Driving Towards a Sustainable Future: A Multi-Layered Agent-Based
Digital Twin Approach for Rural Areas
Stephanie C. Rodermund
, Annegret Janzso
, Ye Eun Bae
, Anna Kravets
, Alexander Schewerda
Jan Ole Berndt
and Ingo J. Timm
Cognitive Social Simulation, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Behringstr. 21, 54296 Trier, Germany
Business Informatics, Trier University, Universitaetsring 15, 54296 Trier, Germany
Digital Twin, Agent Decision-Making, Sustainability, Rural Development.
The production of CO
, a major contributor to global emissions, is significantly caused by human activities,
with transportation accounting for approximately 25% of worldwide emissions. Fostering pro-environmental
behaviors (PEB) is vital for achieving emission reduction. Individual decision-making to adopt PEBs is com-
plex, influenced by personal characteristics, situational factors, and externally sourced information. This posi-
tion paper introduces a conceptual framework for a multi-layered agent-based Digital Twin (DT) designed to
facilitate experimentation with various scenarios and intervention approaches promoting PEB among residents
in rural regions. As a use case, we outline how to apply the DT to a specific rural area in Germany.
Climate change has been a significant concern over
the past decade and escalating global temperatures are
precipitating adverse consequences such as extreme
weather and natural disasters (Shukla et al., 2019).
Carbon dioxide (CO
), among various greenhouse
gases, stands out as one of the predominant contrib-
utors to climate change (National Academies of Sci-
ences et al., 2020). Numerous human activities con-
tribute substantially to the production of CO
, with
the transportation sector alone responsible for approx-
imately one-quarter of global CO
emissions (Agency
and Environment, 2022).
Under the 2015 Paris Agreement, nations agreed
to cap the rise in global average temperature at 1.5
above pre-industrial levels, thereby preventing more
pronounced and deleterious consequences of climate
change (Masson-Delmotte et al., 2022). To bring
about a meaningful reduction in emissions within a
limited timeframe, it becomes imperative not only to
substitute fossil fuels with other alternative fuels in
the long-term but also to change human behavior in
the short-term (Chapman, 2007).
An international survey reveals that 85% of
German respondents believe that climate change is
mostly caused by human activities (Leiserowitz et al.,
2022). This awareness, however, does not always
translate into pro-environmental actions. For in-
stance, while the environmental benefits of public
transport over private transport are known, many still
opt for the latter, preferring immediate convenience
to long-term sustainability. Such social dilemma,
choosing between immediate and long-term reward
(Dawes, 1980), is particularly evident in rural areas of
Germany, where private transport is often favored due
to infrastructural inadequacy (S
uddeutsche Zeitung,
We aim to provide a framework that enables ex-
perimenting with various scenarios and intervention
approaches promoting pro-environmental behaviors
(PEB) among residents in rural areas, with a focus
on transportation. This approach is grounded in the
capabilities of Digital Twin (DT) to support decision-
making in promoting sustainable behaviors with a vir-
tual representation of the area and implementing sim-
ulation as well as reasoning (cf. Wang et al. 2023).
The DT framework is designed to offer insight into
how individuals make decisions under a complex in-
terplay of their internal and external factors without
requiring a change into the actual physical infrastruc-
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 gives
a brief introduction to DT and discusses the results of
a systematic literature review. In Section 3, the pro-
posal of our conceptual DT framework - consisting of
a spatial, individual and social layer - is introduced.
For this, we represent individuals with artificial agents
under consideration of cognitive and social concepts
using Agent-based Social Simulation (ABSS). In Sec-
tion 4, the DT framework is applied to a use case of
Rodermund, S., Janzso, A., Bae, Y., Kravets, A., Schewerda, A., Berndt, J. and Timm, I.
Driving Towards a Sustainable Future: A Multi-Layered Agent-Based Digital Twin Approach for Rural Areas.
DOI: 10.5220/0012460100003636
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024) - Volume 1, pages 386-395
ISBN: 978-989-758-680-4; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Table 1: Search Queries and Results from Structured Liter-
ature Research.
”Digital Twin” AND Hits Relevant
”Urban” 37
”City” 43
”Smart City” 33
”Town” 1
”Rural” 1
”Agent” 33
”Sustainability” OR
”Emission” 3
Backward 75
Forward 11
Sum 268 19
a rural area. Finally, Section 5 summarizes the paper
and addresses the limitations and future work.
DTs were initially conceptualized as a virtual or dig-
ital equivalent to a physical product. The concept
was first mentioned in the context of product lifecy-
cle management (Grieves, 2014). This transforma-
tive concept has found a variety of applications and
continues to evolve into new industries and use cases.
Various types of DTs exist, from device-level mod-
els for individual machines to city-level replicas for
urban planning. The concept of DT is constantly
evolving, leading to a lack of a unified consolidated
definition that distinguishes it from other technolo-
gies (VanDerHorn and Mahadevan, 2021). When DTs
are applied to urban settings, usually entire cities are
replicated, enabling the analysis and optimization of
complex systems such as transportation networks and
To get an insight into current DT approaches of
inhabited areas, we conducted a structured literature
review using a simplified version of the snowballing
technique, originally introduced by Wohlin (Wohlin,
2014). We focused on the computer science bibli-
ography dblp
using several search queries in con-
junction with “Digital Twin” (cf. Table 1). Be-
yond queries with general terms synonymous with
populated regions, we incorporated Agent” as a
specific term to appropriately represent individuals.
Agent-based Modeling (ABM) and Multi-agent sys-
tems (MAS) allow for investigating the effect of in-
dividual characteristics on decision-making on the
micro level and emergent behavior on the macro
level which arises from communication and interac-
tion (Bonabeau, 2002). We retrieved 268 publications
in total using a backward and forward search, from
which we identified 19 as relevant. The following
subsection analyzes the publications in terms of rele-
vant components for representing rural areas and dis-
cusses our research focus.
2.1 Aspects of Digital Twins of
Inhabited Areas
As stated in Section 1, human activities have a signif-
icant impact on CO
emissions. Hence, in addition
to spatial circumstances, individual and collective be-
havior need to be addressed when providing a DT
framework that enables experimenting with aspects
impacting PEB. Therefore, we analyzed the retrieved
publications with a special focus on spatial, individ-
ual, and social aspects. Table 2 displays an overview
of the occurrence of those aspects in the publications.
Spatial Aspects. Taking a closer look at spatial as-
pects is relevant for assessing the proximity of in-
dividuals to their preferred locations such as pub-
lic transportation or supermarkets, calculating pop-
ulation density, and dividing the overall population
into groups such as households, communes, neigh-
borhoods. Some key aspects thereof are granularity,
structure, and representation within the DT.
Granularity is concerned with how the area is rep-
resented. This can be on the level of individual dis-
tricts or neighborhoods, or more fine-grained on the
level of individual blocks or buildings. Major et al.
(2021) represent geographical as well as building as-
Table 2: Spatial, Individual and Social Aspects in Publica-
Barat et al. (2022) X X X
Clemen et al. (2021) X X
Adreani et al. (2023) X
Yun et al. (2023) X X
Mohammadi and Taylor (2019) X X X
Ahn et al. (2020) X X
Mavrokapnidis et al. (2021) X X
Bujari et al. (2021) X X
Meta et al. (2021) X X
Major et al. (2022) X X
Pan et al. (2022) X
Sottet et al. (2022) X
Mohammadi and Taylor (2020) X
Van Den Berghe (2021) X
Major et al. (2021) X
Le Fur et al. (2023) X X X
Bellini et al. (2022) X
Ferreira et al. (2013) X
Fan et al. (2022) X X
Driving Towards a Sustainable Future: A Multi-Layered Agent-Based Digital Twin Approach for Rural Areas
pects, while the DT of Adreani et al. (2023) consists
of individual buildings for the purpose of a photore-
alistic model of the city. Van Den Berghe (2021) and
Mohammadi and Taylor (2020) include most of the
physical objects in their DT. Le Fur et al. (2023) oper-
ates on a finer level, and even includes a detailed rep-
resentation of interiors, in addition to the buildings.
A fine level of granularity has also been chosen for
infrastructure representation by Major et al. (2022),
Ferreira et al. (2013) and Bellini et al. (2022), giving
information i.e. on road type, direction, and capacity,
whereas Pan et al. (2022) show a high-level focus on
The structure describes how items are represented
and distributed under the chosen granularity. For ex-
ample, Barat et al. (2022) present the city as areas
with different types of buildings and numbers of peo-
ple in each area. The areas thereby differ from each
other in the ratio of building types, to represent resi-
dential or industrial areas. Clemen et al. (2021) and
Bujari et al. (2021) structure DTs by coordinates, giv-
ing the start and end point of each commute, thereby
eliminating the need of a detailed representation of
infrastructure. The structure can also be presented as
a graph with nodes at geographic coordinates, which
can then be connected via links and structured in indi-
vidual sections (Yun et al., 2023; Sottet et al., 2022).
Finally, it is important to determine what needs
to be represented within the DT. This can include in-
frastructure and points of interest (POIs), as well as
vegetation or terrain aspects. As an example, Adreani
et al. (2023) choose a very fine-grained representa-
tion for their DT, and thereby included buildings, road
shapes, names, paths, areas, terrain, and other struc-
tures, as well as markers for POIs.
Individual Aspects. Addressing individual aspects
is crucial in the context of inhabited areas, especially
with regard to behavioral adoption concerning CO
reduction. This was diversely reflected in half of the
publications we reviewed. For instance, the influence
of individuals can be regarded on a community level
by including an aggregated impact of their behavior
on the respective city (cf. Mavrokapnidis et al. 2021;
Bujari et al. 2021). Another option is to only include
the results of an analysis concerning a specific group
of people. For example, Ahn et al. (2020) investigate
the distress of elderly people in pedestrian situations
and identify the best paths for minimal emotional or
physical distress. Mohammadi and Taylor (2019) use
a game-theoretic approach including groups of stake-
holders (citizens, government, industry) that represent
diverse interests. Fan et al. (2022) focus on the indi-
vidual level and define trajectories of people in the
city in a two-stage process using a coarse and fine-
grained level to predict human mobility.
Among publications that deal with human factors
six of them use ABM. Agents here utilize rather sim-
ple, mostly reactive, architectures, as these are of-
ten used for generating crowd behavior on the macro
level. Le Fur et al. (2023) map agents’ behavior with
existing data to define daily routines of real inhabi-
tants of a city, and abstract to behavioral groups, e.g.,
moving between locations, sleeping or eating. Pa-
pers with health-related approaches focus on where
agents interact with each other to compute the prob-
ability of disease transmission. For instance, Barat
et al. (2022) model agents using characteristics such
as demographic data and profession to define behav-
ioral patterns, i.e., movements and amount or type of
contacts. Similarly, publications in transport focus
on the presence of agents at a particular location and
how they move between places, e.g., Clemen et al.
(2021) model agent decisions in favor of the specific
type of transport based on travel time required. Meta
et al. (2021) test the adaptability of a City Physiol-
ogy framework designed for urban DTs within the
testbed of a virtual stadium. Pedestrian movement
patterns are affected by an individual’s characteristics
and knowledge as well as changes in the environment,
e.g., an event or behavioral change of other agents.
Yun et al. (2023) develop a DT for testing scenarios
regarding garbage collection in a city to optimize the
operating policy. The agent decision model is a binary
decision about whether to dump trash into containers
or empty a full container.
Social Aspects. When modeling inhabited areas,
not only individual behavior but also potential inter-
actions between those individuals are relevant as they
result in emergent effects. There were four publica-
tions that utilized some kind of social relationship be-
tween individuals. Those publications consider so-
cial behavior as a result of simple contact at a cer-
tain location. Barat et al. (2022) use contacts to deter-
mine infection spread in the population. Here, agents
are given archetypes to implement different contact
patterns. Meta et al. (2021) include social behavior
by implementing crowd dynamics considering move-
ment directions. A similar approach is used by Le Fur
et al. (2023), where human-animal interaction occurs.
A detailed model for human agents is not elaborated
upon. The only paper that mentions more complex
concepts such as the values of citizens still remains on
a simple level, viewing citizens as merely consumers
of the infrastructure services (Mohammadi and Tay-
lor, 2019).
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Our Research Focus. It is noticeable that the term
“rural” returned only one result in the literature
search, which indicates the need for additional re-
search. To build upon insights from papers we re-
trieved, we aim to incorporate existing research and
address some of its drawbacks. We intend to oper-
ate at a less detailed spatial level compared to the
retrieved publications. Since our focus is on trans-
portation, representing terrain is less relevant for our
framework, we rather put an emphasis on POIs and
sustainable infrastructure like public transportation.
Our DT is intended to be used as an experimental
framework, i.e., to compare scenarios and test the ef-
fect of interventions on behaviors and the overall sys-
tem. For this, agents must be capable of deliberation
considering options, which was not tackled in detail
in the retrieved publications. Furthermore, they often
overlook the dynamic nature of the intricate aspects
of social organization and structure. Incorporating in-
sights from social theorists could enhance the models’
ability to simulate and predict outcomes in real-world
scenarios more accurately, especially in the context
where human behavior and social structures play a
pivotal role (cf. Helbing 2012). Whether and how
these aspects could be implemented in a DT will be
discussed in the following section.
When creating a DT of an inhabited area, an enor-
mous amount of data from multiple sources at dif-
ferent granularity has to be integrated. In examin-
ing an inhabited area, we focus on what is classified
as a “complex system”, (cf. Helbing 2012). One of
the ways to approach a complex system is via struc-
tural complexity, hence a multi-layer framework. Fig-
ure 1 depicts the conceptual layers of our DT frame-
work with the spatial layer at the bottom. Addition-
ally, an essential component of a DT is the popula-
tion of the focused area. Individual behaviors (indi-
vidual layer) and relationships between people (so-
cial layer) can impact the overall system and lead to,
e.g., fluctuations of CO
emissions. This may be trig-
gered by actions that have a direct impact (e.g., the
choice of means of transportation) or an indirect im-
pact (e.g., information exchange between people that
might affect their decision-making). The decision for
or against PEB does not only depend on individual
preferences, goals, and habits, but also on situational
circumstances or information gathered from external
Spatial Layer
Social Layer
Individual Layer
Subjective Norm
Behavioral Control
Intention Behavior
Local Network
Social Network
Strengths of
Cost vs. Benefit
Self Efficacy
reflect decide execute
Figure 1: Layers of the DT Structure.
sources. These complex relationships can be realized
by MAS and ABM as it has established itself in the
representation of cognitive decision-making in vary-
ing application areas (Bonabeau, 2002; An, 2012).
This requires the use of additional psychological con-
cepts. The box in the center connects individual and
spatial layers and considers the social structure, which
emerges as a result of connections between individu-
als and their spatial and social proximity.
Layers comprising our DT are introduced in the
following order: the spatial layer in Section 3.1, the
individual layer in Section 3.2 and the connecting so-
cial layer in Section 3.3.
3.1 Spatial Layer
One main aspect of the spatial layer is the possibil-
ity to represent location, and thereby show individu-
als at given places, where they can interact with one
another. Generally, locations in this layer are repre-
sented as cities, places, and POIs. The infrastructure
network defined by streets and public transport op-
tions connects individual locations. The overall pop-
ulation is distributed in residential- and workplaces.
As described in Section 2.1, this layer is presented
in different levels of granularity. Here, we take an
approach of representing multiple towns to demon-
strate commutes between places. A region is further
defined by individual zones and areas (cf. Barat et al.
2022). At the finer level of granularity, zones are fur-
ther divided into individual neighborhoods. Further,
a neighborhood is depicted as a group of buildings.
This is a common approach when building a DT of a
city (cf. Adreani et al. 2023; Le Fur et al. 2023), es-
pecially when they incorporate a strong visual compo-
nent. Higher levels of granularity are of advantage, as
Driving Towards a Sustainable Future: A Multi-Layered Agent-Based Digital Twin Approach for Rural Areas
they enable a thorough overview of the relevant steps
while keeping processing times low. Other aspects,
such as areas of vegetation or details on terrain, are
omitted at this stage.
Our focus is on a rural region in Germany, con-
sisting of several towns and villages. This is why
it is essential to consider places of work such as of-
fices and POIs. These are determined for each region
with OpenStreetMap
(OSM) data with relevant tags
of places located within the area. In our use case, this
is particularly relevant since key locations might not
be within a single town, requiring residents to travel
farther to adhere to their daily routines. Therefore,
we use data reflecting the positions of relevant points
in locations and infrastructure, which can be obtained
from OSM data.
3.2 Individual Layer
Similar to spatial aspects, the complexity of portray-
ing individual decisions depends on the application
context and purpose of DTs. For instance, in ur-
ban, energy, or mobility planning, the use of reactive
behavior models of individuals or groups is usually
sufficient to represent the impact of small structural
changes that affect the overall system. As the focus of
our research is identifying suitable intervention strate-
gies for an inhabited area with varying spatial and
infrastructural circumstances (e.g., state of the pub-
lic transport) as well as generational diversity, a more
elaborated representation of individuals is required.
In the case of our DT framework, this implies that
the individual behavior is modeled two-fold. First,
agents are equipped with a realistic time schedule rep-
resenting their daily life including the specific geo-
graphic places where the agent is spending time, e.g.,
the workplace or POIs, as well as how the agent trav-
els to these places (e.g., by car or public transport)
(cf. Le Fur et al. 2023; Barat et al. 2022). Second,
agents have a deliberative component that refers to
PEB in the specific scenarios. These situations can
occur at any step of the daily schedule, e.g., if a cer-
tain demand arises or a need is triggered. Agents
can exhibit almost automatic responses that become
habitual. Similarly, if agents have a certain level of
awareness of the impacts of their actions on the en-
vironment, this can lead to a more complex decision
process. Hence, aspects that have an impact on their
decision-making include the agent’s general lifestyle,
preferences, perceived environmental threat posed by
environmental hazards, and group dynamics of their
social network.
When looking at related works on agent decision-
making in the context of PEB, one of the focuses is
on the identification of decision-relevant factors. For
instance, Tong et al. (2018) investigate under which
circumstances agents decide on an option concern-
ing recycling and waste disposal, Granco et al. (2019)
focus on the conservation and protection of natural
habitats. Mostly, these models utilize psychological
theories to represent the complex decision processes.
One of those is the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
(Ajzen, 1991) that is increasingly used in the con-
text of long-term set goals, i.e., PEB, (cf. Anebagilu
et al. 2021). Personal aspects, like the general atti-
tude towards a behavior or the perceived behavioral
control, affect the formation of an intention to act.
Additionally, the social network plays an important
role in this theory, e.g., by forming behavioral norms
through interactions with the social network. Further-
more, Yuriev et al. (2020) claim that the TPB is well-
suited for the design of behavioral interventions.
To adequately utilize TPB within an agent archi-
tecture, agents must be capable of reflecting on their
own situation, desires, goals, and events. For this,
the Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) model is particu-
larly suitable (Bratman, 1987; Berndt et al., 2018):
individual goals (desires), information (beliefs) and
action-oriented measures (intentions) are organized
into mental states. Intentions are derived from be-
liefs and desires using a deliberation process. TPB
is used to adapt the deliberation process to map the
requirements of the application area by selecting the
necessary internal and external factors for decision-
3.3 Social Layer
Our DT framework acknowledges that the spatial and
individual layers are linked through a social layer, a
complexity often overlooked in DTs. The literature
review showed that important aspects of social orga-
nization and structure are frequently excluded in such
models (cf. Section 2.1).
Literature highlights the pivotal role of social
norms in fostering PEB (Cialdini and Jacobson,
2021), influencing travel choices (Doran and Larsen,
2016), and specifically affecting travel mode choices
(Eriksson and Forward, 2011). Travel attitudes of
a region’s inhabitants are significant predictors of
travel-related CO
emissions, as exemplified in the
context of the Netherlands (Ettema and Nieuwenhuis,
2017). Other research illustrates the impact of social
learning in virtual environments on the adoption of
pro-environmental lifestyles (Chwialkowska, 2019)
and the uptake of eco-conscious products (Zhang
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
et al., 2021). Research therefore suggests that these
concepts are integral to PEB. However, they are often
viewed merely as extensions of the TPB (cf. Eriksson
and Forward 2011; Doran and Larsen 2016; Cialdini
and Jacobson 2021), an approach that risks neglecting
the dynamic interactions within the social sphere.
To better understand the origins and spread of at-
titudes and norms, a clear understanding of the social
structures and network dynamics is essential. This
knowledge is also crucial to effectively model possi-
ble emergent behaviors and to identify challenges in
its adoption. Therefore, we treat the social layer as
a separate level of complexity in our analysis. This
essentially implies consideration of both the local and
the social network. The local network is bound to the
geolocation we described in the spatial layer. The so-
cial network consists of connections and relationships
which are not identifiable on the map.
When looking at human networks in inhabited ge-
ographic areas, it is crucial to consider that physi-
cal proximity does not necessarily translate into so-
cial proximity. This is particularly vivid from the re-
search on support networks
. Blokland et al. show
how social networks are susceptible to the effects of
mobility and digitization. The authors challenge tra-
ditional views of social networks, which previously
focused on neighborhood ties, suggesting that these
ties are not solely defined by physical proximity but
are increasingly influenced by digital interactions and
trans-local mobility (cf. Small 2017).
For us, it is vital to conceptualize the social net-
work in a broader sense, encompassing both digi-
talization and mobility factors. Prior research on
changes in PEB emphasizes the vital role online com-
munication plays on social learning (Chwialkowska,
2019; Zhang et al., 2021). Our DT framework incor-
porates potential pathways for the dissemination of
PEB that have been overlooked in prior studies, due
to their limited scope in defining the social domain.
To consider social networks in our DT framework,
while keeping the individual layer in mind, we fo-
cus on two types of information flow. Agents ac-
quire information from their local and social networks
either through direct observation or via knowledge
and views disseminated by others. This information
is then channeled to the individual layer, and pro-
cessed within the agent’s deliberation. The outcome
results in an intention, tailored to each agent’s spe-
cific circumstances, that potentially influences opin-
ion dynamics within their environment. The social
Support network is conceptualized as a system through
which individuals exchange resources, with an emphasis
on the varying strength of ties and the closeness these ties
might represent (Blokland et al., 2021)
layer plays a pivotal role in shaping agents’ percep-
tion of their environment and how their behaviors im-
pact others within the social network.
Incorporating these social aspects into MAS for
the purpose of conducting experiments leads to
the development of Agent-Based Social Simulation
(ABSS) (Davidsson, 2002). ABSS has proven to be
a good fit to enable interaction between agents while
considering social concepts; it offers a controlled en-
vironment for experimenting, e.g., with different sce-
narios or psychological and social concepts (Squaz-
zoni et al., 2014).
This section addresses specifics of and required data
for our rural area use case. Essentially, the area con-
sists of numerous small communities. Typical for this
region are various demographic changes, i.e., rural
migration and a high proportion of commuters within
and between rural districts (Dauth and Haller, 2018).
Due to poorly developed public transport infrastruc-
ture, people largely depend on private vehicles for
work, leisure activities, and daily supply. To mitigate
the impact of inadequate infrastructure, approaches in
cooperative mobility and logistics are explored.
Figure 2 displays the general processes required
to model the use case. Data Processing and Model
Building shows the sub-models of the layers defined
in Section 3. Theories contains theories applied in the
respective layers. For the spatial layer, we use a net-
work generator to filter the given data and build the
required networks. Together, these boxes comprise a
generic representation of the DT model. Expanding
this DT using data enables adaptation to the region in
focus and validation of the model components. Data
input and theories are interrelated, e.g., theories de-
termine which data is needed. Lastly, Experimental
Setup and Output are required for simulation studies
that can be conducted using the implemented model.
An experiment consists of testing hypotheses refer-
ring to the specific scenarios and interventions (Lorig
et al., 2017). The parameter setting depends on the
structure of the model and available data. The output
generally refers to the ratio of adopted behavior by
individuals on the micro and macro levels.
A baseline scenario is the usual shopping behav-
ior where inhabitants order goods online or buy them
from the nearest shop using their preferred transport
option. As an option for PEB, we introduce crowd
delivery supported by commuters. Crowd delivery in
logistics is an approach to unburden delivery services
Driving Towards a Sustainable Future: A Multi-Layered Agent-Based Digital Twin Approach for Rural Areas
Individual Layer
Spatial Layer
Social Layer
Theory of Planned
Practice Theory
Data Input
Data Processing and Model Building
Generator (OSM)
Calibration and Validation
Ratio of Adopted Behavior
Figure 2: Processes, Data Use and Theories.
and improve the last mile in terms of parcel delivery
time (cf. Asdecker and Zirkelbach 2020). Inhabitants
are provided with an additional option, i.e., to com-
mission a commuter who travels from, to, or through
the community of the inhabitant. Interventions seek
to encourage residents to utilize this additional option,
for example, by promoting social norms (social pres-
sure) that emerge through interactions or by provid-
ing information about its environmental benefits. The
intended output would be, e.g., an increased ratio of
people adopting the new option that helps to identify
the most effective interventions for real-life applica-
To build the model components for each DT layer,
a variety of data sources are needed. The spatial layer
requires georeferenced data including buildings and
streets with tags and an overview of public transport.
For this, we use OSM data. While OSM provides a
collection of data for a general area, data for the fo-
cus area has to be extracted by removing all data out-
side the outermost longitude and latitude values of the
area. Of the remaining data, workplaces, and POIs are
filtered using relevant tags. Additionally, we utilize
census data
to generate an artificial population that
represents the demographic characteristics of respon-
dents, including age, gender, and living situation, at
the time of the survey.
In the following step, inhabitants are represented
by agents with a daily schedule and a decision-
making model. To understand individual aspects, it
is essential to conduct empirical studies, specifically,
surveys focused on rural areas. These surveys should
encompass a broad range of topics, including subjec-
tive personal attitudes, preferences, and habits (e.g.,
shopping behavior, travel choices, and daily routines).
Additionally, they need to shed light on the influences
inspiring PEB, aiming to map out individuals’ social
networks and pinpoint other significant external fac-
An agent’s daily schedule, on the one hand, is in-
fluenced by the person’s workplace. Hence, we in-
clude statistical data regarding commuters in the area
using the Pendleratlas
(Commuter atlas), which tells
how many people commute between and within com-
munities. On the other hand, the schedule is shaped
by leisure activities (e.g., meeting friends), necessary
activities (e.g., grocery shopping), and the respective
travel choices, for which we use empirical studies
and statistical data (e.g., Datenreport Umwelt, En-
ergie und Mobilit
at (Data report environment, energy,
and mobility) by Brockjan et al. (2021)). For the TPB
in the Decision Model we derive data from empiri-
cal studies. Additionally, we utilize archetypes based
on survey results or theoretical constructs, e.g., social
actor types (Dittrich and Kron, 2002).
The local network, defined by data from the spa-
tial layer, includes an individual’s household and can
extend to neighbors. Social networks consist of peo-
ple who might not live in the same neighborhood but
have a strong impact on an individual’s behavior. To
map the social network of our agents, the social net-
work is analyzed based on survey data. Importantly,
our social network analysis centers on the study of
practices (Blokland et al., 2021) rather than prede-
fined ties. This approach reflects the fluidity of mod-
ern social interactions and incorporates diverse com-
munication methods.
For validation, we utilize publicly available data
(i.e., commuter statistics, census data, OSM data).
This also facilitates the transferability to other rural
regions. Furthermore, we utilize traffic count data
from the selected region to assess the number of com-
muters and their daily travel routes. The data gathered
from empirical studies is employed to initialize and
calibrate our model and to verify assumptions regard-
ing the model’s behavior.
This paper aims to understand and foster pro-
environmental behaviors in rural areas. For that, we
first conducted a literature review on the theme of
Digital Twins and inhabited areas. We then addressed
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
current research gaps, and guided by our research
focus, outlined a framework for developing a Digi-
tal Twin. Our framework is distinctive in its multi-
layered approach, integrating spatial, individual, and
social aspects to offer a holistic understanding of the
factors influencing pro-environmental behavior. Our
framework was created with a real-world use case of a
rural area in mind. We accounted for the unique char-
acteristics of this region and established the basis for
a DT which could facilitate the search of sustainable
solutions, without necessitating significant changes to
physical infrastructure. As a next step, we plan to im-
plement the conceptual structure into a computational
model. Our model can support decision-making by
enabling the exploration of various scenarios and in-
terventions that promote pro-environmental behavior.
However, we also acknowledge certain limitations of
this paper. Firstly, our literature review was confined
to a single database, which, while comprehensive,
may have led to the exclusion of relevant publications
from other sources.
Secondly, our approach focused on integrating the
specific psychological and social theories while omit-
ting others. Future research could benefit from incor-
porating a wider range of theories to capture a more
diverse array of behavioral influences and dynamics.
Additionally, our conceptualization of the social net-
work has been primarily informed by the research ap-
plicable to urban areas, it is therefore yet to be deter-
mined how well these theoretical considerations will
perform in the rural setting. Third, besides the Digital
Twin’s level of granularity that we addressed in the
spatial layer, other characteristics of DTs to describe
their capability of representing its physical twin can
be discussed in more detail, e.g., fidelity, maturity or
consistency (Su et al., 2023).
Lastly, it is important to consider the poten-
tial variability in the applicability of our framework
across different rural and urban contexts as inhab-
ited areas are diverse in their geographic and socio-
economic characteristics. However, our approach is
promising as it includes the identification of key char-
acteristics and establishes basics for an adaptable con-
ceptual framework by building upon openly available
This work is funded by the Federal Ministry for the
Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety
and Consumer Protection (Bundesministerium f
Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Ver-
braucherschutz) (BMUV, No. 67KI31073A).
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Driving Towards a Sustainable Future: A Multi-Layered Agent-Based Digital Twin Approach for Rural Areas