proximately 1/60th of the time required for the MPyC
implementation. Based on this estimation, it is rec-
ommended to utilize MP-SPDZ for future implemen-
tations and optimizations.
In our work we present the preliminary evaluation
of two privacy preserving fingerprint matchers. The
first is FingerCode, a matcher based on feature vector
comparison. As expected the matcher was simple to
implement with MPC and achieved a fast execution
time of 45ms per 1:1 fingerprint comparison. How-
ever, the matcher showed poor accuracy results and is
thus not applicable for real-world deployment.
While researchers are actively exploring machine
learning-based FingerCode extraction and more ac-
curate results can be expected in the future, the ma-
jority of matchers currently favor minutiae-based ap-
proaches due to their superior accuracy. This is why
we focused mainly on the encryption of minutiae-
based fingerprint matchers in our research.
The second matcher we implemented was
SourceAFIS, a minutiae-based fingerprint matcher
with very good matching accuracy. Our prelimi-
nary evaluation estimated that we are not only able
to implement a working minutiae-based fingerprint
matcher with MPC but also improve the execution
time from 3 hours to 7 seconds.
In the future we plan optimizations regarding par-
allelization and exploitation of techniques to speedup
the MPC implementation. We are also working on a
full implementation in MP-SPDZ to fully leverage the
potential of our optimizations. Finally, we are study-
ing the leakage of our trade-off in detail as well as
additional measures to further reduce it, e.g., by edge
and vertex permutations.
The work was partially funded by the Austrian Se-
curity Research Programme KIRAS of the Federal
Ministry of Finance via grant agreement no. 905287
(”PASSENGER”) and from the European Union’s
Horizon Europe Programme via grant agreement no.
101073821 (”SUNRISE”). Views and opinions ex-
pressed are however those of the author(s) only and
do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union
or the European Research Executive Agency. Neither
the European Union nor the granting authority can be
held responsible for them.
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ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy