For every example, the LLM could reason and in-
fer the task to be performed, defining a plan of action
to achieve it. This showed the potential of LLMs as
reasoning and planning mechanisms in ad hoc envi-
For future works, we intend to adjust the prompt to
prevent the LLM from ’cheating,’ which is adjusting
the functionalities to address unanticipated tasks that
are not entirely equivalent. We also want to include
more complex scenarios and more examples, espe-
cially the ones in real-world settings, receiving data
from different sensors (cameras and microphones)
and connecting the tools to the robot operating sys-
tem so that it can actually perform the actions.
This work was partially funded by the National Coun-
cil for Scientific and Technological Development
(CNPQ), under grant number 141809/2020-5. In ad-
dition, this material is based upon work supported
by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under
award number FA9550-22-1-0475.
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