Navigating the Trade-Off Between Explainability and Privacy
Johanna Schmidt
1, a
, Verena Pietsch
2 b
, Martin Nocker
3 c
, Michael Rader
4 d
and Alessio Montuoro
5 e
VRVis Zentrum f
ur Virtual Reality und Visualisierung Forschungs-GmbH, Vienna, Austria
FILL Gesellschaft m.b.H, Gurten, Austria
MCI The Entrepreneurial School, Innsbruck, Austria
Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH, Wattens, Austria
Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH, Hagenberg, Austria
Explainable AI, Privacy, Explainability, Data Visualization, Homomorphic Encryption.
Understanding the rationale behind complex AI decisions becomes increasingly vital as AI evolves. Explain-
able AI technologies are pivotal in demystifying these decisions, offering methods and tools to interpret and
communicate the reasoning behind AI-driven outcomes. However, the rise of Explainable AI is juxtaposed
with the imperative to protect sensitive data, leading to the integration of encryption techniques in AI devel-
opment. This paper explores the intricate coexistence of explainability and encryption in AI, presenting a
dilemma where the quest for transparency clashes with the imperative to secure sensitive information. The
contradiction is particularly evident in methods like homomorphic encryption, which, while ensuring data
security, complicates the provision of clear and interpretable explanations for AI decisions. The discussion
delves into the conflicting goals of these approaches, surveying the use of privacy-preserving methods in Ex-
plainable AI and identifying potential directions for future research. Contributions include a comprehensive
survey of privacy considerations in current Explainable AI approaches, an exemplary use case demonstrating
visualization techniques for explainability in secure environments, and identifying avenues for future work.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has witnessed remarkable
advancements within the last years, revolutionizing
industries and shaping our daily lives. People widely
adopt AI for its unparalleled ability to automate tasks,
derive insights, and offering enhanced efficiency and
innovative solutions across diverse industries and ap-
plications. As such, AI algorithms have become a
transformative force across various domains (Saghiri
et al., 2022). For example, AI aids in diagnostics
and personalized healthcare treatments. The finan-
cial sector benefits from AI for fraud detection and
risk assessment. Mobility applications leverage AI for
traffic management. In manufacturing, AI optimizes
processes through predictive maintenance and quality
Corresponding author
control. As AI continues to evolve and AI systems
become increasingly sophisticated and integrated into
critical decision-making processes, there is a growing
demand for transparency and accountability, as deci-
sions are made based on intricate patterns and corre-
lations within vast datasets (Zhang and Lu, 2021).
While AI models demonstrate high accuracy in
various tasks, understanding the rationale behind their
choices becomes increasingly crucial. Explainabil-
ity in AI refers to the ability to comprehend and in-
terpret the decisions and actions taken by AI sys-
tems (Barredo Arrieta et al., 2020). Explainable AI
(XAI) technologies are pivotal in demystifying the
decision-making processes of complex algorithms,
addressing the challenges of the “black box” nature
of AI, and mitigating biases. XAI provides methods
and tools to interpret and communicate the rationale
behind AI-driven decisions, making them more un-
derstandable for users and stakeholders. Techniques
range from integrating inherently interpretable mod-
els (Wang and Tuerhong, 2022) to model-agnostic ap-
proaches (Choo and Liu, 2018). Such model-agnostic
Schmidt, J., Pietsch, V., Nocker, M., Rader, M. and Montuoro, A.
Navigating the Trade-Off Between Explainability and Privacy.
DOI: 10.5220/0012472200003660
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2024) - Volume 1: GRAPP, HUCAPP
and IVAPP, pages 726-733
ISBN: 978-989-758-679-8; ISSN: 2184-4321
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
approaches increasingly use interactive data visual-
ization (Ward et al., 2015) approaches, as these tech-
nologies provide intuitive and transparent means for
understanding complex model decisions, identifying
patterns, and fostering trust among users and stake-
holders (Alicioglu and Sun, 2022).
With increasing interest in explainability, protect-
ing sensitive data became paramount, prompting the
integration of privacy-preserving technologies in AI
development to ensure privacy and security (Timan
et al., 2021). Cryptography protects data from unau-
thorized access, maintaining confidentiality for those
possessing the secret key. While traditional encryp-
tion techniques protect data only during storage or
transmission, Homomorphic Encryption (HE) allows
for computations on encrypted data without prior de-
cryption (Yi et al., 2014). HE has already been suc-
cessfully applied for enabling secure collaboration in
scenarios where data confidentiality is critical, like
Machine-Learning-as-a-Service (Nocker et al., 2023).
HE encrypts model updates that are transferred and
collected at the aggregation server. Federated Learn-
ing (Esterle, 2022) is commonly utilized to collabo-
ratively train an AI model across multiple distributed
data owners while preserving each party’s privacy.
The coexistence of explainability and privacy in
AI poses a complex dilemma (Ogrezeanu et al.,
2022). On the one hand, explainability seeks to de-
mystify the decision-making processes of AI algo-
rithms, enhancing transparency and fostering trust,
involving making the inner workings of models in-
terpretable for users and stakeholders. On the other
hand, privacy-preserving techniques aim to secure
sensitive data and models, rendering them indecipher-
able to unauthorized entities. The contradiction arises
when such methods make providing a clear and inter-
pretable explanation of AI decisions challenging.
In this paper, we discuss the conflicting goals of
both approaches. We surveyed the use of privacy-
preserving methods in Explainable AI, an underex-
plored topic, and identified possible directions for fu-
ture work. Our contributions can be listed as follows:
A survey on how current XAI approaches have
considered privacy and security.
Exemplary use case of using visualization tech-
niques for explainability in secure environments.
Identification of directions for future work.
Keeping the balance is crucial for ensuring that AI
systems safeguard sensitive information and maintain
the transparency necessary for user understanding and
acceptance. Addressing this paradox involves explor-
ing innovative hybrid solutions that combine elements
of encryption and explainability.
Working on Explainable and Privacy-Preserving AI
touches several scientific directions. A review of dif-
ferent AI technologies and applications (Sheikh et al.,
2023) would be beyond the scope of this paper. In-
stead, we focus on predictive AI, as our use case
in this paper is centered around predictive mainte-
nance, on model-agnostic XAI with a focus on us-
ing visualization techniques, and methods for privacy-
preserving AI.
Predictive AI. AI models for prediction specifically
aim at making predictions or forecasts based on data
analysis. Predictive AI involves identifying patterns,
trends, and relationships within datasets, allowing
systems to predict future events or outcomes. Sev-
eral types of machine learning algorithms are com-
monly used in predictive AI, each with its strengths
and suitable applications. These algorithms include
approaches from supervised learning like linear and
logistic regression (Lederer, 2021), where temporal
data is used to predict future outcomes. Other su-
pervised learning approaches comprise decision trees
to build tree-like models out of data (Song and Lu,
2015) and support vector machines (SVM) to classify
data points into different categories (Sapankevych and
Sankar, 2009). Random forest, an ensemble learning
approach (Schonlau and Zou, 2020), combines multi-
ple decision trees to make more informed predictions.
Predictive deep learning approaches (Emmert-Streib
et al., 2020) include recurrent neural networks (RNN)
and long short-term memory (LSTM), which handle
sequential data for time series prediction. The choice
of algorithm depends on the data’s specific character-
istics and the prediction task’s nature. In practice, a
combination of these algorithms, known as ensemble
methods (Maimon and Rokach, 2006), is often em-
ployed to enhance predictive performance. Predictive
AI encompasses a large number of possible applica-
tions. For example, predictive AI plays an important
role in Industry 4.0 for predictive maintenance appli-
cations (Nunes et al., 2023), in finance for calculating
forecasts (Broby, 2022), and in energy production to
predict energy use (Wang and Srinivasan, 2017). In
this paper we focus on a predictive maintenance
use case.
Explainable AI. Systems and approaches helping
users understand the workings of an AI system can
be summarized as approaches toward XAI. Explain-
ability covers several understandings (Meske et al.,
2022). Explainability can help users understand the
system’s behavior to detect unknown vulnerabilities
Navigating the Trade-Off Between Explainability and Privacy
and flaws, bias, and avoid phenomena related to spu-
rious correlations to evaluate the AI model. Espe-
cially from a developer’s design perspective, under-
standing the inner workings of AI and consequent out-
comes can be vital to increasing the system’s accu-
racy and value with a focus on improvement. From
the end user’s perspective, the application of XAI
can have a positive effect on user trust in the sys-
tem’s decisions (Preece, 2018). Besides inherently
interpretable models (Wang and Tuerhong, 2022),
which we will not cover on this paper, model-agnostic
approaches (Choo and Liu, 2018) provide explana-
tions for the behaviour of existing AI models. Ex-
planations (Yang et al., 2023) can either be source-
oriented (i.e., focusing on input data), representation-
oriented (i.e., connecting input and output), or logic-
oriented (i.e., explaining the inner structure of the
model). All three types of explainability approaches
(source-oriented, representation-oriented, and logic-
oriented) greatly benefit from the use of data visu-
alization to empower humans to explore and under-
stand the results (Samek et al., 2019). Examples for
representation-oriented approaches employing visual-
ization include the Calibrate framework (Xenopoulos
et al., 2023) for the analysis of the output of proba-
bilistic models and approaches for comparing the out-
put of different, similar models (Wang et al., 2023).
As examples for a logic-oriented visualization, the
ActiVis framework (Kahng et al., 2018) aims at vi-
sually displaying neuron activity for model input and
outputs and the LSTMVis (Strobelt et al., 2018) ap-
proach to visualize hidden state dynamics in recurrent
neural networks. Approaches for evaluating and im-
proving model performances also employ visualiza-
tion to make the differences understandable (Jin et al.,
2023). We employed source-oriented visualization
techniques in our use case.
Secure AI. Enhancing data security in AI can be
achieved through robust encryption strategies. File-
level encryption, database encryption, and transpar-
ent data encryption (Gasser and Aad, 2023) work at
the data level and locally secure the data used by the
AI model. End-to-end encryption (Sukhodolskiy and
Zapechnikov, 2020) ensures data protection through-
out its lifecycle. While such encryption techniques
protect data while being transmitted or stored, homo-
morphic encryption (HE) (Yi et al., 2014) is a tech-
nique that enables computations to be performed on
encrypted data without prior decryption.
HE for AI facilitates secure collaborative process-
ing and can be used to secure inference inputs and
the model (Acar et al., 2018). Developing XAI algo-
rithms for models or input data that are homomorphi-
cally encrypted presents significant challenges due to
the inherent complexities of this cryptographic tech-
nique. Non-linear operations are not natively sup-
ported by HE, limiting the types of computations that
can be performed in explainability algorithms. Fur-
thermore, HE adds a substantial computational over-
head which makes XAI on encrypted data a resource-
intensive task. As a result, designing and implement-
ing explainability algorithms is a challenging task.
Addressing these challenges is crucial for unlocking
the potential for XAI in scenarios where data confi-
dentiality is paramount.
Federated learning (Zhang et al., 2021) is a ma-
chine learning approach that allows a model to be
trained across decentralized devices or servers hold-
ing local data samples without exchanging them. In
this collaborative learning paradigm, the model is
trained locally on individual devices using local data,
and only model updates (not raw data) are shared with
a central server or aggregator. The central server ag-
gregates these updates to improve the global model,
which is then sent back to the devices. Federated
learning enables the development of machine learning
models without centralizing sensitive data. HE is uti-
lized in federated learning frameworks to hide model
updates from the aggregator or any other party (Phong
et al., 2017). The input data for prediction compu-
tations of the use case were protected using HE.
We conducted a literature survey to determine
whether existing XAI approaches also address the
dilemma of secure access to data and models and
the need for explainability primarily for end users.
We concentrated on studies, surveys, state-of-the-
art reports, reviews, and books describing general
overviews of XAI approaches in public libraries like
IEEExplore, Google Scholar, Elsevier, and ACM.
Afterward, we studied the publications and checked
whether they addressed the topics security, privacy,
data protection, or encryption. A list and analysis of
the reviewed references can be found in Table 1. All
publications are from recent years, not because we
limited our search but because the XAI topic is still
relatively new in research interest.
Six of the 17 reviewed publications address
the topic of data and model security. Adadi and
Berrada (Adadi and Berrada, 2018) discuss appli-
cations in the finance industry where data security
and fair lending are to be addressed. Hohman et
al. (Hohman et al., 2019) mention the risk of AI
IVAPP 2024 - 15th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
Table 1: Reviewed surveys, state-of-the-art reports, and
books on Explainable AI (sorted alphabetically). The first
column (Reference) shows the reference to the specific pa-
per. In the second column (Type) we define the type of the
publication (S = survey, R = state-of-the-art report or re-
view, B = book). The third column (Sec.) shows whether
the topic of data security and the interplay with explainabil-
ity has been addressed.
Reference Type Sec.
(Adadi and Berrada, 2018) S X
(Alicioglu and Sun, 2022) S
(Angelov et al., 2021) R
(Barredo Arrieta et al., 2020) S X
(Brasse et al., 2023) R
(Chatzimparmpas et al., 2020) R X
(Choo and Liu, 2018) S
glarli, 2020) S
(Danilevsky et al., 2020) S
(Hohman et al., 2019) S X
(Holzinger et al., 2020) S
(Liang et al., 2021) S
(Miller, 2019) S
(Saeed and Omlin, 2023) S X
(Samek et al., 2019) B X
(Xu et al., 2019) S
(Yang et al., 2023) S
models being fooled by inserting wrong data (e.g.,
images) into the training dataset. Saeed and Om-
lin (Saeed and Omlin, 2023) note that model cre-
ators might regard a model’s synthesized knowledge
as confidential and that having only model inputs and
outputs available might be a compromise for still em-
ploying explainability. Together with Barredo Ar-
rieta et al. (Barredo Arrieta et al., 2020), they rec-
ommend further research on XAI tools that explain
model decisions while maintaining a model’s confi-
dentiality (Hohman et al., 2019). In the survey by
Samek et al. (Samek et al., 2019), the authors dis-
cuss the possibility of security breaches when expos-
ing internal details of model structures to outsiders.
They also discuss possible legal implications due to
intellectual property rights since internal information
about models may be proprietary and a fundamental
property right of companies, and the training data may
be privacy sensitive.
A notable void exists concerning the comprehen-
sive integration of robust data security measures in
the realm of XAI. We noticed that there has yet to
be a survey concentrating on the interplay between
explainability, security, and privacy. While XAI solu-
tions aim to enhance transparency and interpretability
in AI decision-making, the focus has often been di-
rected towards unveiling the intricacies of algorithms
rather than fortifying the security of the underlying
data. This oversight raises critical concerns as sensi-
tive information becomes increasingly vulnerable to
potential breaches or unauthorized access. Address-
ing this gap becomes imperative for developing re-
sponsible and trustworthy AI systems.
Embarking on a practical application of predictive AI
and XAI, we describe a practical use case in predic-
tive maintenance and reflect on our learnings.
4.1 Use Case Setup
Our investigation focuses on systematically utilizing
HE (Yi et al., 2014) for input privacy in a predictive
analytics use case.
Data and Model. In this use case, a machine learn-
ing model was used to predict the wear of tools in
machine tools to optimize both the service life of tools
and product quality: The inference data and the model
needed to be secured not to reveal intellectual prop-
erty rights, both from the model owner (i.e., the ma-
chine builder) regarding the model and training data
as well as the data owner (i.e., the machine operator)
regarding the inference data and underlying process
know-how. The inference data is encrypted using not
the original data but features computed from the raw
data for training the model (referred to as training fea-
tures). This way, it was also possible to let external
stakeholders use the model by sending only features
(not the raw data) and receiving predictions from the
model. The model remains on the owner’s side and
doesn’t require encryption. Encrypted inputs are re-
ceived by the model owner, who then computes the
output in an oblivious manner.
User Task. The model predicts the wear of tools
based on previous measurements. Process managers
can use the prediction output of the model to deter-
mine the current wear condition of the tool and esti-
mate when the tool should be replaced and whether
the tool life can be extended or should be shortened.
Navigating the Trade-Off Between Explainability and Privacy
Explainability. Explainability was especially rele-
vant in this use case because, naturally, high economic
interests are behind it. Replacing parts too early only
partially utilizes the service life of components, some
of which are quite expensive. Replacing components
too late can impair the component’s quality and lead
to unnecessary rejects or damage to other machine
components. End users, therefore, need to know how
much they can trust the prediction to make the right
decisions according to their priorities. We wanted to
give users of the prediction model an impression of
how confident they can be in the prediction of the
model. Since the model cannot provide any informa-
tion about uncertainties, we decided to focus on the
training features for the analysis. We agreed that users
should be able to compare their input features with the
training features that the model already knows to see
whether the input features roughly correspond to the
situations that the model has already learned. Accord-
ing to Yang et al. (Yang et al., 2023), this describes a
source-oriented approach for explainability.
4.2 Explainability Visualization
Similar to existing approaches (Chatzimparmpas
et al., 2020), we employed data visualization (Ward
et al., 2015) techniques to foster explainability and
communicate model outputs to the end users. We
evaluated three visualization techniques that we in the
following refer to as low, medium, and high explain-
ability. Low explainability refers to providing as little
information about the underlying data and model as
possible, but still providing background information
for users to increase explainability. In the medium
explainability visualization we included more infor-
mation about the data and the model in the visualiza-
tion. The high explainability visualization provides
as much information about the underlying data and
model as possible. A higher level of explainability
comes with a lower security level. We visualized the
input features and training data in an explainability
plot. In all cases, we used a summary bar to the left
of the explainability plot to aggregate the results (i.e.,
how many input data points match the training data).
Low Explainability. To reach low explainability,
we used the training features’ total value range and
displayed this in the background (Figure 1). When
using the low explainability visualization, users could
judge how many input features were outside the train-
ing features (i.e., the known model space). Based on
the colored background, end users could not reveal
the distribution of features in the training dataset.
Medium Explainability. For medium explainabil-
ity, we employed Mean Square Error (Dodge, 2008)
as a similarity measure and mapped the calculated
similarity values to color (Figure 2). We used a cat-
egorical color map with three color bins. This way,
users can compare the similarities of their input fea-
tures with the training data features. End users could
disclose the distribution of the training features from
this visualization, though, when using the visualiza-
tion for sampling with different input features. Af-
ter some iterations, end users could get an impres-
sion of the training feature distribution. Model own-
ers could prevent this by employing technical barri-
ers, e.g., allowing only a certain number of requests
per minute/hour.
High Explainability. The visualization for high ex-
plainability employs density (Figure 3). A density
plot shows all training data points; the input data
points are plotted as dots in the foreground. Users can
use this representation to evaluate the distribution of
the training features and input features together. The
best comparison between input and training features
is possible when end users see the actual distribution
of training features. In this distribution visualization,
outliers and areas of high density are visible. How-
ever, this visualization reveals the values of the un-
derlying training features.
Low Data Variation
High Data Variation
Feature Value
Feature Value
Feature Index
Feature Index
Figure 1: Low Explainability visualization. The training
features’ total value range and displayed this in the back-
ground (light blue). In the foreground, the input features
are shown as bars, either dark blue if inside the training fea-
ture area or red if outside. The bars’ height indicates the
input feature’s value at this position.
IVAPP 2024 - 15th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
Low Data Variation
High Data Variation
Feature Value
Feature Value
Feature Index
Feature Index
High Similarity
Medium Similarity
Low Similarity
High Similarity
Medium Similarity
Low Similarity
Figure 2: Medium Explainability visualization. We printed
the similarity value of each feature onto the bars. This way
users can analyze the similarity distribution.
4.3 Learnings
In our use case, we could show that discrepancies be-
tween explainability and security still exist. We could
also show that the choice of trust measure impacts
the results (Papenmeier et al., 2022). When analyz-
ing the visualization results in our use case, we could
see that low explainability correlates with reduced se-
curity risks. In contrast, high explainability increases
security vulnerability and privacy leakage, confirming
the known interplay between explainability, security,
and privacy in AI (Ogrezeanu et al., 2022).
For our use case, we clearly identified medium
explainability as the visualization technique that best
strives the compromise between explainability and se-
curity risk. The similarity measure provides a good
overview of how well the input features match the
knowledge of the model. Securing the model can be
achieved by employing technical barriers.
Researchers can contribute to advancing the field of
AI, ensuring that future systems are secure, transpar-
ent, interpretable, and aligned with ethical principles,
and continuing future research and development av-
enues. Directions for future work may include:
Contextual Explainability: Considering con-
textual explainability, where the level of inter-
pretability is adapted based on the context and
Low Data Variation
High Data Variation
Feature Value
Feature Value
Feature Index
Feature Index
Figure 3: High Explainability visualization. A density plot
shows the training data features and the input features are
printed as dots in the foreground.
sensitivity of the data involved, would help to pro-
tect data while still providing a high level of secu-
rity. Such approaches could dynamically adjust
the trade-off between privacy and interpretability,
depending on the specific requirements of differ-
ent applications.
User-Controllable Explainability: Investigation
of systems that allow users to control the level of
explainability, e.g., low, medium, or high explain-
ability in our scenario. Users might have varying
preferences for transparency, thus, providing a set
of explainability options can help balance explain-
ability with privacy.
Education and Awareness: From a user perspec-
tive, fostering education and awareness regarding
the trade-offs between explainability and privacy
would improve the understanding of secure envi-
ronments. Teaching may involve training AI prac-
titioners, policymakers, and the general public to
understand the challenges and potential solutions
in navigating the delicate balance between these
Privacy-Preserving Explainability Techniques:
The development and optimization of explainabil-
ity methods while using privacy-preserving tech-
nologies, e.g., HE, multi-party computation, or
differential privacy. When input data are en-
crypted, the predictive AI computation must be
performed homomorphically encrypted, therefore
also the explainability method, which has not
been addressed enough so far.
Navigating the Trade-Off Between Explainability and Privacy
This position paper addresses the interplay between
explainability, security, and privacy in AI environ-
ments. In conclusion, our use case of an explainability
visualization dashboard for a predictive maintenance
application has illuminated the efficacy of medium
explainability, striking a meaningful compromise be-
tween providing users with interpretable insights and
fortifying the model. These learnings contribute to
the ongoing discourse surrounding the delicate bal-
ance required in navigating the realms of explainabil-
ity and privacy in AI, providing practical implications
for future implementations and emphasizing the need
for tailored approaches in different contexts.
This work was conducted within the project SMiLe
(No. 4109009) funded by the ’ICT of the Future’ pro-
gram by the Federal Ministry of the Republic of Aus-
tria for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobil-
ity, Innovation and Technology. VRVis is funded by
BMK, BMDW, Styria, SFG, Tyrol, and Vienna Busi-
ness Agency in the scope of COMET (No. 879730),
which is managed by FFG.
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Navigating the Trade-Off Between Explainability and Privacy