far. However, the connection set should be updated
when environment is changed. The distillation strat-
egy employed in Foster (Wang et al., 2022) is also
useful for reducing and re-adjusting the subnetworks.
The distillation operation will give a clear opportunity
to make each subnetwork and corresponding aggrega-
tion layer learn class boundaries.
In this paper, a hidden neural network based incre-
mental learning method: Swap deep neural network
is proposed. This model has been followed two ad-
1. The hidden neural network can reuse its neurons
in several different tasks by reconfiguration of the
neural network circuit. So, this architecture is
suitable for a small embedded systems, where the
storage capacity is limited.
2. The sub-network is not modified after the cre-
ation. This means that the system does not cause
the catastrophic forgetting.
The simulation results suggest that Swap-NN re-
alizes an effective execution of large-scale neural net-
works with a small amount of resources.
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ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods