curity for cyber-physical systems (CPS). Therefore,
we introduce a framework termed XA4AS (Extended
Asfalia (Framework) for Adaptive Security (of Cyber-
Physical Systems). This framework aims to facilitate
the creation of fundamental analytical models for the
deployment of model predictive control and adaptive
security solutions within the domain of CPS.
The aforementioned model demonstrates an ele-
vated degree of accuracy in predicting the behaviour
of the system. Thus, XA4AS is capable of effectively
responding to environmental oscillations and gener-
ating adaptive solutions in a dynamic manner. The
framework was evaluated through the implementation
of the medical emergency response system.
The evaluation findings demonstrate that the ap-
plication of control-theoretic principles can produce
effective adaptation plans for cyber-physical systems,
often surpassing the outcomes achieved through ap-
proaches based solely on human experience. One sig-
nificant advantage of our framework is its ability to
support security analysts in their analysis of security
events and developing adaptive security solutions for
CPS. (VM) is designed to detect and capture both
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structing a model based on the adversaries that are
specified in the (VM). The behavioural model (BM)
provides annotations for the system behaviours of
the (VM) and the (AM). In the (EM), events are de-
rived from behavioural models. The aforementioned
models are useful inputs for the Security Evolution
Manager and Adaptation Manager components of the
XA4AS framework. The effectiveness of our ap-
proach requires further evaluation through the use of
a larger volume of case studies.
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ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy