Video classification is becoming increasingly relevant
in the modern world due to the large amount of video
content and its various categories. In this paper, we
described a method to analyze a video sequence using
machine learning algorithms and a new approach to
data preprocessing. This approach has been success-
fully implemented and tested on the searching and
classifying chromakey in video problem. The results
outperformed existing algorithms. Our approach can
be easily applied to other video classification prob-
lems and can also be scaled to estimate larger video
spans depending on the specific task. In the future,
it is planned to conduct more qualitative comparisons
of different length chromakey sequences. There are
many ways to use chromakey technology and each
of them has its own specifistic and artifacts. In the
future, it is planned to study in detail all chromakey
types and select the necessary preprocessing for each
type individually, which will help to manage edge
cases better.
The research was supported by the ITMO University,
project 623097 ”Development of libraries containing
perspective machine learning methods”.
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VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications