This paper proposed an MBSE approach (based on a
modification of ARCADIA/Capella) to support the
complex engineering of trustworthy AI-based critical
The system of interest of our modelling is the
Trustworthy Environment, the tooled workbench to be
delivered by the Confiance.ai research program. At our
current stage of progress, we are primarily focused on
the "Operational Analysis" perspective of the proposed
modeling approach. This involves identifying and
formalizing the activities and processes required for
engineering an AI-based critical system, with the
ambition to obtain in this way an applicable end-to-end
engineering method. To do so, we rely, on one hand,
for higher-level engineering activities and processes
(structure of our approach), on in-work standards such
as ISO 5338 and AS 6983, and on the other hand, for
lower-level engineering activities and processes
(details of our approach), on the expertise of the
various research teams of Confiance.ai.
Several future works are planned. First, we need
to consolidate and complete the approach along the
full engineering cycle. Currently, not all engineering
steps are covered yet.
Second, Confiance.ai intends to publish the
obtained end-to-end engineering method through a
website. This entails work to make our modeling as
graphic and easily navigable as possible.
Third, the obtained end-to-end engineering
approach needs to be evaluated against use cases.
Each specific method integrated in our approach has
already been locally, on its own, evaluated against a
use case. What remains to be done is evaluating
portions of our obtained end-to-end engineering
method, i.e. successions of engineering activities and
processes, involving different methods and tools on a
same use case.
Fourth, the modeling approach has to be
continued by the System Analysis (functional
specification of the Trustworthy Environment) and by
the Logical and Physical Architecture (architecture of
the Trustworthy Environment). Confiance.ai’s
Trustworthy Environment is already under
construction, by collecting and integrating all
software tools developed by the various teams of the
research program. However, having a full modeling
from Operational Analysis to Physical Architecture
will ensure full consistency and traceability between
the methodological guidelines described in our
Operational Analysis and the relevant tools to be
considered in the Physical Architecture.
This work has been supported by the French
government under the “France 2030” program.
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