Faster R-CNN model were trained in two phases. In
the preliminary phase, a baseline was defined, achiev-
ing an mAP of 94.59%, mean precision of 89.93%,
and mean recall of 95.72%. In the final phase, a
definitive model trained on more data achieved an
mAP of 98.33%, an mean precision of 95.96%, and
an mean recall of 98.82%. Given these results, the
work demonstrated the feasibility of applying a deep-
learning approach to detect the species that visit the
feeder of the residence in question. Therefore, there
is an opportunity to develop future work that seeks to
implement a monitoring system for these species in a
citizen science initiative to study them and contribute
to their preservation.
Given the results achieved, it is possible to visualize
future work. New images will be collected and anno-
tated in the short term at the same feeder to increase
the data set. In this case, the annotation can be par-
tially automated using the definitive model.
Images featuring the highlighted birds will be col-
lected on citizen science platforms in the medium
term. Pre-training models with these images can help
them learn richer characteristics of the species, which
can contribute to increased performance and general-
ization capacity.
A system with the Raspberry PI board capable of
acquiring new images autonomously in other homes
using cloud computing will be developed in the long
term. Furthermore, the feasibility of performing de-
tections locally in an AI-on-the-edge approach will be
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