In this paper, we have presented a novel approach to
planning a table-clearing task for a mobile manipula-
tor, in a setup with external cameras and a robot cam-
era. We first model the scene in a world model us-
ing the information from the external cameras. Based
on the world model, we use dynamic programming
to plan an sequence of bases poses and grasp choices
which minimize the overall execution time. Evalu-
ating the approach on 25 different scenes and com-
paring it to two baseline methods shows that our ap-
proach computes plans with a 33% lower execution
cost than the heuristic-based baseline and 40% lower
than the naive approach. Limitations of our approach,
which should be addressed in future work, include the
cost computation time and including objects’ geome-
try in the planning, to avoid collisions between ob-
jects when removing them from the table.
This work is funded by the Innovation Fund Denmark
through the FacilityCobot project. The authors would
also like to thank the I4.0 lab of The University of
Southern Denmark for lending us the robot used in
this work.
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Planning Base Poses and Object Grasp Choices for Table-Clearing Tasks Using Dynamic Programming