implementation. Similarly, the 10-round experiment
that took 15 days when run on CPU would take less
than 10 minutes with our proposed GPU optimiza-
tions. Moreover, the full 12-round attack that requires
encryptions would take 2
second which
is less than 39 days. Note that it would take more
than 300 years to verify this attack on the CPU setup
and the C implementation of (Lallemand and Naya-
Plasencia, 2014).
The attacks of (Lallemand and Naya-Plasencia,
2014) was improved in (Rasoolzadeh et al., 2017)
which now requires 2
encryptions. Performing
encryptions would take less than 9 days with our
CUDA codes on an RTX 4090.
Our optimization results show that we can try
= 2
KLEIN-80 keys in a year. This
means that it would take 2
years for an RTX 4090
to capture a KLEIN-80 or it would require 2
1.34 million RTX 4090 GPUs to capture the key in a
A biclique attack in (Abed et al., 2012) has a
time complexity of 2
encryptions which is two times
faster than the exhaustive search attack. However, this
attack requires 2
memory and implementing this at-
tack using our GPU optimizations might result in an
attack that is slower than the exhaustive search. Be-
cause storing and processing 2
data would introduce
a significant overhead.
Our optimization results show that we can try
= 2
KLEIN-96 keys in a year. This
means that it would take 2
years for an RTX 4090
to capture a KLEIN-96 or it would require 2
111 billion RTX 4090 GPUs to capture the key in a
A biclique attack in (Abed et al., 2012) has a time
complexity of 2
encryptions which is 2
faster than the exhaustive search attack. However, this
attack requires 2
memory and implementing this at-
tack using our GPU optimizations might result in an
attack that is slower than the exhaustive search. Be-
cause storing and processing 2
data would introduce
a significant overhead.
Although an exhaustive key search attack on
GPUs does not look realistic with these numbers, it
should be noted that this attack can become practical
in the future since new GPUs are always built with
more cores and faster clock speeds. Moreover, GPUs
are general purpose devices and if an attack on 96-
bit KLEIN becomes profitable, one can built ASICs
where this attack becomes practical and requires less
electricity than GPUs.
In this work we provided a CUDA optimized table-
based implementation of the KLEIN family of block
ciphers which does not contain shared memory bank
conflicts. Our best optimization reach 2
≈ 45
billion KLEIN-64 key trials on an RTX 4090. Our
results show that KLEIN block cipher that supports
64-bit, 80-bit, and 96-bit secret keys is susceptible to
brute force attacks via GPUs. Thus, lightweight de-
signs should not support short keys.
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and Technological Research Council of T
UBITAK) and German Academic Exchange Ser-
vice (DAAD) Bilateral Research Cooperation Project
ITAK 2531 Project) under the grant number
123N546 and titled ”Cryptanalysis of Symmetric Key
Encryption Algorithms: Theory vs. Practice”.
This project has also been supported by Mid-
dle East Technical University Scientific Research
Projects Coordination Unit under grant number
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ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy