automatic olive leaf detection and serves as a farm
management system. Our mobile application enables
a farmer to ask for an expert opinion if (s)he wants
further evaluation of the leaf status. We established a
sustainable data collection process by gathering pro-
cessed images captured through the mobile applica-
tion. We also introduced an incremental update pro-
cess that ensures the adaptability of YOLOv5-n to
real-life images collected through the mobile appli-
cation. Our experimental results showed the perfor-
mance of our deployed model in terms of classifica-
tion accuracy, precision, recall, and mean average pre-
In the future, we intend to release our mobile ap-
plication on the Play Store and make it available for
free. This will allow us to collect annotated real-life
data. The collected data will be used to improve the
performance of our mobile application and effectively
assess and validate our incremental update process.
Moreover, the weights of our pre-trained YOLOv5-
n model can serve as initial weights when we extend
our task to include the detection of multiple leaves per
image and identifying their status.
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change Service (DAAD) in the Ta’ziz Science Coop-
erations Program (AirFit Project; 57682841).
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