better accuracy values.
Our classification data set had a lot of images
with big objects, so the classification for this images
was easy. Classification becomes more difficult with
smaller objects because the area of the object be-
comes (very) small in relation to the whole image.
The proportion of foreign objects in the image can
drop to 1% or less. For this reason, further tests were
carried out with object detection.
3.2 Object Detection
With the object detection approach it should be eas-
ier to detect small anomalies, compared to classifica-
tion. For the ground markings, visible aircraft parts,
stains and other anomalies on the underground one
can decide if these objects should be annotated or if
the model should learn to ignore them. We have de-
cided not to annotate them, so we perform a one-class
object detection task with the single class ”object”.
For FOD detection it is important that the model gen-
eralizes well to unknown objects, because the diver-
sity of FOD is huge.
We used a Faster R-CNN model (Shaoqing Ren
and Sun, 2015) with a ResNet-50-FPN backbone, the
data set consisted of 402 images, randomly split into
80% training and 20% test data. We again used trans-
fer learning by adjusting the number of detectable
classes in the predictor, and retrained the model.
Table 2 shows the mAP (mean Average Precision)
for the Pascal VOC metric (IoU = 0.5) and the COCO
metric (IoU = 0.5 ... 0.95), tested with the 20% test
data and three different data sets of unknown objects.
The unknown datasets contain 100, 10 and 12 images.
Table 2: mAP for Pascal VOC and COCO metric.
Metric Test Unkn. Unkn. Unkn.
(20%) 1 2 3
Pascal VOC 94.6 83.4 90.1 91.1
COCO 76.4 61.7 76.2 70.0
Due to the stricter constraints the numbers for
COCO are lower than for the Pascal VOC metric. The
difference in the results of the three unknown datasets
is further evaluated.
We tested also the DINO (Mathilde Caron, 2021)
vision transformer, but only the mAP value of the Pas-
cal VOC metric improved a little bit to 95.5%, the
72.2% mAP for COCO is in the same range as the
values for Faster R-CNN in Table 2.
The mAP values for the accuracy of the detection
are the common starting points for a first rating of
the detection performance. But in our use case, it’s
also important that the object detector works correctly
when there are no foreign objects in the captured im-
age; the system must not generate false alarms. If the
position accuracy is not taken into account, as a sim-
plified approach, these four cases can occur:
True Positive (TP): There is FOD and the system
has detected it.
True Negative (TN): No FOD, everything is fine.
False Negative (FN): The model missed FOD.
False Positive (FP): The model has incorrectly
classified an object as FOD when there is none.
We evaluated this on a dataset of 1019 images,
consisting of 459 anomalous and 560 normal images,
and obtained the following detection results:
True Positive (TP): 454
True Negative (TN): 559
False Negative (FN): 5
False Positive (FP): 1
This is a True Positive Rate (TPR, sensitivity) of
98.9% and a True Negative Rate (TNR, specificity) of
99.8%. In the FP image, a ground marking was de-
tected as FOD. This is a problem that can perhaps be
circumvented by explicitly annotating ground mark-
ings - if one chooses to do so. The FN cases were
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
small and thin objects that were not detected, a chal-
lenge to be addressed in the future.
3.3 Data Augmentation
With tool-based image augmentation, it is possible to
add more variance to the training data set. We tested
random changes in the brightness and contrast of the
images, this transformation can be integrated into the
data loader. The results of different augmentation pa-
rameters in the classification are shown in Table 3.
The data set contained 800 images in each of the 2
classes (normal and anomalous) with a 70/30 % train-
ing/test split; the unknown objects data set contained
125 images.
Table 3: Parameters for data augmentations, and the result-
ing classification accuracy [%] on test data and unknown
Data Test (30%) Unknown
augmentation objects
No augment. 99.0 95.7
+ contrast(±0.3) 98.8 97.1
brightness(±0.7) 99.0 97.1
+ contrast(±0.7) 99.2 97.3
Compared to the test accuracy without augmenta-
tion, the classification accuracy for unknown objects
improved in all three tests, see Table 3.
The image augmentation was also tested with the
object detection model. We used random ColorJitter
with the following parameters: brightness=0.5, con-
trast=0.5, saturation=0.1 and hue=0.1. The training
data set consisted of 248 images and a random 80/20
split between training and test data. The test data set
1 is from the same photo session as the training data,
the test data set 2 is from a second session with dif-
ferent environmental conditions. No image augmen-
tation was used in the baseline.
Table 4: mAP [%] at IoU = 0.5 with augmentation.
Augmentation Test Test Test
of training (20 %) data set 1 data set 2
None (baseline) 96.8 95.5 90.9
ColorJitter 97.9 95.5 94.7
The results in the Table 4 show that with Color-
Jitter data augmentation, the model generalizes better
for the test data set 2, whose environmental conditions
differ from the training data set.
To increase the number of images in the data set,
one can crop certain regions from the images. But
then one has to pay attention to the annotations so that
the objects and bounding boxes do not get lost. The
small amount of training material is problematic on
the one hand, but on the other hand it seems to make
the model easier to generalise. One must therefore
observe the training and test accuracy curves, to avoid
overfitting the model.
3.4 Synthetic Data
To increase the number of training images, we syn-
thesized images by merging objects onto the under-
ground. Because the objects are unknown, it is possi-
ble to control the size, position and shape of the ob-
jects at will. So it is possible to create data with se-
lected properties, to improve detection capabilities as
needed. This also has the advantage that the labeling
data can be written automatically while creating the
synthetic images.
With image generation, it is possible to add im-
ages with specific characteristics (object size and po-
sition) to the data set to improve training and thus de-
tection performance. In the example image Figure 3
we inserted a screw into the image of the ground.
Figure 3: Synthesized image with screw.
As the objects in the synthetic images sometimes
look a bit artificial, the synthetic images had only a
small share (10 - 50%) in the training data sets to
avoid a large distribution offset in the data. The same
baseline as before (section 3.3) was used to evaluate
the influence of synthetic data on training. In addition
to the 198 basic training images, 200 synthetic images
were added in this experiment. The tests with the test
data sets were carried out solely with real images, they
showed improvements in the results, compared to the
baseline, see Table 5.
The combination of ColorJitter enhancement and
synthetic data did not bring any improvement; on the
contrary, the performance for test data set 2 did not
increase very much, reaching only 91.1%.
Towards Small Anomaly Detection
Table 5: mAP [%] at IoU = 0.5 with synthetic images.
Augmentation Test Test Test
of training (20 %) data set 1 data set 2
None (baseline) 96.8 95.5 90.9
With 200 98.0 96.4 92.3
synth. images
3.5 Minimum Object Size
The most important number for FOD systems is, how
small the recognizable objects can be. This is an ideal
use case for synthetic images, as they can be created
en masse and there is no distribution shift between
training and test data.
We created images with FOD sizes starting at
5x5, up to 25x25 pixels, on background images from
300x300 to 1280x960 pixels. The tests showed that
due to internal transformations in the model, the min-
imum detectable object size depends on the image
size. This internal transformation resizes the images,
typical input sizes of the first layer of our Faster R-
CNN model had been 800x800 and 1088x800 fea-
tures. It is important to be aware of this behaviour,
if one want to analyse detection capabilities.
As a criterion we defined an accuracy level of 95%
in detecting FOD, in this case a screw on the ground.
The detectable object sizes, depending on the image
size, are listed in Table 6.
Table 6: Recognizable object size of a screw, depending on
the image size, threshold is 95% accuracy.
Image size Bounding Box size
300x300 15x15
320x240 15x15
600x600 25x25
640x480 25x25
800x600 not detected
1280x960 not detected
The probability of recognition also depends on the
contrast; a golden ball was recognized starting at a
size of 7x7 pixels on a 300x300 pixel image, that
corresponds to an area of 0.05% of the image. The
correct identification of empty images as normal case
was at a high level for all image sizes, above 95%
for the image sizes where the model recognized the
The minimum recognizable FOD sizes in our ex-
periments are in pixels, which does not help the peo-
ple in charge, they want to know concrete dimensions.
The results from Table 6, in pixels, can be converted
to absolute object sizes, using the focal length of the
optics, the distance to the object and the pixel pitch of
the camera sensor.
Despite the good results, there are some open
questions and possible directions for improvements.
There are promising approaches for improving per-
formance, especially in the algorithms.
4.1 Unsupervised or Self-Supervised
To avoid the burden of annotating data, it would be
nice to work without annotated data, or to largely
avoid the effort of annotating data. This is where
unsupervised or self-supervised learning algorithms
come in, together with algorithms that use self-
attention to find anomalies. Experiments will test
whether these approaches can detect FOD in the in-
put images without drawing attention to markings or
4.2 Improved Architectures or More
Training Data
Detecting Small Objects, and in parallel to differen-
tiate them from stains is difficult. Do we need other
architectures for improved detection of small objects,
at the cost of more computing effort - or should we
just throw more training data on the problem?
One can also use more training data, with more
small objects, in order to make the model more sen-
sitive to small objects. Then the higher efforts only
apply during the training phase. When building a real-
world system, all of these design choices must be bal-
One architecture that will be tested is CNN (Con-
volutional Neural Network), it should be able to learn
local structures, for example the shape of ground
markings. In this way the CNN should ignore ground
markings in the image, in connection with a high FOD
detection accuracy.
4.3 Detection and System Reliability
The detection of FOD is a safety critical application,
and machine learning systems can support humans in
this task. When the systems improve, the users rely
more and more on their results. How to handle the
probabilistic nature of ML systems in safety critical
applications? Do we need to certify the reliability and
generalizability of these systems and models?
In our images we had small objects down to
5x5 pixels. Sometimes the detection of this objects
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
worked, but there is always the danger that the model
is to sensitive, treating stains on the ground as FOD.
The regulations request finding objects down to a size
of a few centimeters, with at the same time a low false
alarm rate. How can these two goals be balanced?
Experiments should be conducted in real-world sce-
narios to gain more knowledge and experience.
The implementation of the FOD detection system
is an engineering task, with some design decisions
with advantages and disadvantages. We plan to do
some real-world testing with live detection. And we
continue to work on improving FOD detection on
the ML side, especially with unsupervised and self-
supervised algorithms.
This work was funded by the Bavarian Ministry for
Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy
as part of a project to support the thematic develop-
ment of the Institute for Cognitive Systems (IKS).
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Towards Small Anomaly Detection