Some works have been studied that apply DMT using
technological means to potentiate the abilities of chil-
dren with autism. These applications have been eval-
uated in small groups of children with ASD in thera-
peutic contexts that have had positive results. Some
examples are:
1. OSMoSIS is a musical and body game that con-
verts movements into sounds. It uses a Kinect to
capture the body movements of the child partici-
pating in the game, in order to measure motor and
social synchrony (Ragone et al., 2020).
2. DanceCraft is a remote-use system that, through
videos of a DMT instructor, allows children to
play to imitate their movements. It uses a Kinect
sensor and has been well received by family
groups that have tried it (Ringland et al., 2019).
3. Choreografish is a virtual reality (VR) video game
that simulates choreography for the movement of
a school of fish. The objective is to reduce the so-
cial anxiety of the participants, by allowing them
to control the rhythm and movement of an artistic
creation (Jr. et al., 2018).
4. ExpressiveBall is a prototype of a tangible ball
that has different sensors to stimulate the stimula-
tion of the senses. The objective is to achieve the
expression of children with ASD with low verbal
skills, through six body activities (Wilson et al.,
In these works, children with ASD are encour-
aged to the arts through games on body interfaces and
movement. However, the objectives of these studies
are to promote certain social skills or autonomy, and
few focus on creative expression. Furthermore, the re-
sult is often imitation of an instructor to improve the
precision of body movements, leaving little room for
self expression and exploration.
The present research is motivated by these last as-
pects to implement a new system that considers the
needs of children with ASD, who can explore corpo-
rality for the execution of an artistic piece. The pro-
cess will have more value than the result and will help
you communicate in a different way.
Creative Coding is the use of programming in cre-
ative applications. In different contexts, user inter-
faces are enriched with embodied alternatives. This
philosophy has a major presence in the Maker move-
ment, where users develop creative technological ar-
tifacts, though it has not yet been used for therapy
or well being scenarios. In accessibility, the idea is
to adapt and develop interfaces for users with special
needs, in this case, people with ASD may find an en-
gaging form to develop self expression and creative
endeavours through art creation with dance.
DanceON is an educationally-focused program-
ming system that allows users to create visual anima-
tions in response to body movement data, with the
goal of engaging young women of color in creating
artistic computational artifacts within culturally rele-
vant dance learning experiences (Payne et al., 2021).
Children benefit from creation with an increase
of self-expression and autonomy development levels.
Our goal is to explore how this can be developed
through an embodied interface, noting that users are
keen on visual and are engaged with virtual worlds
and videogames.
Some common tools for creative coding are
Processing, a library for graphical creation. The
JavaScript language is commonly used for web de-
velopment, in this case we find p5.js, a library that
adapts Processing with WebGL standards. A comple-
mentary library is ml5.js, that uses Machine Learning
models from Pytorch in JavaScript. TouchDesigner is
a software that helps to create graphical, 2D and 3D
rendering in creation projects.
In summary, DMT can benefit from the creative
currents of programming, to support new tools that
stimulate creative development. Recently, as a re-
sult of the confinement caused by the COVID-19 pan-
demic, psychotherapists who practice DMT have had
to seek remote and online avenues for their work,
demonstrating similar results of empathy and body
exploration (Garcia-Medrano, 2021). Currently, it is
necessary to continue documenting these processes
and propose tools that can adapt to these challenges,
in order to achieve a novel and stimulating effect for
this group of users.
A first approach is proposed to evaluate a body inter-
face that allows creating a graphic piece, developed
with creative programming tools. This first stage re-
quires validation and further we propose a more com-
plete project, designed with experts in the field.
Movarte emerges as an interactive art proposal
that aims to establish links between movement and
a dynamic visual image. For the recognition of poses
and body movements, a neural network model was
used, which was associated with a JavaScript library
to produce graphic images within a web browser. Ad-
ditionally, the concept of proxemics was used to es-
tablish imaginary zones that allowed variations to be
made when generating the final image. In particular,
HEALTHINF 2024 - 17th International Conference on Health Informatics