When predicting the installed base evolution, we
assume that it will change over time. It increases dur-
ing the product’s growth phase, reaches a peak dur-
ing the maturity phase, and decreases during the EOL
phase (Van der Auweraer et al., 2019). The forecast
model should capture the pattern of the installed base
in different life-cycle stages. Hu and Li (2023) em-
ploys Bayesian netwrok (BN) to predict products de-
mand. The authors conduct numerical experiments on
six data-sets and compare the BN to ARIMA method
and PSO algorithm to show that the method provides a
good prediction for products demand. Machine learn-
ing models were in recent years used to predict the
IB sales. These models can detect the correlation be-
tween the IB information and the non-linear trends in
consumption. In this vein, (Bandara et al., 2019) ex-
ploits the non-linear patterns of product sales in an
e-commerce using a Long-Short-Term model to gen-
erate sales forecast. (Salinas et al., 2020) proposes
DeepAR, a model based on an auto-regressive recur-
rent neural network model to calculate time series
future probability distribution. Smyl (2020) proposes
a hybrid method that exploits exponential smoothing
and neural networks for time series forecasting. How-
ever, these models do not address the issue of missing
data for new products.
A similar domain to the products IB evolution pre-
diction with the lack of historical data, is new prod-
ucts sales forecast. This is a complex problem since
the predictions can be very far from the reality. In
practice, decision makers use previous products in-
formation on which they base their strategic moves.
For new products that are very different from the
past ones, the risk of great error is particularly high
(Thomas et al., 2007). This is a subject that has been
widely addressed in the literature. In this case, usu-
ally there is not enough data to provide prediction
and forecasters have either very little historical in-
formation or none. Therefore, they need to rely on
other types of information. Four types of prediction
models can be implemented to forecast new prod-
ucts sales namely judgmental forecast using experts
knowledge, Consumer/market research, cause/effect
models, time-series and explanatory models, and Ar-
tificial intelligence (Machuca et al., 2014). (Ching-
Chin et al., 2010) designed a procedure called NFSP
for this purpose using similar product sales, pre-sales
data and/or product classification information. The
authors suggest employing the best model among
classic forecast methods like Moving Average (MA)
and Exponential Smoothing, and Heuristic methods
like Sales Index (SI), Taylor Series (TS), and Diffu-
sion Model (DF). Baardman et al. (2017) Proposes a
model for clustering other products and fitting linear
regression with LASSO regularization to these clus-
ters simultaneously to predict new products in the
same cluster. Other regression analysis techniques
like Nonlinear regression and Logistic regression are
also used (Thomas et al., 2007). The use of machine
learning methods in this research area is limited as
machine learning models require a big set of data to
be accurate. To deal with the lack of historical data
problem, (Karb et al., 2020) used a Transfer learning
approach from similar products in the food industry
using a neural network.
A variety of studies have addressed the problem
of new product sales. These works use pre-sales data,
market research, or other product history. In the con-
text of our research, there is numerous products for
which the IB can be very different depending on their
type or family and on their location. Therefore, we
propose an approach based on Transfer learning to
predict the IB information during a product life-cycle.
We start by a classification of the products according
to their family or usage and their location. Our contri-
bution to the literature is in the use of transfer learning
to study the patterns of previous product generations
and to provide a long horizon forecast for different
IB information of the targeted product in Healthcare
industry. We evaluate different deep learning mod-
els and discuss their performance on a use case from
In this section, we present a novel forecasting ap-
proach to predict the products IB information. Firstly,
we provide an overview of the method and then we
show more details of its composing elements. We
start by collecting data and creating features that de-
scribe the IB. We use Transfer learning with four deep
learning models namely Long-Short-Term Memory
(LSTM), simple Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN),
Gated Recurrent Unists (GRU), a combination of
RNN and LSTM. Then, we compare between these
models on a use case from GEHealthCare.
3.1 Data Collection and Features
We collect data of products IB from the same fam-
ily and the same region. This first classification of
products is important since the products installation,
the customers needs, the regulations, and the collected
data are different from one region to another and from
one product family to another. The purpose is to study
the historical IB patterns for the past generations of a
Deep Transfer Learning for Installed Base Life-Cycle Evolution Forecast